"Innocent Little Boy" (12)

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It was the teacher.

The teacher pulled me back and sat me down on the grass. So much for making friends. I got up from where I was sitting and looked for Kristen to make sure he was alright. "Are you okay?" I asked him. I had to make sure he wasn't hurt physically and emotionally. 

"Yea, but you didn't have to do that" I heard him whisper. "Of course, I had to. Your may friend, and friends stick up for each other." I said while sitting beside him on the bench that was in the bushes. "Friend?" He asked quietly. I turn around and face him. 

"Yep! We're friends on the road to being best friends." I said looking him in the eyes, so he knows I wasn't lying. He was about to say something, but then My name got called on the intercom that I had to go to the principal's office. 

I got up and went, but then I noticed Kristen following me. "You coming with me?" I asked. He just nodded his head and took my hand in his. We continued on our way to the office. We got to the main desk, and they told us to wait at the chairs. 

We soon got called into the office. The principal told us, Kristen, to go back to class, but I could tell that Kristen didn't want to leave me. I'm a momma NO drama! Kristen just sat in the back where there were chairs. My teacher, Chris, and Andre were in the room. I wasn't nervous, but I am thinking about ways to spend this to be all someone else's fault. 

"So you are here because I heard that this morning you were being smart with your teacher, and now I hear that you have gotten into a fight. Care to explain?" He says. I mean they a bunch of snitches.

"I don't know why I am talking to you without a lawyer, but that teacher was just doing too much. Have you smelt her breath recently, or her underarms. She was all in my face smiling, and then she put her arm around me knowing that I was already uncomfortable. A BLIND man could tell." I said all calm. 

"DO YOU SEE HOW RUDE SHE IS SHE NEEDS TO BE SUSPENDED!" The teacher yelled. I could tell Andre was about to get up and do who knows what, but I put my hand out to stop him. "Excuse me you're here," I said putting my arm up, "but I need you to be here." I said putting my arm lower.

I could see that Andre and the principal found that amusing, but kept their reactions to themselves. The teacher looked like she was going to blow, because of how red she was. she ended up storming out of the room. Then now it was Chris's turn.

"How would you justify your actions from beating up this young man here." The principal looks at me with raised eyebrows. 

"So what happened was. me and my friend over there," I said pointing to Kristen who was sitting down in his chair. "Were outside, when his friend D'Shaun asked me if I wanted to play with him, and his friends. I said yes because I wanted some friends, but you see me and Kristen were already friends. So I told him that if I go he goes too. I had gotten him to come over, and we were holding hands. Then BOOM once was over there he starts interrogating us and just being plain out rude. Now what type of friend would just dit there while their other friend was getting bullied. Cause that ain't me. I told him to stop in many different ways, so then I punched him. And then that punch felt so good, so I kept punching him. And if that is what a young man is rude, disrespectful, and awful acting, then I feel bad for the future. To me, he was acting like a little boy. " I say. 

Explaining the whole situation again was making me mad all over again. "Well, you are going to have to be suspended for punching another child. Chris, you can go back to the classroom." Now hold up that ain't right. 

"Wait a minute, so you are going to let him off the hook after everything I have told you?" I question just to make sure I heard right. The principal nodded his head slowly. 

"So you are telling me that this school tolerates bullying because that is exactly what you're doing," I say, and I start to stand up. I looked at Kristen and grabbed his hand. I brought him closer to the principal. "Why would you let a young boy be mean to this innocent little boy?" I question Kristen has a natural babyface, so if he works with me it could have me in less trouble, and Chris in more. 

The Principle takes deep breaths and told us that he will review his punishment on Chris, and he said that Kristen and I could go home.  

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