Race Against The Clock

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"Since when can you drive?" I ask, clutching the life out of the seatbelt.

"I may be almost one hundred years old, but I learned how to drive before, well, you know."

"Yeah, that's why I'm concerned." I take deep breaths and the contractions continue to hit me, one after the next, after the next. The serum in the baby's blood will cause the birth to go faster. Good for the baby. Sucky for me.

Suddenly we encounter a red light. We were stuck behind a long line of cars.

James's phone begins to ring. I look down at it, hoping that maybe Steve would be calling. It was my luck that it was Steve. James reaches for his phone, but I smack his hand away and grab the phone myself. I punch the answer button at least ten times.

"Steve!" I cry out.

"Alice? Are you okay? Where are you at?" He asks.

"Did you seriously just ask me if I am okay?" I yell into the phone. A whimper escapes my lips. "We're stuck in traffic at the moment. I don't know how much longer the baby will wait." My eyes brim with tears. "Are you still at headquarters?" I ask, hoping his answer is a good one.

"My jet had just taken off when I got the call on my comm. The pilot is turning the jet around now. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Damn right you'll be there as soon as you can! I swear, if you miss the birth of your child-"

"I'll be there as soon as I can." His voice helps to calm me down. "I don't understand, Alice. What happened after I left?"

The light changed to green and the long line of cars began to slowly inch forward.

"I started having contractions. I thought they were normal, but they got worse and worse as the day progressed. James was at the apartment when my water broke."

"How much pain are you in?" He asks.

"IT'S CHILDBIRTH STEVE!" I scream at the phone.

It wasn't until after I screamed at him that I realized that he was hinting towards the promise he had made. It felt so long ago when I told him that it might come down to a choice. So far I'm still breathing so that's a good thing. But things can always get worse.

"Shit!" James curses as we didn't make the light.

I shout as another contraction hits me again.

"Alice! What happened?" Steve's voice comes over the phone.

"Another contraction." I answer.

"Alice... The jet... I don't know... Hold on..."

"Steve, what? You're breaking up! Steve!" 

"Keep breathing... I promise... Be late... Soon as I can... Love you..." And then the call is suddenly cut off and the line is dead. I drop the phone in the cupholder and shriek as the contractions speed up.

"I apologize for whatever happens to your seat." My voice shakes.

"Don't worry about it. We're almost there."

The light finally changes to green and we begin to slowly inch forward again until we manage to cross the intersection. In a matter of moments, we're in front of the hospital. 

"We're here." James pulls the car up to the emergency entrance and slams on the brakes. I brace myself by putting my hands on the dashboard. "I'll go get help."

"Yeah, no shit." Sarcasm slowly worked its way into my tone of voice.

Then I was alone in the car. I was left to wonder where my husband was. I hope he can figure out how to get here quickly. I don't know how much longer I can wait.

James comes back out of the entrance of the hospital. Behind him comes a team of nurses. And a wheelchair. Thank God. He quickly opens the car door and takes my hands, helping me out of the car and into the wheelchair.

This definitely isn't how I hoped this would go.


A/N: What do you do when you're home sick? You write. So that's what I'm doing today. Think Steve will make it on time? You'll find out next chapter! Thanks for reading!

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