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Olivia Charlotte James entered the world approximately 12 hours later into the loving arms of her newly reunited parents. Charles had been Molly's rock through the difficult labour despite his own agony that saw him readmitted on Beck's orders. His balls most definitely on the menu once he was feeling better.

In the days after the birth Molly had astounded him with her strength and love for her family. He was sure she still wasn't feeling 100% but it didn't stop her from being by his side as he moved to the rehab facility. Both worried about the other as they faced a tough time apart. Again.

"Promise you'll call me if you need me? I'm sure they'll understand, I should be at home with you and the baby" he sighed sadly. She took his hand "Get better Charles and let's put this nightmare behind us. Me and Olivia will be waiting for you. Besides, your mum has all but moved in so your outnumbered" she giggled.

He held Olivia close thanking his lucky stars that the people in his life didn't let him go when he was lost. He would fight the PTSD, for them.


Georgie gingerly crept in the direction of Charles' room. The news of Olivia had knocked her for six despite the fact she knew the baby was imminent during their last meeting. She wanted to check on him, to make sure he was doing okay because she certainly wasn't. Life without Elvis and Charlie was too unbearable.

She caught his eye in the mirror of the sports studio as he worked through exercises. Her heart fluttering at the brown orbs staring back at her.

He pulled himself up onto his good leg using the rail across the mirror. This is where he would stay, he'd go no closer. "Lane?" He raised his eyebrows disapprovingly at her "I just needed to see with my
own eyes that you were on the mend" he stood silently, swaying on one leg. She moved forward, her hands instinctively moving to rest either side of his taught torso to steady him "careful Charlie"

He was stuck there, unable to cover the distance between the floor and his crutches, on one leg without the physiotherapist who'd fucked off at just the wrong moment. "Let me help you sit?" She offered before he pulled away from her touch "If you could pass me the crutches, that would be great"

She did as instructed, slightly burnt but his rejection. "Congrats on the baby. You must be so proud"

He nodded "I am. Molly was fantastic despite having a difficult labour, but then she always is. I wasn't much help, but there's nothing new there either"
He stared at the floor between his knees after deciding sitting was his safest option should Molly arrive. "Is she due in?" She asked tentatively "Not today. She's recovering at home, like I said she had a difficult time. She's getting a little TLC from my mother" Georgie nodded "And who's giving you TLC?" She couldn't imagine things being great between them after everything that had gone on, but she was massively underestimating Molly's love for her husband. She had been imagine his life to be hell, that he was paying for his indiscretion everyday but she couldn't be further from the truth. They were happy in their little bubble of newborn bliss even though he wasn't at home with them. Since Olivia had arrived they had a new found love for each other. "They are great here. I'm getting all the help I need" he awkwardly held her gaze.

"Are you alright Georgie? Are you coping?" He was genuinely concerned about her. The Georgie he knew wouldn't put herself in this position "I'm struggling without you. I don't have anyone to talk to about Elvis. No one knew him the way we did. Mum and dad still can't forgive him, even though he's gone. I've seen a bit of Spanner but you know what that lot are like, never around for long"

"You are getting help right?" She stared at him "They offered me residential therapy here but for obvious reasons I declined" he felt guilty, once again his actions affecting the well being of someone he cared about. "This is fucked up" he said, exasperated as he ran his hands through his hair before they came to a tense rest at the back of his neck.

"I'll talk to Molly. Tell her you need to be here and I'll go"

She put her hands up "You can't. You need to get that leg better. That's far too important for me to come in an ruin your rehab"

He knew she was right, he couldn't leave now. It would go against everything he'd promised Molly but he felt guilty Georgie wasn't getting what she needed because of him. "Arrange to start your treatment. This place is big enough that we can easily stay out of each other's way. It's not like I go far anyway"

She moved in, not really engaging her brain before acting. She cupped his face, his bewildered brown eyes stared back at her as she pressed her lips against his before moving her tongue to part his lips.

"Georgie" he almost shouted "What the fuck are you doing?"

She didn't look sorry. Just sad. "I love you Charlie. I don't wanna be without you"

He glared at her. Afraid of what damage this was going to do to his life "Georgie, please don't do this. You need to go in case someone finds your here"

He was at a loss as she burst into tears "Please get the help you need. It's not me you love, it's Elvis and you need help dealing with all of this" he pulled her into a hug, the urge to comfort her over taking him.

"It will get better in time. It has too" he wondered who he was trying to convince more, Georgie or himself?

He was relieved to look up and find members of 2 section causing havoc as they made their surprise visit. "Boss! Georgie!" Maisie bounced with excitement.

"Didn't expect to see you here" she sensed the tension between them "Good to see you up and about Boss. And congrats on the little bundle - I heard she's a cutie"

Charles nodded "Thanks Richards. She is indeed a cutie. It's nice to see you all" he took the attention away from Georgie as she composed herself "Right you rowdy lot, get down to the canteen and we'll meet you there. Give this old sod a chance to hobble down slowly" she painted a smile on her face as if the last 10 minutes hadn't even happened. She helped him to his feet. "Will you be alright if I go on ahead and get the coffee in?" He nodded "I will. Thank you"

He watched her go with gut clenching anxiety. Not only was he responsible for Elvis' death he was now responsible for putting Georgie into an even worse place than she already had been. The list of Charles James clusterfucks was ever growing in his head.


Molly stroked stray curls away from his forehead. Her fingers tracing across the worry lines that had settled on his forehead. His eyes flickered open, his expression changing instantly when he realised it was her. "Molly" she brought her lips to meet his, curling her fingers into the mass of unruly curls.

"Lazy bugger" she giggled. He sat up, winching at the burning pain in his leg. "Rehab taking it out of you?" She asked with concern "Yep. Not sure wether it's the leg rehab or the head rehab though"

She smiled sympathetically "I'm really proud of you Charles. You can do this" she took his hand into her, planting gentle kisses across his knuckles.

"Olivia wanted to see her daddy so who am I to refuse?" His face lit up as she placed their precious bundle onto his chest.

"I still can't believe after everything, that I could get this lucky" he said sadly. "It's time to stop punishing yourself. Everything is as it should be and you are on the mend, time to tell your nut to catch up" he smiled at her optimism "I'm working on it".

He wondered how to broach the subject of Georgie. She would be starting her therapy in this very place soon enough and his therapist and physio had no intention of letting him go anytime soon. Not until he walked out of here.

"I had a visitor. Georgie, she came to see me" he saw the flash of anger in her eyes before she composed herself once again. Molly was all or nothing when it came to her emotions. "She will be coming here for treatment for PTSD imminently and I don't really know how to deal with it? I shouldn't really leave mid treatment, my leg isn't ready and I still have a way to go with counselling. But she needs to be here too but my priority is you, Molly. I don't want anything to cause you any distress. So if it's what you want and your willing to have a cripple about the house then I will forfeit my place here. Just say the word"

She knew he had more to say. It was written across his face. "What did you both talk about? What went on?" He bit his lip as he thought on what he should say. It's not that he wanted to hide it, but she had just had his baby and she didn't deserve this. "She made it clear she is struggling. And that she misses our friendship..."

"Spit it out Charles" she demanded "She tried to kiss me but it was a moment of confusion for her. She isn't well Molly. The same as me"

She closed her eyes as she let the revaluation settle in her brain. "Did you kiss her back? Did you enjoy it?"

"No and no. Molly, I told you before it was all a mistake. You are the only one for me"

She sat with her head in her hands, things were completely out of her control again. "And if I take you home, what will happen with the therapy? I can take care of your leg. We can pay for physical therapy at home if the army won't, I can't risk it Charlie. I can't lose you again"

He wanted to sweep her into his arms as her eyes filled up with tears. He would do whatever it takes to make her happy. "I'll talk to them. And to Beck okay? I'll fix this, I promise" she moved forward to where he laid with their baby on his chest. She wasn't willing to let him slip away again. Her whole world revolved around him "I love you so much" he whispered as she buried her face in his neck.



Georgie looked up as the gentle tap on her door pulled her from her day dream of Elvis. Brown eyes on green, her and Molly held each other's gaze.

"Can I come in?" Molly was friendlier than she intended to be. The sight of her former friend, who was thinner than ever and tired looking somewhat softened the fury she felt inside.

Georgie nodded, fully prepared for what was coming. She knew Molly. Knew how protective she was of what she had with Charlie. What they had worked so hard to rebuild. She stood up, old habits die hard - it was still strange not to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

She flinched as Molly raised her hand, for it to completely miss the expected landing place of her face. Instead it pulled her closer. Georgie felt her body cave under the warmth and love from her friend as she held her. She sobbed hard, the accumulation of grief, guilt and everything else all coming to a head.

She knew now exactly why Charles had chosen Molly. She was a better woman than she could ever be. She would never put aside ill feelings to comfort the woman who'd tried to nick her husband.

"I'm so sorry" Georgie sobbed "I'm sorry for what I did. For falling for him"

Molly hadn't expected her to be so honest. She hadn't expected to feel the need to comfort her either but she did. She was broken just the same as Charles was.

They sat in silence as Georgie's sobs slowly died out. She pulled her makeup wipes from her still unpacked bag and composed herself, ready for whatever it was that Molly needed from her.

"I really am sorry Molly. Take it as a compliment. You're a luck woman to have him"

"I know that. And one day, Georgie you will meet someone who makes you happy again. But it's not Charles, I really don't think the way you've both ended up is healthy. You'd only ever feed each other's grief and guilt"

Georgie knew she was right. Her own mother had told her the same thing.

"I'm taking Charles home to finish his recovery, I just wanted to wish you well. Despite everything, I hate that you are suffering"

She squeezed Georgie's hand for their final farewell.
Tears pricking in her eyes as she walked away from the friend who had meant so much to her.


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