"So how'd it feel?" Lee asked excitedly when the quiet common room quickly became a booming party scene.
"How'd what feel?" Daisy laughed, only cringing slightly at the pain that shot through the cut on her cheek, but George had done a nice job stitching her up.
"The fire!" He laughed, standing up dramatically and nearly spilling his butterbear everywhere, "You were surrounded by it, that's gotta be weird."
"It was..." Daisy pondered for the right word, "hot," she laughed to herself.
"How descriptive," Fred mocked her.
"Well what do you want me to say? It was very hot."
"Well you can't give us anything more than that?" George asked, secretly putting an arm around her waist. In the darkness no one else could see, but Daisy noticed right away, her face grew red.
"I wasn't really paying too much attention to the fire. Ya know, more focused on the fact that there was a dragon trying to eat me and I needed to get to the egg so I didn't die."
"Fair enough," the twins stated, and decided to go back to partying. Daisy had gone over to talk to Hermoine and Ginny, which was always interesting. Ginny was trying to get Hermoine to dance with her but she was too focused on the new book she was reading, something about witches and wizards of the past.
"Dance with me," George whispered in Daisys ear from behind her.
She turned to face him, and he had a devilish glint in his eye, "Dance with you?" He only nodded at her, "is that against the rules?"
"Oh we're at a party, dancing as nothing more than friends," He responded, Daisy only raised an eyebrow at him, "friends can dance, can't they?"
"I suppose we could," Daisy began, a childish grin grew on George's face, "but you've got to put on some muggle music, like that one band your dad showed us."
"Which one?"
"Abba, I think that's what it was called..."
"They're my favorite," he smiled, "I'll have Fred put something on next," with that he ran away to find his twin, and Daisy turned back to continue her conversation with her friends. Only a minute or so later she heard the beginning of a new song, and she felt someone pull her into the middle of the crowd.
"George Weasley, what are you playing at," Daisy laughed when she turned to face the familiar redhead.
"You said you'd dance with me, didn't you?" He kept her hand in his and spun her around, making her giggle, "I even got your favorite music."
Daisy had to admit it, George did seem to be able to get what he wanted.
The words of the energetic song fueled their dancing and they spun around forever, she didn't think she'd ever been so happy in her whole life.
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away.
George's hands moved from her own to her waist, Daisy dangled her hands over his shoulders and stared blissfully into his eyes.
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight, take me through the darkness to the break of the day.
She could feel people looking at them. Everyone knew how close she was with the twins, but no one suspected anything going on between her and one of them. In the darkness, no one could tell which twin she was dancing with, but they were unmistakable.
The mosh pit slowly dispersed as the songs ended and the night dwindled away. Eventually she had to let go of her hold on George, which she hated but she knew that wouldn't be the last of it.
Everyone had expected McGonagall to shut down the party, she definitely knew about it considering all the noise they were making, but then again she was just as proud of the Gryffindor champions as everyone else was. However, it was now 11 and everyone had been heading back to their dorm rooms, and there was no sign of her.
By 11:30 only a few people were left in the common room, that consisted of George, Fred, Daisy, Lee, Ginny, Hermoine, Harry, and Ron. They sat around the fire peacefully, talking nonsense, drunken in their tiredness.
"Hey Daisy," she perked up at her name, and looked towards who was talking, Lee, "do you remember when you kissed Ron?"
Lee, like usual, had trouble on his mind. At the mention of this, Ron's face turned the color of his hair, and she could see George's jaw clench at the thought of the girl he liked kissing his brother.
"I do, why?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Well did you think he was a good kisser?"
"What are you playing at, Jordan?"
"Well I'm just curious, never kissed a Weasley before."
"You've got 4 here to choose from, take your pick," Daisy laughed, which made the rest of the group laugh and George began to relax.
"You want me to kiss one of them?" Lee laughed.
"If you're so curious I don't see why you shouldn't, do we have any volunteers?" Daisy looked in the direction of Ginny, who was violently shaking her head.
"Don't look at me, I'm not kissing anyone right now," she gave Daisy a knowing look, and she only laughed.
"Well what about you, Ron?" She looked at Ron now, and he had the same reaction as his younger sister.
"I don't know what you want me to say, I don't fancy boys," he laughed, which made Hermoine let out a sigh she hadn't known she was holding. We'll get to that later, though.
"Well Lee what do you think, want to kiss Fred or George?" Daisy now questioned Lee, and the rest of the group looked at him in anticipation and utter silence.
"Why am I even considering this, I was supposed to be bothering you."
"Well like you said, you wanted to know what it's like to kiss a Weasley so I'm giving you some options."
"We don't mind, do we, Fred?" George asked, laughing.
"Well a kiss is only a kiss, unless you're scared, Jordan," Fred continued, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
"Me, scared?" Lee scoffed, "Why would I be scared?" He got up, and slowly walked towards Fred. The entire group was holding their breath, Freds eyes widened.
"Well a kiss can lead to a lot of things, mate," Fred practically whispered, not backing away from Lee. If anything, he moved forward.
"Yeah, I suppose," Lee mumbled into Freds mouth as he kissed him. The entire group watched in utter disbelief.
It was only a brief peck, they both backed away. But when they looked into each other's eyes they knew, and before anyone could say anything their lips met again. This time there was more passion, more desire.
There were several audible gasps at this point, and everyone quickly made their way to their dorms, careful to not disturb Lee, who was now straddled on Fred lap, and Fred, who was pulling Lee closer to him.
"Bloody hell," Ginny said, flopping on her bed in disbelief, staring straight forward.
"Did you guys know that..." Hermoine began, but Ginny and Daisy shaking her heads gave her a very clear answer, "well then..."
"I mean I don't really think Fred knew either," Daisy began.
"He looked so shocked when it happened," Ginny added, nodding at Daisy. Everyone sat in silence for a while, trying to process what happened. Obviously none of them cared that it was Fred and Lee, they were just shocked that none of them knew about it.
Eventually they started to get ready for bed, all slipping into some more comfortable clothes.
Soon enough they woke up and put on some day clothes before they headed down to the great hall for breakfast. They were a bit shocked to see Fred and Lee sitting next to each other, acting as though nothing had happened between them last night.
"Hello boys," Daisy started, looking at George, who was sitting quite awkwardly across from them, "have fun last night?"
Lee laughed, and Fred nearly choked on some pumpkin juice.
"Yeah, slept a bit odd though," Lee commented calmly. The trio relaxed at Lee's humorous take on what had happened and sat down for breakfast. After she had some toast with butter and cinnamon (which George had courced her to try, he said it was his favorite), she saw Cedric enter the hall.
"Ced!" Daisy called out, she rushed over to her brother and he left his friend group quickly, running into her hug as she opened her arms to him. Daisy had always felt safe in his hugs, like everything would be alright there.
"I didn't get a chance to talk to you after the task," Cedric said, once their hug had broken, "how are you?"
"I'm alright, a little broken up but alright," she responded, referencing the cut that was beginning to scar on her face. Daisy didn't mind the scar, Fred had told her it looked badass, which made her feel better, "how are you, I didn't get to see much of your task?"
"I'm alright, got the egg and I know you did," he said.
"Figure out how to open it yet?"
"Too busy partying last night, hufflepuff threw a party in celebration."
"So did Gryffindor," Daisy laughed.
"I gotta catch up to my friends, let me know if you figure out the egg?"
"As long as you do," she smiled at him as they parted ways and she sat back down next to George, who was shooting daggers at Lee.
"Everything alright?" Daisy whispered in his ear.
"I'm worried about Fred," he stated calmly, but quietly so that Fred and Lee couldn't hear, they were too busy giving each other heart eyes to notice, though.
"Why are you worried?" She asked.
"I don't want Fred to get hurt," George stated plainly, his gaze softening when he saw Fred smile, "he deserves the best, I want to make sure that the best is Lee."
"Well he's your best friend, isn't he?" Daisy asked him, placing a hand on his and he turned to look at her, he nodded, "and you trust him, right?"
He nodded again, "of course I do."
"Then you've just gotta keep trusting him, and Fred, for that matter," she smiled and he nodded, they both continued eating. For a minute she thought that was going to go very, very badly. But of course, George was just being over protective.
She loved that about him.
I- uh... I mean she liked that about him, obviously.
You know, it's cool that he cares about his brother, or whatever.
You know what I mean.
Authors note: Thank you so much for 200 reads!!! I was about to thank you all for 100, then I saw we passed to 200, and now we're almost at 300. I'm so glad you're all enjoying the fan fiction. If there's anything I could include that you would like to see, please let me know. Once again, I really hope you're enjoying this, thank you again so much for reading. You've got no idea happy it makes me :)
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