The flames grew a deep red, a piece of paper with a name appearing from its smoke, "The Durmstrang champion is... Victor Krum!" Dumbeldore shouted as the hall filled with applause. He got up from where he was sitting, and walked towards Dumbeldore, giving Daisy a weak smile as he walked past. He shook Dumbledore's hand and walked into the room in the back of the hall.
"Think he'll win?" George whispered in her ear.
"That depends on who the other champions are."
"The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!" The hall once again filled with cheers, and a beautiful blonde glided to shake Dumbledore's hand and go to the same room Krum had gone to.
"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!" The hall was the loudest for him. Daisy felt the beginnings of a pit in her stomach when she saw her brother smile through the hall, shaking Dumbledore's hand and follow the same path as Victor and Fleur.
"He'll be alright, Rosie," Fred smiled at her.
"He's our golden boy, what's the worst that can happen?" George added, still applauding for Cedric.
Dumbeldore began again, "Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the triwizard cup!"
The cup erupted in flames again, spitting out a 4th name. Confused whispers filled the hall, no one was prepared for another champion, "Harry Potter..." Dumbeldore mumbled, everyone was outraged. He wasn't old enough, there was already a Hogwarts champion. Harry slowly got up and walked towards Dumbeldore, who didn't shake his hand. You could hear a pin drop.
Dumbeldore was about to follow Harry into the room when the goblets fire glowed for the 5th time, and spit out another name.
"Another one?" Fred said under his breath.
"Who could it be this time?" George continued.
"This is ridiculous," Daisy added.
Dumbeldore grabbed the piece of paper from the air, his mad expression turned to one of confusion and sadness.
"Another Hogwarts champion..." He began, the students from Drumstrang and Beauxbatons were upset, they booed but Dumbeldore waved a hand to silence them. He looked towards the Gryffindor table, where Daisy, Fred and George were sitting.
"Daisy Diggory."
She was frozen. She couldn't hear very much noise, either that or no one was saying anything.
How could this have happened? She hadn't entered her name, and there were already champions.
She didn't realize how long she had been sitting there while everyone waited until George poked her side.
Fred had done this.
He put in two names.
Only one of them wasn't accepted.
She stood up, her face white with fear, on the verge of something she couldn't describe other than breaking, "Fred... Was this your doing?"
"I- I'm sorry Daisy..." He began, "I didn't think it'd actually work..."
"Fred you idiot," George snarled at his twin.
Daisy had shown no emotion as she stood, white noise filled her ears as she walked down the middle of the hall to the room where the other champions waited.
When she walked in Cedrics smile faded, "Daisy?" She was silent and he wrapped her in a tight hug, a few tears escaping her eyes. He knew she didn't want this.
Dumbeldore had questioned the both of them, he had no idea how this had happened, and they were just as clueless as the rest. She knew how her name had gotten entered, but she didn't know why it was picked.
She didn't listen to much else of what was said, which was mostly bickering by the professors. Her and Harry walked together back to the Gryffindor common room. They weren't as close as she was with the twins, but she considered him a friend.
"You put your name in?" She said, still looking forward and walking down the hall.
"No," He said plainly, probably still in shock he got picked.
She didn't respond.
"You believe me?" He asked her, trying to fill the silence.
"Doesn't seem like something you'd do. I'm pretty good at reading people, you seem to be in about as much shock as I am."
"So you didn't put your name in either?" He asked her as they turned they approached the painting that served as the door to the Gryffindor common room.
"Nope," she began, Harry whispered the password and the door swung open, "but I know exactly who did," She stepped up into the corridor and walked out the other side, to see Fred pacing anxiously and George sitting on one of the chairs.
"Daisy," Fred called as soon as he saw her walk in, George looked up from whatever he was fiddling with, a sympathetic look on his face, "before you get all mad at me, I wanted to-"
"Before I get mad?" She scoffed, "You think I'm not already mad? I'm FURIOUS Freddie! You knew I didn't want to enter, and you entered me anyway."
"I didn't think you'd actually get picked! Or that it would work! How was I supposed to know that?"
"By using your brain!" She was more upset now then she was earlier, "You use it for all those stupid pranks, didn't save enough braincells for some common sense, did you?"
The whole common room was looking at them now, "Look Daisy, I'm real sorry, but look at this opportunity you've got. Think of what you could-"
She cut him off with a sharp slap across his face, he stood still, shocked, one of his hands resting on the red mark she had left, "Screw you, Fred." She turned away and ran up the stairs to her dorm room, leaving the common room in silence.
"I told you it was a bad idea, Freddie."
"Oh shut it, George."
Daisy didn't say anything to Ginny or Hermoine when she came in the room to see them quietly talking.
"Are you alright, Daisy?" Hermoine had asked, her and Ginny both looking at Daisy.
"No, I'm not," She replied, flopping on her bed and staring at the ceiling.
"Want to talk about it?" Ginny said.
"I didn't put my name in," Was all she said.
"We know," Hermoine replied, "The boys do too. We all know you didn't want to be in the tournament."
"Fred put my name in," She said, the world beginning to spin.
"That little- do you want us to do him in?" Ginny said, cracking her knuckles.
"Already did that myself, but thanks for the offer."
"Of course you did," Hermoine laughed, "serves him right."
Daisy silently pulled off her shoes and the rest of her uniform as she put her pajamas on. Reality hadn't hit her yet. She was mad at Fred, of course, that she knew. But it hadn't set in that she'd have to compete in this tournament, risk her life for some title she couldn't care less about.
Then she remembered Cedric. She'd have to compete against him. She didn't want to, Daisy wanted to see him win.
"Moine?" Daisy said.
"Mhm?" She replied, not looking up from a book she was reading.
"Is there any way to withdraw from the tournament?" If anyone would have the answer she was looking for, it'd be Hermoine.
"Me and Ginny stopped by the library as soon as dinner was over to pick up all the books we could find on the tournament. There wasn't much, but none of it said anything about not doing it once you've been selected.
"Worth a try," Daisy sighed and turned on her side in a ball, trying to put her mind to rest so she could sleep. She'd wish for another dream like she'd had on the train. One where she was with George, and he was telling her it'd all be ok.
But what she got was the farthest thing from what she wanted. She was in the middle of a long corridor, walls made from hedges, she was alone except for Cedric, who stood beside her. At the end of the corridor, there was a very bright light, at the right angle, she could see it was the goblet, sitting on a platform.
Cedric spoke, but it was inaudible. She tried to read his lips, all she got was "together." He outstretched his hand, and she took it. They walked slowly towards the goblet, they weren't walking for very long before she felt Cedric drop her hand. When she turned to look at him, what she saw was terrible.
He had fallen to the ground, lifeless. His skin held a gray-green color, his eyes wide open but unmoving. She fell by the ground to his side, holding his lifeless body in her arms, tears streaming down her face as she screamed.
She only looked up for a second, but when she did she saw a man walking away from them, his back to Daisy. He was tall, his long black robes brushed along the ground. He had no hair, and his skin was gray.
Daisy's dream faded and she shot up in a cold sweat. She quickly realized she was still in her dorm, and Hermoine and Ginny were asleep in their beds. She held her head in hands, trying to keep her cries as silent as possible, not wanting to wake up her roommates. Seeing her brother die was something she never thought she'd have to witness.
She glanced at the small alarm clock that sat on her bed, it read 1:32 AM. She didn't have much of a thought process right now, except that she didn't want to be alone. Daisy quietly slipped on a pair of slippers and walked out of her room and down the stairs, across the common room and down another hallway, and stopped and knocked on the door of a different dorm room.
"What time is it?" The boy yawned as he opened his door, "Daisy?" He saw the red streaks on her face.
"It's 1:32... Sorry to bother you." She took his appearance in. His red hair was a mess, tired eyes and what she imagined his morning voice would sound like. He wore his quidditch shorts and no shirt, she stopped herself from looking.
"No it's alright," George said, coming into the hallway and closing the door behind him, their bodies were close in the tight hallway, "what's wrong?"
"I just..." She began, a single tear falling down her cheek. She looked away from his eyes and down to her feet. She took a deep breath and composed herself, "I had the worst dream." She shrunk against the wall, putting her head between her knees.
"Do you want to talk about it?" George asked, awkwardly doing the same as she had across from her, his long legs cramped in the small space.
"Not really. I just didn't want to be alone."
"You'll never be alone long as I'm here, Diggory," He placed his hand on hers, and she held onto it.
"I'm scared, Georgie. I can't do this," her voice turned to a cry, "I'm not brave enough."
"Daisy you're one of the bravest people I know," he pulled her chin up so she was looking at him, "There's nothing you can't do."
"You really think so?" She laughed in between her tears.
"Think so? I know it. So does Freddie and he'd tell you that, but I don't think you're in the mood to talk to him."
"Thank you," she said, her hand still holding his and his other hand still on her chin, "I don't know what to say..." she wiped the tears from her face, but didn't move George's hand, she smiled at him.
"Then don't say anything," a mischievous smirk took over his face as he leaned in and kissed her. She didn't hesitate to kiss him back, their lips moving together in perfect harmony. It was short and sweet, and when they pulled away she knew it'd hadn't been a mistake, "wicked," he smiled.
Daisy stood up, a proud smile on her face, "night, George," she began to walk down the hallway.
"Just gonna leave me hanging like that?" He called down the hall, she just smiled and didn't respond when he laughed and said, "goodnight, Angel."
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