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Charles thought carefully before speaking. This was the last thing he needed with a fuzzy head and a throbbing leg.

He considered his words, after all it had been his fucked up head and his words that had got him into this mess.

"Lane, you know I'm fond of you. And thanks to Elvis, you will always be special to me but.."

She stopped him "But you love your wife? I get it, and I'm happy for you. I just had to know for sure, and so did Molly. You deserve the world and I know Molly will give it to you. I just hope you sort yourself out Charlie. For your girls if not yourself"

It wasn't tense between them much to his surprise. He'd half expected her to clump him one, after all he'd been the instigator of this situation. "Should have known it was the fever talking" she said sadly. He sighed "It wasn't. At the time I meant it, I don't know if that helps or not but I need you to understand how ill I was.. how ill I am, in here" he pointed to his head "It's ruined everything. Not just me and Molly but you and Molly, Me and you and the friendship we had. Elvis would have my guts" she laughed "I think Elvis would be happy wherever he is, if we.. you know. He trusted you with his life. But it's not what you want and I will have to learn to live with that"

She climbed to her feet "Take care of yourself and that bloody leg, no more injuries okay. I think it's best that we go our separate ways, for good this time" he nodded "You'll be okay without him won't you?"

She smiled at him sadly "Yeah.. I think I will. And so will you" she held his gaze for just a moment too long. Until the tears that burned managed to sneak out of her eyes and roll down her cheeks. "I love you, you know that don't you?"
He nodded, Dumbfounded by the mess he had created and shocked at Georgie's revelation that Molly was willing to let him choose between her and another women, that she was willing to suffer more heartache to ensure his happiness. She was selfless even after everything he'd done.

Georgie waited for him to fight for her before realising he wasn't hers to take. "Bye Charlie. Good luck"

His heart constricted as he watched the last piece of Elvis walk away from him but he'd found the clarity he needed. It had only ever been about Elvis.


Molly had always dreamt of a room of her own growing up. With the pretty, girly things like one of them jewellery boxes with the ballerina inside and a dressing table of her own that she didn't have to share that had everyone else's shit thrown all over it. It was the little things in life that didn't really matter now that she was grown up that we're important to her as she looked around their unborn daughters nursery.

She gazed proudly at the room she had spent hours painting and sitting crossed leg on the floor painstakingly fighting with flat pack furniture to make sure they'd be ready when baby decided it was time to make her entrance.

She had taken a step back from Charles despite the fact that the thought of life without him hurt her heart. It needed to be his decision, she wouldn't play second best to Georgie Lane ever again. Whatever the outcome, she and her baby would be fine. They'd manage, actually they would more than manage. She would give her child all the things she never had. Stability and love and security, with or without Charles.

She gazed and stroked at her bump in the mirror "Ready when you are baby girl"

His arm slipped around her, his large hand settling on her big belly. "Charles?" She jumped "Uh huh" he whispered.

"What you doing here? Shouldn't you be.."

He cut her off "At Home - I should be at home.. with you. Please say I can come home?"

She turned to face him "what about Georgie?" She asked hesitantly.

"There's no more Lane. There will never be anyone but you ever again. I am so truly sorry, please forgive me and let me come home"

She turned and wrapped her arms around his torso as she lay her head on his chest, his heart was racing and she could feel the clamminess of his skin next to hers.

"It's only ever been you Molly. My brain just took awhile to catch up with my heart"

She looked up at him, her eyes full of tears and her heart full "You can come home Charles" she whispered, cupping his face before kissing him as if it was the first time she'd ever laid her lips on him
. He leaned into her touch before motioning her towards their bedroom.

"I need to sit and I need to hold you" She looped his free arm that had left a tingling feeling on the skin of her bump back into his crutch, seeing him safely to the bed she had spent so many nights missing him in.

"I love you" She weeped into his chest. Life was once again complete, all hurt she had felt seemed to slip away. It was her he wanted.

He shushed her, taking a tendril of her hair between his fingers and enjoying the silkiness against his skin.

'Missed you so much" he kissed her head. She wanted to make love to him but the two very obvious obstacles prevented it. "Ditto"

They clung onto each other as if their lives depended on. Neither wanting to move or disturb the peace of the moment.

"So.. I come home?" She shifted herself to face him "Of course you can come home. I just needed to know you really wanted me. I needed to know home is where you really wanted to be" he nodded "It's only ever been you Molly. I'll spend my whole life making it up to you"

She wrapped herself around him, a need for her body to become one with his. "If you fuck this up there won't ever be another chance"

He held her tight, the anxiety of the last few months finally felt like it was slipping away. "I'll continue to get the help I need, I promise"

She kissed him like he might disappear, her body had ached for this. This is where he belonged. She felt warm inside again, a feeling that had been missing since he'd left but all was well in the world again. She was well aware what people were likely to say, she knew people were talking and that they'd call her a push over or a doormat but this was her life. She'd spent enough years yearning for what she had in front of her right now and he'd spent enough years feeling like he didn't deserve what they had. Rebecca had done that to him. Yes he had made a mistake, a massive clusterfuck of a mistake that had shattered her heart and soul and broken her and made her doubt everything about herself and them as a couple but she would forgive him this mistake. She owed their love that much. She owed it to their unborn child to give her everything she never had growing up. Although he would be on a tight leash for the foreseeable, he had suffered enough.

She felt protective of him as he struggled with his leg, gently tending to him. "Are you sure you should be out of hospital?" She spoke between showering him with kisses "No but I needed to be with you"

His eyes bore into her, the weight of all what he wanted to say weighing heavily on his heart "Molly... I'm so sorry. I'll be sorry forever and there aren't enough words to express how I feel about you. Everything you've done for me over the years, there's no one I love more and I'm just so sorry. You really would have let me be with Lane? You were willing to let me go? I thought it meant you didn't love me anymore. That you'd finally had enough..."

"It was the opposite actually. I love you so much I was willing to let you be happy, even if that wasn't with me. With us. I just want you to be happy and okay again"

He wept as he held her, she had and always would be his biggest weakness. "I'm sorry"

She shushed him. She really had heard enough, he'd apologised enough. He could never undo the hurt he caused and she'd never forget what he'd done but he'd paid for it now. There was only so long you could make someone pay and she wasn't willing to live the way Belinda had, forgiving Dave's mistakes but throwing them in his face at the first opportunity. That life wasn't for her anymore.

"I love you Charles. I always have and I always will"

She had Georgie Lane to thank for her new found appreciation of the man in front of her and the life growing inside her. The only good thing to come from this was the re-evaluation of what was important to them and that was each other.

They laid staring at each other for hours, stroking and kissing, Happy in each other's arms once again.

"I suppose I really should go back, Beck will have my balls on a plate if I get in anymore trouble"

"Charles James, the rule breaker" she chuckled. She moved round the bed quickly for someone who was ready to have a baby and day now, pulling him to his feet. She didn't want him to go, but this injury had nearly killed him and he was so close to being to better, they had to wait out for just a little longer.


"Molly?" He looked her over with raised eyebrows

"Think I might gonna need to have this baby now".

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