Title: All With You
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Summary: The future is looking up for George and he wants it all with you
Word Count: 1.6k
Please do not repost my work!
The corridor was nearly empty as the mass amounts of students were entering the Great Hall for dinner as you stood in front of George. The sun crept away from the sky as sunset crept in through the windows. You gazed at George as the golden hues brought more life to his ginger hair than you thought possible. You could hardly admire the shine of his fiery hair or the way the golden light made his freckles that were scattered over the bridge of his nose glimmer like glitter when he held an expression of immense stress on his features. His eyebrows furrowed together and his nose scrunched up he looked at the stone wall beside you instead of your own eyes that he usually couldn't look away from but now couldn't even meet.
"Georgie?" You asked tenderly as you gazed up at him in worry. The school year hadn't been an easy one with Umbridge's reign of terror all the while George had been scraping up whatever he could with Fred to start their joke shop. You reached out and grabbed his hand that he had been wringing ceaselessly. Rubbing your thumb across the back of his hand soothingly you couldn't help the grimace take over your features when you lightly traced the fading scar from his last detention from Umbridge. She had it out for George and his family since the start of the year, no doubt for his family's stance against the Ministry in their ignorance. "Was it Umbridge again?" You asked at him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion while his were furrowed in worry.
George tore his gaze from the wall and looked down at you and whatever plan he had of softening the blow was thrown out in an instant once he was met with your eyes so full of love and worry it could easily consume him. The words spilled from his lips before he could even stop them. "We're leaving," George mumbled as he did his best to meet your eyes. He couldn't though, and his eyes dropped to his beat-up shoes which he could see began to form the beginnings of a small hole from wear and tear.
"You're what?" You asked with a perplexed expression.
"We're leaving." He repeated in a slightly louder voice that you could hear clear as day and George was able to meet your eyes. Your confused expression made him feel immense guilt already and he swallowed the lump in his throat as he tried his best to explain. "Umbridge she - she is going to try and expel me and Fred."
"She's what?" You scoffed and shook your head in anger, completely forgetting what George had originally said. The frustration of the pain you had seen the person you loved go through at the hands of a horrid woman had upset you beyond compare. In your anger, you dropped George's hand. "After everything's she's done, she can't possibly do this. I mean, it's absurd! I won't let her do this to you, I swear on it, George, I'll-" You ranted at a rapid pace before George shook his head and stepped forward towards you.
"Angel, it's alright. Everything will be just fine." He grasped your hands in his and let a small smile appear on his lips as he saw your demeanor soften. The nerves he had previously been plagued within his mind had slipped away and were replaced with excitement. Drawing his lip between his teeth he squeezed your hands in his. "You see, Fred and I signed a lease in Diagon Alley. 93 Diagon Alley to be exact." He said barely being able to hold in his excitement anymore.
"No!" You gasped excitedly as you tore your hands from his and placed them over your mouth, hiding your ecstatic expression. Your hands fell from your faces as you shook your head in disbelief. "I can't believe it!" You were beaming at George and couldn't help yourself any longer from flinging your body into his as you wrapped your arms around his neck. George wrapped his arms around your waist as he lifted you before setting you down again. Once he sat you down on the ground, you placed your arms on his chest as you gazed up at him with pride. It was in that moment once you came down from your high off of George's dream coming true that you realized the words he had uttered before the exciting news. "You're leaving." You whispered more in realization than in sadness. It made sense now, Umbridge's unjust punishments on George and Fred had reached an end where she would try to expel them, and with the shop, they didn't really have a reason to stay, did they? "You and Fred are leaving now that you have the shop." You looked up at him as the truth hit you. You would be doomed to be at Hogwarts your final two months without George by your side.
"I am." He said softly as he gauged your reaction. George couldn't bear the thought of leaving you with Umbridge but he knew that he had to. Everything was perfect about their plan- they had the shop and the timing was perfect. It was only you that was missing. The thought of being without you has constantly made George's stomach turn at night since he and Fred signed the lease.
"Two months isn't that long." You said wearily, desperately trying to wrap your mind around being without George every day for two long months.
"Yes, it is." He contradicted as he laughed.
A laugh slipped past your lips. "Well, I can wait." You smiled at him. The joy you felt for George achieving his dream overtook the sadness that begged to tear you apart from the thought of not seeing George for two months.
His expression changed in an instant like the flipping of a lightswitch. It looked like he was battling himself in his mind before he said at once. "I can't wait." He said firmly.
You grew confused. "What can't you wait for?" Your eyebrows were drawn together as your perplexment at his statement threw you off.
"To be with you." He vaguely replied and you weren't any closer to understanding what he meant.
"George, don't worry." You tried to get him to understand. "It won't be that long. You'll be so busy at the shop and I have NEWTs to get through we'll barely notice the time go by. We'll see each other again before we know it." You smiled at him and tried to get through to him, that two months apart was a small price to pay for the future you both were trying to build.
"No," He shook his head at your words as he couldn't meet your gaze, but he fought his fears and looked right at you. "I want to be with you, forever, don't you understand?"
Your confusion fell from your face in an instant and was replaced with shock. "Forever?" You uttered, barely in a whisper. "You mean-"
"I don't have anything, Y/N." He said woefully as he let out a sad laugh. "There's nothing I can give you but some paper I could make into a ring. I know I'm desperately in love with you and I know that I'd throw every single dream I've ever had if it meant I could be with you forever. The joke shop doesn't mean a thing if you aren't by my side." He looked at you hopefully as you tried to process everything, not only was George opening the joke shop and leaving school, but he was telling you he wanted to marry you.
George didn't allow you a moment to absorb what he had said when began rambling. "You don't want to, I understand. I realize now this was probably the worst time to say this, but I couldn't help it, could I? I couldn't just leave school without you knowing that you're it for me and the idea of being without you tears me apart-"
"Georgie stop," You lightly laughed in disbelief. You shook your head as a fond smile appeared on your lips, which did nothing to soothe George's fears of your rejection. "What on Earth made you think I wouldn't want to be with you?" George stayed silent as a part of him knew you were right "You're best for me, Georgie, and there's no one else in the world I'd want to be with for the rest of my days." You assured him, which slightly calmed George down.
His features were still contorted with worry and he couldn't stop his fears of not being enough for you. He gazed down at you. "You deserve more than what I can give you and I wish I could give you more, but my love is all I have." He uttered in sadness, wishing he could give you what he didn't have - a proper ring for starters.
"George," You smiled up at him. "All I need is your love. As long as I have you it doesn't matter what ring is on my finger. Besides, you know I'd happily marry you with paper rings."
This made George grin down at you and before he could stop himself, he swooped down and brought his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. Smiling into the kiss, all that the pair of you could think about was the future and the life you could have outside of the halls of Hogwarts. At that moment, you both knew that you would be each other's for the rest of your days and couldn't help forgetting all the trials and tribulations that were going to come in the following days as long as you had one another.
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