When He's NOT Here

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-April 28 Early Morning-

"Steve, wait." I waddle behind him, one hand on my enlarged stomach. "I don't understand."

Steve places his duffle bag on the ground by the door. His shield was already waiting by the door. I watch closely as he sighs and shakes his head. He slowly turns back towards me.

"Neither do I," He begins. "I tried to refuse the mission. I tried."

"Steve you can't go. Not now." I grasp his hand, holding it tightly.

He shakes his head and looks down to my stomach. I place my hand under his chin and lift his head back up. His blue eyes seemed to be less lively. He is worried. I can sense it. Deep down I am truly worried too. I'm due next week, but it could be any time now. And so, Steve gets called in for a mission.

"I tried, Alice." He apologizes, "I couldn't get out of it. I did everything that I could."

I shake my head in denial as I pull him in for a long hug. I bury my face in his leather jacket, inhaling the deep smell of leather and his cologne. My head was spinning in circles. 

I can't let him leave me. Not now. I'm scared. I need him with me.

"Please, Steve." I beg. "Stay."

"Believe me, I want to."

My breathing grows heavy, "Steve, I'm so scared. I know that you'll only be gone for one night, but anything can happen. I have this terrible feeling, Steve." I fight back tears.

"Hey." He says calmly. "Nothing's going to happen to you. I will be home tomorrow. I'm not going to miss anything, I promise. I'll see what I can do once I arrive at headquarters. Maybe I can convince someone to let me out of this mission. If I can't get out of this and you need anything, call Bucky."

"I'm calling you first." I reply quickly.

"Just promise me that you'll call Bucky if you need anything. I'll do my best to answer your call while on the mission. Send it through my earpiece. My jet leaves at noon."

I nod my head, hoping that everything will be fine.

Steve leans in and presses his lips to mine. His lips are soft and smooth. My arms wrap around his neck as his hand presses against my face. Maybe he'll only be gone for one night, but I'm going to miss him so much. As he pulls away, our foreheads touch. His hands move to my stomach, resting softly.

"And as for you, little one, wait until I get home."

I smile and chuckle lightly. Then I feel it. I tiny kick in my stomach. My eyes widen and I gasp lightly. Steve felt it too. He smiles and chuckles.

"He knows." I say, referring to the baby.

"He?" Steve looks up at me.

"Just a guess." I shake my head.

"Well I think she knows." Steve responds.

Steve kisses me one last time before he picks up his bag and his shield. He opens the door and turns back to me, "I love you both." He says.

"We love you too."


As lunch time rolled around, I was beginning to grow worried. About an hour after Steve had left, I had a contraction. It was mild, but as the day progressed, they grew worse and worse. I tried to tell myself that they were normal. Deep down I knew something was going to happen.

There's a sudden knock on the door. I slowly slump my way off of the couch, biting my lower lip as the pain refuses to subside. I waddle to the door, standing on my tip toes to see through the peephole.

James? Oh thank God.

I open the door. James has a pizza box in his hands. He brought lunch. Poor guy, I already ate lunch. But pizza sounds absolutely amazing right now. Well, that was before the contractions.

"Thought I'd bring over some lunch." He speaks as he enters the apartment.

I clench my teeth and fight the pain, "Great."

He places the pizza box on the bar and turns back to me. His eyebrow was raised. "Alice are you okay? You seem tense." I was still standing by the door with my hand on the doorknob. My other hand on my stomach. James crosses to the door and shuts it for me. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." I lie, "I just need to sit down."

James offers me a hand and helps me waddle to the table. He pulls out a chair for me. I sit down and take a deep breath. James sits across from me and opens the pizza box. He pulls out two pieces of pizza and then realizes that we hadn't gotten out plates.

"We might need plates." He holds the slices in his hands.

I take a sharp breath and push myself up from the table. My arms are trembling.

"Here, let me get them." James put the pizza back in the box and began to stand but I stopped him.

"No, it's fine. I'll get them."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

I waddle around the bar but find myself stopping at the entrance. I bite my tongue as the pain becomes almost unbearable. I feel a tear slide down my cheek, but I force myself to continue walking. I reach the cabinet where the plates are kept. I gasp as the pain rockets through me. I whimper as I reach up and grab two glass plates, trying to remain calm. I turn to exit the kitchen, but then it happened.

I shrieked as a strong wave a pain washed over me. The plates slipped from my hand and shattered on the kitchen floor. I clutch my stomach as something pops within me.

James came running around the corner of the bar just in time to catch me as I begin to fall to my knees. The broken shards providing a terrible landing spot. James held me up, saving me from the shards.

My water broke.

"James, call Steve." I clench my jaw and try to fight the pain."It's happening. It's time."

James surprised me by lifting me up into the air and carrying me over the shards of glass. I gasp as the pain refuses to subside. James sets me down on the couch, and then pulls out his cell phone. He taps the screen until he finally comes to Steve's name and presses the call button. He paces around nervously as I lie in pain on the couch.

"Steve? Steve!" He practically yells into the phone. "Steve this is it." He pauses for a moment, "Steve, Alice is in labor! Right now!"

Over the ringing in my ears, I can hear Steve screaming on the other line. 


"Yes, right now!" He yells back.

"James." I gasp. "Hospital."

"I'm going to take her to the nearest hospital. Meet us there." He doesn't even say goodbye, he just hangs up the phone. He stuffs it into his pocket before he leans down and lifts me into his arms again. He snatches his keys off the table and then proceeds to leave the apartment.

I hope Steve will make it in time. If not, he'll never hear the end of it.

And I hope he keeps his promise.


A/N: It's finally happening! It's about time anyways. Okay, so yesterday I went to the cinema and watched Civil War. OMG I almost cried in the theater. I nearly screamed a couple of times too. All in all I thought the movie was fantastic.

Which is why I have to make a decision. 

The sequel is going to follow the child of Alice and Steve. What do you think, should it follow the Civil War movie? Comment your thoughts! I would love for the sequel to follow Civil War. But that's just me.

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