Chapter 24: A Prank With An Unusual Outcome

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February faded to March, and then March to April. For once, not much in the life of Daisy Diggory had changed. She went to class, she studied for her exams, she hung out with Lee, Fred, and George, most of all George. They had their stolen moments, when Fred and Lee went on their own dates.

Most of all, Daisy spent a lot of time with Cedric. She missed her brother more than anything in the world. Due to the chaos of the tournament along with their school work and social lives, she felt like they were living in separate worlds.

"Cedric," Daisy spoke one day during lunch when she found him at the hufflepuff table by himself.

"Daisy!" Cedric smiled when he saw his sister, "Merlin, I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever."

"That's because you haven't," she joked, "how have you been?"

"Sorry, I've been busy," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, "you see, I've been meaning to talk to you about-"

"Cho?" Daisy cut him off. He looked up at her, a bit taken aback.

"How'd you know?"

"I'm not an idiot, Ced. She was at the bottom of the lake."

"She was, wasn't she," Cedric laughed, "well, what do you think of her?"

What did Daisy think of her? She'd never had a proper conversation with Cho Chang, she hardly knew anything about her. She was in Ravenclaw, the same year as Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Daisy was pretty sure Cho was Scottish, but not 100%.

"Seems nice," was all Daisy could say. That didn't seem to be satisfactory for Cedric, "what do you want me to say I've never had a conversation with her."

"Do you want to?" his face lit up.

"Oh Cedric I never said-"

"Cho!" Cedric called across the great hall to his girlfriend, who had just walked in. She looked in the direction of Cedric, who she easily found as he was waving his arms like a maniac. When their eyes met Cho smiled, it made Daisy happy. She wondered if that's what she looked like when George called out to her.

"Hi!" Cho said happily once she approached, "I'm Cho," she stuck out a hand to Daisy.

Daisy smiled back and shook her hand, "I'm Daisy, Cedric's sister."

"So I've been told," she giggled, "sorry we've never had the opportunity to talk, I'm sure you've been just as busy as Cedric."

"Oh no I'm the one who should be sorry," Daisy smiled. This was going better than she expected, "I haven't seen Cedric much so I haven't got the opportunity to meet you."

"Well we're making up for it now, right?" Cho winked as she sat down next to Daisy. The trio enjoyed a peaceful lunch together. Cedric smiled at them the whole time, he was so happy that Daisy and Cho got along. Cho had to run off to class pretty quickly, so they only got to talk for a bit.

"Now what do you think of her?" Cedric asked once Cho left.

"She's very sweet, Ced," Daisy smiled, which seemed to relieve some of the tension in his shoulders, "so why is she dating you?"

"Hey!" He scolded, pushing her shoulder, "rude!"

"I'm only joking," she smiled. And she was. Aside from Fred and George, Cedric was her favorite person. Daisy was so happy he had found someone he was so fond of, and was so fond of him, "you like her a lot?"

"I think I do," he smiled at her, "I haven't known her long but we sorta just... clicked."

She smiled softly, "I'm happy for you."

"Shouldn't I be the one happy for you, you're finally dating George Weasley!"

"I am, aren't I?" she laughed.

"Took you two long enough, feel like you've liked him since first year."

"Now that was rude."

"What?" He laughed at her, "You know me and Fred had a bet as to whether you two would get together or not?"

She nearly spit out her pumpkin juice, "you did?"

"Yeah, Fred didn't think George had the courage. I knew you did though," Cedric smiled, "owes me a sickle."

"I'm glad I could get you a sickle, then," Daisy laughed.

"Do I need to have the overprotective big brother conversation with him?" Cedric raised an eyebrow at her, "I could do that, if you'd like."

"We're twins."

"I'm older," He added, Daisy rolled her eyes, "older by 5 minutes, to be exact."

"You don't need to talk to George, though," she pondered his offer, "unless you think you do, it'd be a bit funny, don't you think?"

"You're not thinking what I am, are you?" Cedric looked around the room, spotting the twins at the Gryffindor table.

"Oh common, Ced," Daisy smiled, "how long has it been since we pranked the Weasley twins?"

"Far too long," he smiled, "what act am I playing?"

"How about..." Daisy rested her head on her knuckles, "unapproving?"

"Perfect!" Cedric laughed, before quickly gaining his composure, "follow my lead."

Daisy knew Cedric liked to take charge, even though she was much better at pranking (due to all her time spent with her boys) she let him go ahead with it. Cedric got up and Daisy followed as they made their way to the Gryffindor table, where Fred and George immediately noticed them.

"Hey, Angel," George smiled softly at her, before quickly remembering Cedric was there, due to Fred jabbing him in the side, "Hello Cedric," he nodded at him.

Daisy could barely contain her laughter when Cedric said, "do you think I could speak to you outside for a moment, George?"

"Uh, yeah sure," he quickly became confused, looking to Daisy for reassurance, she pretended to be just as confused as George and shrugged her shoulders, "I'll be back in a minute."

Cedric didn't wait for George to get up and began to walk out of the Great Hall, leaving George to scramble after him. Daisy, once again, had to contain her laughter.

"Everything alright?" Fred asked once Daisy sat down in George's seat.

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Cause you've got the same look on your face that you did after we set off some dung bombs in Filch's office."

"I do not," Daisy protested, putting her bag on the floor under the bench.

"What, you and Cedric are trying to prank my brother, Thought you knew better then that," He smirked to himself. Fred was always a little too confident in himself.

"And I thought you knew better than to give Lee hickeys where we could all see them," Daisy responded with a laugh, gesturing towards the dark purple spot near Lee's collar bone, if his shirt fit him correctly Daisy probably wouldn't have noticed.

Fred's face grew the same color as his hair as he quickly focused on his lunch and Lee nearly choked on his pumpkin juice. This earned a few giggles from Hermione, and caused Ginny to burst out laughing, as she was listening to the conversation.

Out of the corner of her eye, Daisy saw a very smug Cedric walk back to the hufflepuff table, he winked at her which she took as a single that he had done his part. Shortly after, George walked in. He had a very odd expression, some mix between sadness and anger, she couldn't decide which.

"What'd Cedric say?" Fred whispered as he saw George approaching the table.

"You're guess is as good as mine," Daisy huffed, looking towards her boyfriend.

"Everything alright, Georgie?" Daisy batted her eyelashes at him innocently as he approached.

He was breathing heavily, squeezing his fists tightly. She could tell whatever Cedric said had really ticked him off, "yeah, fine."

George sat down next to Daisy and didn't say much until they had left, when they were in the hallway just the two of them.

"I love you, Diggory, you know that, right?" George said bluntly, holding her hand tightly.

"Of course, Georgie," she smiled at him softly, "I love you too," she placed a soft kiss on his lips. She didn't know if it was her anger or his confusion, but George quickly made it into something more, he pushed her against the wall, making sure that she didn't hit her head, and kissed her like he wouldn't ever get to do it again. His hands roamed her body, like it was different than the last time he saw it.

Daisy pulled away after a while, a bit out of breath, "I'm not complaining or anything, but are you alright?"

"I just want to be enough for you," he couldn't meet her eyes.

"Enough for me?" Daisy spoke quietly, lifting up his chin so that he looked her in the eyes, "you are everything."

He didn't respond, he only wrapped his arms around her tightly, as if it was the last time it would ever happen again.

"Does this have anything to do with what Cedric said?" she asked him, Daisy could feel his heart beating rapidly.

"He's your brother," George began, tracing circles on her back, "he doesn't necessarily scare me, but he cares about you a lot."

She let out a soft laugh as she began to talk, "so you think you're not enough for me because my brother's overprotective?"

"Sounds silly when you put it that way..." he chuckled, pulling away from her so that he could look into her eyes, "I just want to be everything for you. I wanna be there when you're so sad you feel like nothing matters anymore."

Daisy could feel tears forming in her eyes, but George continued to speak, "and when you're so happy you feel like you can run a marathon."

"You are absolutely perfect," Daisy smiled at him, "you're everything to me, never forget it," she placed a kiss on the tip of his nose and he pulled her into another hug. She could stay in his arms forever and never mind.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell George it was a prank," Daisy suggested to Cedric when she saw him the next day, "he was really upset."

"Oh, I didn't mean to rattle him all that much," he sounded surprised, "I'm sorry I didn't know it would have that effect on him."

"Would you mind apologizing to him?" Daisy spoke softly, "I don't want any bad blood between the two of you."

"Of course," Cedric smiled at her as he saw George was near, somehow without Fred, "hold on," he walked over to George.

Daisy couldn't hear what was happening, but she saw Cedric speak a very short sentence, to which George replied with a light chuckle. Daisy smiled at them, glad the boys in her life got along.

"Diggory," George smiled at her.

She smiled back, "hello, my love."

They sat peacefully in the courtyard, discussing the next prank the twins were planning. Daisy told him that it was a terrible idea to prank Snape, but George assured her they wouldn't get caught.

If there were two things that Daisy concluded from her and Cedrics prank, one was that George Weasley was simply the most perfect person to ever exist in the history of everything.

Cause he was, right?

Oh, and that him being upset was really hot.

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