How Much Until A Mind Breaks?

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something L/N. I mean ever since the first time we met and you talked about my sister I've had so many different hypotheses on what you're keeping under Locke and Key"

"But now, my curiosity has risen to the point where even right now I'm fighting the urge to run some experiments and see where your kind truly lies. And yet, I can't do anything. Maybe it's because I'm regaining a bit of the conscious I lost or maybe it's because I feel I'll break you"

You flinched. You didn't know what to think. Was he threatening you? Warning you?

"Oh dear I'm sorry, I got off topic. What I'm saying is that when I look at you, I only see someone who is broken. Broken to a degree I've only ever seen in the Joker, yet shattered in a completely different matter"

Hugo stood up from her position on the chair and made his way towards the tray from earlier.

"And the things you're hiding, keeping locked in the cage that is your mind, will eventually devour you just like it did him. To the point of insanity. To the point where you will be nothing like you were before"

Taking a clear plastic bag with liquid inside of it off the surface, he began to walk towards you.

"I'm not offering to help you, because I'm well aware that I would either help you or break you. But if you don't conquer your own demons, then just like you said to Virgil, it will be the death of one of you"

Hugo hooked the bag up to the IV pole, and then attached a wire to the bottom of the bag. It was at this moment you looked at your arm, and saw a needle taped onto it.

"Now sleep"

To the person who screenshotted this conversation and sent this to me, thank you.

I'm not sure whether this is good or bad.

Oh yeah in case you're wondering about the name of the last chapter, I published it without giving it a name. I didn't realize it until I checked my notifications and then I just felt stupid. So, I decided to just stick with it.

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