George Weasley

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Title: New Beginnings

Pairing: George Weasley x reader

Summary: After the trials and tribulations you and George faced from the war, some news could be the new beginning you both desperately need more than ever before

Word Count: 2.2k

Please do not repost my work!


Over the years you and George had been together there had always been one constant - the peace you were always able to find in his arms. Throughout the years, you had come to realize that whatever trials and tribulations you would face, you would still be able to be in your lover's arms and perhaps that everything would be alright. Your faith in the solace in the peace you would always have in George's arms only grew throughout the years. First, in your final year of Hogwarts, you were both faced with hurdles in your relationship between George yearning to protect you from Umbridge targeting you because of your connection to his family and him leaving school months before you did to graduate alongside Fred to start the joke shop. Those months on end in your own bed felt cold and hollow without your boyfriend's arms around you. It was a peculiar thing for you to feel out of place sleeping in your own bed when you had spent so many nights sneaking into the boy's dorm to fall asleep in George's arms. No one had ever commented on the fact you and George couldn't stay the night apart from one another - not even Fred who had frequently teased George for being so whipped with his girlfriend. Your boyfriend's twin's playful remarks didn't stop over the years. He certainly hadn't held back his quips the day you got off the Hogwarts Express and practically flung yourself into George's arms as you embraced him, already feeling at home again in his arms. Your smile hadn't faltered when Fred joked that perhaps now he would be able to stop hearing George moan on and on about how much he misses you. You weren't fooled, of course, because the smile on Fred's face told you that even he was glad that you and George were together again.

Soon after the moments of post-Hogwarts bliss between the sweet satisfaction of independence and the fruition of young love, you found the trials and tribulations that were left on your front doorstep - the war. Between your time being split working in the Order and Weasley Wizard Wheezes, George's arms around you at night in your shared bed were the only blissful moments you had most days. First came the death eaters roaming the streets outside where you lived. Then came the hiding in a safe house from the Order when Voldemort was in power and after George. Sometime between the looming war and the brink of devastation wedding bands were placed on both your and George's left ring fingers when you swore to love each other for the rest of your days. It was what the Muggles would call an elopement but with the dreaded war and the desire for both of you to be each other's for whatever

You and George ended up having forever or what forever feels like that is when the war had occurred. You both had, after all, survived - not that you were unscathed. The loss of Fred had touched everyone, but no one more so than your husband. They had always been inseparable from the moment they came into the world and had a miraculous way of balancing each other out. Without Fred's lively spirit and brash nature that had caused more than a few issues over the years, George had trouble finding his place in the room as he was always looking for someone who wasn't there. You missed him too. Fred had been - well - a friend to you more than you ever expected. The loss of your brother-in-law made your heartache not only for George but for yourself as well. You didn't see how you would ever fail to forget Fred and not wish for his presence anymore. No one else could joke about how you and George acted like an old married couple far before you were anywhere close to marriage. No one else could quite fill the hole left in everyone's heart by his death.

The ending of the war didn't cure this ache in George's heart despite the fact that all was supposed to be well in the world again. After all, the war was done and good had triumphed over evil, but the loss of Fred made it feel like people like you and George who were plague with the cruel loss at the hands of death were stuck on the ground, unmoving and being sucked down into place as if you were standing in quicksand. The pain didn't lessen in truth, but you had found that in going throughout your new lives that you never asked for simply by the day was the answer to this heartbreak.

You and George did your best to go throughout your days by reopening the shop and staying afloat. After the war business was booming more than ever and some relief was being given to George now. He had almost everything he wanted only four years ago when he dreamed of opening up the shop - success, a life with you, and the means to have a family. You and George had always thought of the future when you were but teenagers and always knew what you wanted - a family. It was only now when you had been married for coming up on a year that it would have seemed natural for you two to start a family. There wasn't anything holding you both back from the conversation of starting the next chapter. At the same time, there was in a way something holding you back from the next chapter you could start together. You knew as well as anyone else how George felt about this new success without his brother by his side.

The success left a bittersweet taste in his mouth with the constant reminder that Fred wasn't there to share it with him there with George. Because of this, it felt like the wrong thing to do to start a family, wouldn't it be a disgrace to his memory to move on while Fred wasn't able to have that kind of happiness? Deep down George would have known that Fred would want him to live a full life with happiness around every corner yet he had trouble taking the next step he should have done already with your by his side. So he avoided the conversation of starting the family you both wanted day by day. This process worked for both of you - you knew that George was healing and that another year or two didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. After all, when the time was right you two could start your own family.

Time was fickle and elusive it seemed, though. And as you stood in the bathroom of your shared apartment you were reminded that the right timing seemed to be something that didn't exist at all. Your hands were shaking and you could scarcely hold the piece of plastic of a muggle pregnancy test without dropping it. The two black lines held your future in your shaking hands and you couldn't help but think how apt it was for such a flimsy muggle device to hold the answer to the question you had questioned the entire week.

Your mind was warped as you wondered if this was a good thing if you feared George wouldn't be ready. Was the war too fresh in his mind - would he want this right now - would he be happy? The questions swirled in your mind at a frenzied state and it wasn't long before you felt tears trickle down your cheeks. Perhaps you could have been wrong for worrying - after all, George had always wanted this, a family, but your tears and thoughts were cut off before you could completely process them with the slam of the door to your apartment.

"What a day!" You heard George huffed despite the traces of a cheery tone in his voice from the kitchen. "Had Ron working nonstop today. Awfully good of him to help but I've no doubt Hermione will be sending me an owl to stop stealing him away from her!" You heard George's joyous laugh break out as it echoed throughout the apartment to where you were in the bathroom.

You began to panic as your eyes widened - what were you supposed to do with the pregnancy test? Your eyes frantically scanned over the bathroom as you looked for somewhere to put the test. "Sweetheart?" You heard George ask with a hint of confusion in his voice as he walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. The creaking of the old wooden floors alerted you of his looming presence. Whipping around with the test clutched in your hands behind your back just in time to utter in a slightly shaky voice, "In here!" You barely got out before George appeared in the doorway.

"Ah, there you are," He chuckled as he walked into the doorway. "I was beginning to wonder where you-" He cut himself off once he saw you with a relatively happy expression that was betrayed by the tears left on your cheeks. He didn't hesitate to reach out to you, cupping your jaw with both of his hands as he gently swiped your tears away with the pad of his thumbs. "What is it, sweetheart?" He murmured as his eyes bored into yours, searching in your eyes for the cause of your tears. You looked up into his eyes so full of kindness and adoration that you felt yourself melting into his hold on you despite the shaking hands behind your back. The reminder of what you were holding both physically and emotionally lured you to pulling your gaze from his as your eyesight dropped to the white tiled floor. "Tell me, please." He whispered, and you met his eyes again as they were pleading with your own.

There was no rational in telling him later now - he had you backed up into this situation even if he hadn't a clue of your predicament. It was as you were entranced by his caring and thoughtful gaze that you chose vulnerability at that moment as you simply chose to pull your hands out from behind your back. Your hands, still shaking, held the pregnancy test in the palms of your hands. The only difference now was that George could see it too. You didn't say anything at all only braving a glance up at George whose head was now angled down as he looked intently at the piece of plastic with the daunting two black lines in the palm of your hands.

Nothing was said for a moment that felt as if the world had frozen. Finally, George said barely audible in a tender voice, "What is that?" Despite the fact, he knew exactly what it was.

Just as brave as him you uttered, "A pregnancy test." You took a deep breath and said in a stronger voice with the fainted quirks appearing at the corner of your lips, "I'm pregnant, George."

"You're pregnant?" He asked softly with raised eyebrows and you spared him a nod. The worries ate at you immediately fearing that he didn't want this - not now at least. These worries were squashed when you felt the familiar touch of George's arms around your waist. What came neck you hadn't been prepared for - George picking you up as he spun you around before setting you on the countertop of the sink, laughing merrily to himself all the while. You were greeted with your husband's widest grin and the brightness you hadn't seen the likes of in years. His hands rested on top of your thighs as he softly rubbed circles on your skin and his reaction had a smile spread across your features. "Pregnant," He murmured with a lopsided smile on his lips as he shook his head in disbelief. "Never would have thought." He trailed off with a dazed expression.

"You're happy then?" You questioned softly, needing to get rid of your worries once and for all. "You aren't upset with the timing of it happening?" Your eyes tracked his as you still wondered if he was truly happy about this.

"Upset?" He asked incredulously. "Angel, this is all I have wanted with you since we were sixteen-" He looked into your eyes deeply as his hand met the nonexistent bump of your stomach. Smiling softly at you he said with unsurmonted joy, "- a family and now we have it. What's there to be upset about?" He smiled widely at you as your own smile crept up on your lips, unable to resist and his gleeful expression.

As George held his hand on your stomach, the reminders of the joy that was going to come with this new beginning the both of you would now have was the only thought on your mind. He held your jaw with his other hand as he met your lips in a sweet kiss that expressed all the love he held for you. Leaning your forehead against his own you whispered in a voice so full of joy that you had trouble recognizing it after the past year's trials and tribulations, "A family." You affirmed and knew that while the pain from loss never goes away the joy of new beginnings will lessen the burden.

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