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What Nurse Parker failed to take into account was the magnitude of the Director's concern.

In a word, Ms. Campbell was worried sick. She'd never married and had no kids of her own. Her camp was both her one true love and life. Dana, in some ways, was a godsend. The joint Science Fair at the end of summer between the boys' and girls' camps was a really big deal. With him, Ms. Campbell's girls just might beat out the boys across the lake. Those bragging rights meant a lot to her campers and her.

So, it became her solemn duty to see that Dana got his two drops every day.

Now, Nurse Parker's one true love and life was the unaware Ms. Campbell. Playing it safe, she knew, just wasn't going cut it. Dana in many ways was a bedevilment. A single false step and her beloved just might land up in the hoosegow. She couldn't stand the idea of the Director out of her life.

So, she figured that two additional drops from her a day was perhaps pushing it, but merited under the circumstances.

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