Chapter 25: Into The Maze

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Before Daisy knew it, it was time for the third task. It would be happening in two days, on Saturday. Daisy couldn't attend her classes that day, she was far too nervous. They hadn't been informed of what it was, or what they would need. That alone was terrifying.

"Relax, Rosie," Fred scolded her as she paced in the common room that Thursday night, "everything will be fine."

"You don't know that, Freddie," Daisy said back, continuing her pacing.

"What I do know is you'll drive us all mad if you don't stop that soon," Lee added, looking to George to help them.

He sighed, "They're right, Diggory," George stood up and put his hands on her shoulders, holding her still. If he weren't so strong she probably could've escaped his grip, "what good is this doing you?"

She rolled her eyes at him and flopped on the couch, "I dunno, but it's better than doing nothing."

"The task has you this stressed?" George asked her, sitting down softly next to her, she gave him a look, and he knew it was something else, "We both know that isn't true. What else?"

"Remember that dream I had the night I got selected, the one about Cedric?" Daisy asked him, a sad look on her face.

"I do, what about it?" George asked. Fred and Lee thought it was a private conversation and made themselves scarce.

"I can't stop thinking about it," she admitted, rubbing her face, "I can't sleep either, I'm scared."

"Oh, Angel," George sighed, wrapping his arms around her, "there's nothing to be scared for. You'll be ok, so will Cedric."

"You think so?"

"Of course I do," he assured her, "it's getting late, why don't you try to get some sleep?"

She nodded in response and kissed him softly, "goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, Angel."

Daisy was in for another sleepless night, followed by a day even more stressful than the last. Before she knew it, she was in her bed on Friday night, finally sleeping. She was far too tired for her mind to think, and she knew the only way she would survive the next day would be if she slept.

"Daisy!" Ginny shook her awake Saturday morning.

"What?" Daisy rubbed her eyes, realizing it was the day of the final task.

"We've got to get going, do you have what you need?" Hermione added, lacing up her shoes.

"Yeah, I'll be down," Daisy rolled out of bed and got dressed, meeting the girls in the common room where they walked to the great hall for breakfast. It was all a blur to Daisy, and before she knew it her mother and father were wishing her and Cedric good luck, saying how they were so proud of them.

"Daisy," Cedric began as they waited to enter the maze, "I don't know what's going to happen in there..."

"Don't talk like that, Ced," Daisy interrupted him, "it's gonna be ok."

"I know," He continued, "but in case it isn't I wanted to talk to you first."

"You're gonna make me all worried."

"You don't need to. I just wanted to tell you that there isn't anyone else I would want as a sister, or my best friend."

She smiled softly at him, "I love you, Ced."

"I love you too, Daisy," he smiled softly at her and pulled her into a hug. Daisy got a bad feeling again.

Dumbeldore began talking, but Daisy couldn't pay attention long enough to hear what he was saying. She locked eyes with George in the crowd, who smiled at her and gave her two thumbs up. She smiled back, and before she knew what was happening she was in the maze.

Wand at the ready, she walked cautiously. She might've been there 5 minutes, or 10, or 20. Or maybe it'd been hours and days, she couldn't tell anymore. She took turn after turn, not seeing anyone or anything she should be afraid of.

That was until she saw a very angry Victor Krum charge at her. She didn't know what to do, why was he chasing her? She backed away slowly trying to talk to him, "Victor, are you alright?"

He didn't speak back, just continued moving towards her, backing her into a corner. She tried to stupefy him, but it was no use, he easily deflected the spell, and shot one of his own back at her. She didn't have the time to react, and a cut opened on her forearm.

Daisy let out a scream, which she was sure could be heard to the crowd. She panicked, and sent out a red light into the sky before she collapsed. Victor Krum continued his advancement, but was stunned by someone else.

Daisy saw Professor Snape step over Krum, who was now on the ground, and make his way towards Daisy. She passed out, but woke up in the stadium, being carried by Snape to the nurse.

"Are you alright, dear?" the nurse spoke softly to her as Snape set her down.

"Krum attacked me," Daisy mumbled.

"We're aware of Mr. Krums state," Snape spoke in an unsettling voice, "he is still in the maze with Mr.Potter and Mr.Diggory."

"You left Cedric in there with him?" Daisy spoke louder now, angrier, "Krum could kill him!"

"Your brother is a very talented wizard," Someone else spoke now. Professor McGonagall, "he can hold his own against Mr.Krum."

"Daisy!" She heard someone yell from behind her. Of course, it was George, "are you alright?"

He seemed panicked, "I'm alright, my love," she assured him, "just a little banged up is all."

He let out a sigh of relief, "You scared me there. Fleur came back a while ago, said Krum attacked her," she looked over to where Fleur sat. She didn't look as composed as normal, she was shaky and confused.

"Is she alright?" Daisy asked, looking to the nurse who was tending to her wound.

"She's ok, dear," she assured her, not looking up from what she was doing, "a little dazed, but ok."

Daisy was only relieved for a moment, loud music started from behind her, which scared her half to death. She turned to see Harry lying on the ground, the cup next to him. She sighed in relief, it was over. It was all finally over.

Her worry returned when she felt George's arms around her and noticed that Harry was sobbing, looming over someone.

She prayed that it was Krum who was on the ground, but it wasn't.


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