Chapter 4: Secret for a Secret

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It'd been about 2 months since they'd settled into their year at hogwarts. During their dinner on the first night, Dumbledore had mentioned how to submit themselves into the Triwizard tournament. They simply needed to drop their name into the goblet of fire, and it would be entered into the selection.

"So Daisy," Fred had said one day, as they walked the campus.

"Fred and I have found a way to enter the tournament," George continued.

"Care to tell me how you managed that?" Daisy asked, as they turned into the great hall. Many students sat in the chairs that surrounded the goblet of fire, watching as people entered, cheering when they were accepted.

"Why don't we just show you," The trio walked towards the end of the hall, when the twins each pulled a vial of questionable liquid out of their robes.

"Oh bloody hell," Daisy laughed under her breath.

"It's not going to work." Hermoine commented, her head not coming up from the book she was reading.

"Oh yeah? And why's that Granger?" Fred asked, slightly offended.

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself," she fired back, pointing to the dusty line surrounding the goblet.


"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion."

"That's why it's so brilliant," George laughed, "Ready Fred?"

"Ready, George."

"Bottoms up," They said in unison, drinking their potions and jumping over the line, followed by a lot of applause. She watched as they put their names in, Fred seemed to have two pieces of paper in his hand, she assumed he wanted to enter his name twice, better chances that way.

Better yet, the goblet didn't accept their names, and blew them back, when they sat up, they had both easily aged 50 years, due to the questionable logic that surrounded their potions. She watched as they began to fight with each other, and eventually were taken to the hospital wing to get the effects of the potion wiped.

She'd told them she knew it wouldn't accept their names, George went on about how Fred had probably messed up one of the ingredients and Fred only winked at her, muttering under his breath how it had accepted one of his papers.

Daisy had fallen into a simple routine, she'd wake up at 7, get dressed and head down to the great hall for breakfast at 7:30, where she'd meet Fred and George. They'd take their time at breakfast, usually at the great hall for well over an hour eating, talking to their friends, or catching up on homework they didn't do. After they ate, she and her boys would walk through the castle to their 9 am class, potions with Professor Snape.

"Why do you think Snape hates us so much?" Fred was thinking out loud, walking down the stairs to the dungeon where their classroom was, "the gryffindors, I mean."

"Dunno... maybe someone broke his heart," Daisy commented, not really paying attention.

"That's dumb," Fred said, "Potter probably did something."

"Maybe he's just house-ist," George added.

"Yeah, cause that makes so much sense, Georgie," Fred laughed.

After the nightmare that was potions, she would walk by herself to care of magical creatures, she didn't have that class with Fred and George, but Cedric was there so she got to spend some time with him. That was her favorite class, she loved seeing all the magical animals.

After that they had a lunch break, where she would once again go to the great hall and meet the boys, but if they could, they'd sneak away to hogsmead.

After lunch she had one more class, herbology. She didn't feel one way or another about it. But Fred and George had taken a particular interest for.... Well for reasons we don't need to talk about right now.

She'd successfully kept her crush on George a secret. At least she thought she did, no one had told her they knew, although Ginny and Hermoine were still trying to get her to spill. Daisy had remained silent though, she was quite proud of herself.

One thing she was not proud of is the time she had spent with Victor Krum. Obviously she didn't like him, she only had eyes for George. She had planned on avoiding him after their short interaction on the first night at Hogwarts. Clearly her attempts had failed. When Fred and George were busy planning a prank that didn't involve her or were hanging out by themselves, Krum had an easy time finding her and spending time with her.

George did NOT like this.

He often saw them, walking together or sitting near the lake, just talking. He had a bad feeling about her "friendship" with Krum, but he trusted her to tell him if something was up.

During their encounters, Victor and Daisy would talk about nothing in particular. They came from very different backgrounds, so they mostly just asked each other questions. Daisy wasn't obsessed with Victor, she didn't care about his fame, he liked that about her.

"What's it like to be here all the time?" he had asked her while they sat near the lake, "I know I've been here for a while, but you've been here for so much longer."

"It's not too different from what you've experienced. I spend most of my time with Fred and George."

"Those are the twins, yes?" He asked, a thick bulgarian accent covering his voice.

"Yeah, they get into a lot of trouble, someone has to help them out of it, I suppose."

"You do?"

"I do when I can. My family is quite close with theirs, I always promise Mrs.Weasley I'll look after them."

"That's very nice of you."

"I try."

He placed a hand on hers, "I really like talking to you, Daisy."

"I like talking to you too."

Daisy didn't know it, but George had seen them and stopped to watch, he was still there while this was happening, his gaze was focused.

"I'm really sorry to tell you though," Daisy began, pulling her hand away from his, "I think you might've taken our friendship for something else."

George smiled brightly.

Krum was upset, but calm, "I understand, have a nice day, Daisy." He stood up and walked away, leaving Daisy by herself by the lake. She sat quietly, not moving, thinking to herself.

Did she just make the right decision? Victor was very nice, she enjoyed talking to him. Plus he was interested in her. Was it worth it to wait around for George when she didn't know if he was interested or not? Her thoughts were interrupted.

"Need some company?" She turned around and saw George. He had on the school's uniform, straight black pants and a white button up with their house tie, and a gray sweater over it. His fiery hair fell slightly over his face, the rest of it draped over his shoulders, "You look like you could use it," no matter what he wore he still looked amazing.

"Now that you mention it, I could use some company," She smiled weakly at him, he took the place Krum had sat only minutes before.

"You've got something on your mind," it was more of an observation than a question, "wanna share?"

"I don't know..." her sentence trailed off.

"Secret for a secret?" George proposed, Daisy's eyes widened.

"You go first."

"Now that's not how this works," he wagged his finger at her, "you're the sad one, you go first."

"Well..." She began, "I thought I knew where I stood with someone, but now they've gone and confused me. You see, I like this guy, I don't think he likes me. And now someone else has taken an interest in me, only I don't like them. I probably could, but I don't."

She hadn't realized how worked up spewing her feelings had gotten her, her eyes grew red, a single tear was shed.

"Hey, hey, hey..." George moved closer to her, "it's alright..." he away wiped the cheer that rolled down her cheek, his hand lingering on the side of her face for a moment, "do me and Freddie need to go after the git?"

He always knew how to make her laugh, "don't be ridiculous, Georgie, it's no big deal." He pulled his hand away from her face, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her, and they sat there in silence until one of them gained the courage to speak.

"Would you like to hear my secret?" George said, she didn't respond, but he could feel her nod in the crook of his neck, "right. Well, I like this girl. I always thought that I never stood a chance, but I feel my luck may be turning. I should probably tell her, but I think I'll wait a bit."

"She's a lucky girl," was all Daisy said, her heart beat racing, finally putting together the pieces.

"She's something special too. She's got these eyes, and this hair. She's just so... wow. Gives me butterflies, I'll tell you. And you know me, I don't get butterflies," He sounded so peaceful as he spoke, he was in bliss.

"Think she likes you?"

"I don't know. I really thought she didn't, but things keep happening. Little things, though."

"Like what?"

"Like I'll be with her, right?" She nodded, showing she was following, "I'll catch her looking at me, she'll look away. She laughs way too hard at my jokes that aren't very funny. Tries to walk or stand next to me when we're in a group."

"Do I get to know who this lucky girl is?" Daisy asked, hoping he'd tell her right then and there how he felt.

"Not yet, you'll know when she knows," he said in no particular tone, his eyes trained on the lake, but his lips formed a smile.

They sat in silence for a bit longer, until it got cold and dark. They decided to head to the common room, where they spotted Fred and Lee laughing at each other and eating some questionable candy.

"We should probably head to dinner soon, I wanna get there before all the good stuff is gone," Lee suggested, they headed to the great hall.

As they walked in, Dumbeldore interrupted the conversations, "Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!"

Oohs and ahhs filled the crowd as the goblet lit up, spitting the first name out.

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