the sun shone through our dorm window's thin curtains- and once i was awake, i couldn't go back to sleep. as iwaizumi kept snoring away, i decided to make an effort to cook something for breakfast.
maybe it would make iwa-chan feel better. i honestly had no idea, but it was worth a shot.
i lifted myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes and turning to give him one last look-over before i left.
that was a mistake.
his chiseled jaw and unruly bed head only served to remind me of the night before, bringing a red tinge to my cheeks as i quickly relived the embarrassment. my breath caught in my throat and my heart felt strained as the kiss flashed through my mind.
ugh, how could just looking at him do this to me?
dirty thoughts continued to run through my head as i walked down the dormitory halls. from afar, i heard oddly familiar bickering coming towards my direction. i quickly ducked into an unoccupied dorm room, afraid of being asked what i was doing up so early.
no way in hell was i going to admit i was trying to cook something for iwa-chan. the last thing i needed was to have rumors going around about me being a flaming homosexual, let alone one that cooked for his boyfriend.
"if we get caught, i'm putting the blame on you, hinata!"
"it was your idea, idiot!"
the pair of voices strode right past me. the infamous carrot top shrimpy boy and his buddy, the king of the court, carefully wandered hand in hand, jumping at every noise.
"i know it's a weird question, but uhh-
if i were to die right now, what would you do?"
"have a party."
"don't you know how to make someone feel better?"
"i can make you feel better in a second."
"really? try me-"
kageyama grinned, grabbing hinata by the waist and pulling the other towards him. their lips met, hinata's face flushing red after they parted. he looked dumbstruck, his starry eyes wide and unblinking.
i felt kind of weird watching them so intently, so i decided to (somewhat awkwardly) break up the love fest.
"hinata-kun? kageyama-kun?"
the two jumped at the calling of their names and turned to meet eyes with me.
hinata yelped in surprise. kageyama took on a hostile glare, moving to stand in front.
"what do you want from us?"
"i'm sorry, but what are you two doing at my college? i thought you two applied to hosei university?"
"we realized that the dorm there didn't have a kitchen, so we applied here instead. i'm so excited to start school here soon, it's so pretty and nice and big-"
"hinata, shut your dumbass up."
kageyama hissed.
i decided to get right to the point.
"so that means that you'll join chuo uni's volleyball team? i get to see you suck ass up close?"
i chucked at my own joke as the two grew visibly angered.
"i'll have you know, iwa-chan and i are the leaders of the team,"
i walked closer to them,
"so if you ever go past the limits, i'll make sure to bring you two down."
kageyama stood speechless, but hinata just stared, his eyes examining my every move.
"i remember what you remind me of,"
hinata suddenly squealed,
"kermit the frog."
amy: hAHA WE PULLED A FILLER ON YOU GUYS BC WE ARe *whispers* assholes
ash: i now yearn for the sweet release of death
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