Manlee Man:
"I got the brightly colored sodas", said Miles, as he teleported inside with five bottles.
"We made popcorn", said Mika, as Chapa and her carried four bowls.
I watched as my boyfriend came up the tubes. "I got the blankets", he said, as I ran to him.
"Swet", I said, as I kissed his forehead and grabbed one of the blankets. We all were watching the movie as it soon got scary. The lights were turned off which increased the horror in the movie. I felt someone pull me into their lap as Jay's scent surrounded me. I felt his hands hug me as he rested his head on my shoulder. "What is it?".
"This part is scary", he whispered, as we watched the woman kill her husband by stabbing him.
I closed my eyes as Jay buried his face in my hoodie. I felt his warm hands slide underneath my shirt as I smiled. "What are you watching?", asked a voice, as we all screamed again. Chapa and Jay both zapped someone as I pulled on the strings of my hoodie hiding my face.
"I know that 'Aiiiie'", said Mika.
"Schwoz?", asked Miles.
"Yeah", he said as he stood up.
"Are you alright?", I asked, as I got out of Jay's lap.
"Yeah but my package is more important", he said.
"What's in the package?", Jay asked.
"It's a plant from my homeland", he said as he pulled out a rock.
"I think that's a rock", said Miles.
"I think it's a geode if I'm not mistaken", I said.
"I'm proud of you, sunshine", said Jay, as I blushed.
"No, it's a plant", said Schwoz. "I need to pour two thousand gallons of water". He opened a side of the staircase where there was a hose, a drain, and Tiny Ray.
"Oh look, Tiny Ray's still here", I said, as Tiny Ray ran away.
"There's some news", said Ray, as he ran in and knocked over the portable tv. I used my telekinesis to stop it from falling. I looked at Jay who smiled at me lovingly. I lost focus as the tv fell down with a crack.
"Oh, c'mon man!", said Miles.
"We were going to continue", said Mika, as Ray turned on the news.
"Breaking News! Kids don't like news!", said Trent.
"That's right, Trent. So as a shameless pay for younger children's attention, our boss hired a pair of child reporters", said Mary.
"They're twins", said Trent.
"Please welcome Gwen and Finn from the Swellview Fashion Show", said Mary.
"They're twins", repeated Trent as the screen changed.
"They're not twins. Why are they lying to us?", I asked as I held the brightly colored soda to toss in my hand.
"Calm down, Bosey", said Jay, as he hugged my arm.
"Not all twins look alike. Some are fraternal and some are identical", said Schwoz.
"Yeah Mika and I are fraternal twins", said Miles.
"Since when were you two twins?", I asked as Jay shook my head.
"Quiet! The news is newsing", said Ray.
"We're here with Swellview fashion icon, Nana Winter", said Gwen.
"So, Nana, this is the 100th anniversary, what do we expect?", asked Finn.
"Drama, fashion, attitude, art, sassy walking, posing, finger foods, Captain Man wearing an exclusive design by Chunk Manlee. And Danger Force will wear some iconic outfits designed by me. And hats", Nana listed.
"I'm sorry did you say hats?", asked Finn.
"I will say no more", said Nana, as she carried away.
"Back to the old people in the studio", said Gwen.
"Hey", said Trent.
"Ouch", said Mary, as we turned off the news.
"We get to be in the Swellview Fashion show?", asked Mika.
"I don't know, it's been a while since I modeled", said Chapa.
"You modeled?", asked Mika.
"Okay you got me. When I was a baby, I was the face of Doodies-Diapers", said Chapa.
"You were Doodie Cutie?", asked Mika.
"Fine, I'll make the face", said Chapa, as she made it
"You don't-", began Ray.
"I'll be in the show as long as there are no diapers", said Chapa.
"I have some modeling experience but I don't know if I can pull it off", Jay said.
"You do?", I asked.
"Why do I learn something new about you guys everyday?", asked Mika.
"It makes sense you're so handsome", I said, as my boyfriend blushed.
"Really?", asked Chapa. "Throw us some moves".
I watched as he ran a hand thoguh his hair and he looked cute. He bit his lip, as he seductively looked at us. I blushed bright as he flushed red. "What do you think?", he shyly asked.
"That was fire", said Miles.
"What do you think, Bose?", asked Chapa as Jay ran into my embrace. I wrapped my arms around him as I placed my head on his.
"You're hot and cute. You're my everything", I said, as Jay looked up at me with a wide smile.
"I'm out", said Miles. "I don't want anything to do with fake craftism in my culture".
"Really?", asked Ray.
"The fashion industry is a tool of rampant capitalism", said Miles.
"He'll go", said Mika.
"I'll go but I won't wear the clothes", said Miles.
"He will and I'll be there to laugh at him", said Mika.
"Well good luck with Ray being a diva", said Schwoz.
"Name one time I was a diva", said Ray.
"In 1999, that fashion show where the incident happened", said Schwoz.
"Incident! Incident! Incident!", I chanted as Ray got flashbacks.
"Sounds like you were being a diva", said Miles, as Ray finished explaining the entire flashback.
"I was not being a diva", said Ray, as he broke a cup and walked out.
"Don't worry I'll be there when Ray becomes a diva", said Schwoz.
"Okay, you wait here for Venom", said ShoutOut, as we all finished dressing.
"Okay". I watched as everyone else left. I heard the door open to see Venom walk out. My breath hitched as I looked at him. He looked adorable. He wore a white shirt and a red jacket over it. He wore a black belt and black bants. His shoes were white like always complimenting his black hair.
"Hey sunshine", he said, as he approached me.
"Wow, you look amazing", I let out, as he smiled.
"You don't look too bad yourself", he said, as he kissed my cheek.
"I...I...lo...lo...gah! Why can't I say it?!", I groaned.
"It's alright. Take your time", he said, as he grabbed my wrist and led me to the others.
"So what's it like wearing Nana Winter?", asked Quinn as Finn and she interviewed us.
"Amazing", said ShoutOut.
"I look as good as Captain Man thinks he does", said Volt.
"Venom looks super cute", said Quinn, as my boyfriend flushed.
"I know he does", I said, as I wrapped my arm around MY boyfriend. I looked at Venom who smirked as I rolled my eyes knowing well that he'll tease me later.
"I refuse to participate in such acts of capitalism no matter how good I look", said AWOL. "And rest assured, I will look good".
"I like turtles", I said, as they showed me the mic.
"You got me, I do have modeling experience", said Volt, as she began posing. We all rolled our eyes.
"Here we go again", I said.
"Excuse me, I am Danger Force's Agent", said Schwoz, as he began talking with Finn and Quinn.
"Fine I'll do my model walk", said Volt, as she began walking.
"No one asked for that", Venom said.
"Guys, I need help", whispered Schwoz to me and Venom.
"I like turtles", I said.
"Okay....anyway...did you guys know AWOL and I are also twins like you?", asked ShoutOut.
"Yeah, they're fraturtle twins", I said as Venom giggled.
"Fraternal", Venom corrected.
"Correct. Not identical but fraturtle", I said.
"Fraternal", Venom said.
"Amen", I said, as I continued. "You guys are fraturtle, aren't you?".
"Actually, we're identical twins", said Finn.
"I'm neer going to get this!", I sighed, as I buried my face in Venom's neck.
"No, it makes sense why you think we're fraternal twins. We were born as identical but I transitioned into a boy seven years ago and that's how I've been living since", explained Finn.
"Respect man", said AWOL, as Finn and AWOL did a fist bump.
"So I was right about the fraturtle?", I asked as I looked up.
"Let's say yes", said Finn.
"Ooh, behind the scenes footage", said Quinn as Captain Man and Pierre ran through the room.
"We'll catch ya later", said Finn, as they both left with their drone.
"Okay, I hate the message this is sending but this would look so dope on me", said AWOL.
"Can you just put it on so I can laugh at you?", asked ShoutOut.
"I won't give you the satisfaction", said AWOL.
"Hey...I totally understand what Finn was talking about transitioning. But someone should explain to Brainstorm what Finn was talking about", said Schwoz.
"Ok 'Brainstorm', Finn is transgender", said ShoutOut, as she did air quotes.
"I got this", I said.
"Do you though?", asked Volt.
"Yeah, sunshine. Do you?", asked Venom.
"Trust. Transgender is an umbrella term for someone whose gender identity doesn't match the body they were born into", I explained.
"I didn't see that coming", said ShoutOut.
"Me neither", said Volt.
"Wow you got this", said AWOL.
"I'm proud of you", said Venom as he kissed my cheek.
A little while later, Volt was teaching us how to walk. "How do I put this for fashion noobs to understand? Walk better", she said.
"Guys", said AWOL, as he ran in wearing a costume and followed by Finn and Quinn.
"Look who's wearing capitalism", teased ShoutOut.
"Someone's going around and putting everyone in awesome clothes", said AWOL.
"That's because it's a fashion show", Venom said.
"Thank you", said Quinn.
"Anyway, Finn has something to tell us", said AWOL.
"I don't think Chunk Manlee is a real fashion designer", said Finn.
"That's a bit harsh", I said
"No, his thing is making clothes for men. I mean why would he put the buttons on Captain Man's shirt on the wrong side?", asked Finn.
"I don't get it", said Volt.
"On men's shirts the buttons go on the right side", said Finn.
"They do?", Venom, AWOL, and I asked.
"And on women's shirts they go on the left side", he explained.
"They do?", asked ShoutOut, and Volt.
"Trust me, I have a lot of experience with that", said Finn, as everyone nodded.
"It seems weird that he would make that mistake", Venom said.
"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?", asked ShoutOut.
"Most definitely not", I said, as I grinned at Venom
"We need to figure out what 'Chunk' is up to", said AWOL.
"Let's break into his dressing room", suggested Volt.
"Someone distract him", Venom said, as I stood up.
We were running to his dressing room when I stopped halfway. I looked ahead at Venom who was using his powers on the door as everyone else stopped next to me. "He's so perfect", I sighed. "I love everything about him".
"You love Venom?", asked AWOL, as everyone gasped.
"Please don't tell him, I want to be the one who gets to tell him that", I said.
"Awww, our young Bose found true love", said ShoutOut.
"Your secret's safe with me, man", said Volt, as we went to the door.
"I don't think it'll open", said AWOL to ShoutOut, as she tried to open the door.
"It did", she said, as the door gave out.
"I call dibs on the next door", said Volt, as we entered the room.
"Now let's respectfully go through the stuff in here", said ShoutOut, as everyone began rummaging through everything. "Oh my god!".
"Armoire, I greet you as an equal, but I must kick you", said Volt, as she shoved her foot into the door but it didn't budge.
Some muffled words came from inside. "Did it just speak back?", asked AWOL.
"Yeah, but it's not going to do that again", said Volt, as she zapped it and it revealed the real Chunk Manlee.
"That armoire eats people. Run!", I said, as I grabbed Venom to make a dash but he stopped me.
"I think that's the real Chunk Manlee", said ShoutOut.
He began muffling some words. "Dude we can't hear what you're saying", said Volt.
"He probably said, take the gag off", said AWOL as the man nodded.
"I'll kick it off", said Volt, as the man shook his head furiously.
Venom removed the gag off the man as he began speaking. "I'm the real Chunk Manlee. The one in there is a fake", he blurted.
"Wait, why is the other guy pretending to be you?", Voly asked.
"Because he wants to get revenge on Nana Winter. The shirt Captain Man is wearing is weaponized. It has illegal crystal prisms that concentrate on a kind of light", said Chunk.
"What type of light?", asked ShoutOut.
"The light at the end of the runway", he said.
"I kind of wanna see that since it sounds cool. But as a superhero I won't let that happen", said Volt.
"Eh, poor woman", Venom said, as everyone looked at me. "We're not actually going to save her right?". Everyone nodded. "Okay, I guess we are".
We ran backstage where Quinn, Finn, Captain Man, and the imposter were. "Stop right there, Manlee", said Volt.
"What's going on?", asked the fake one.
"This guy's an imposter", I said.
"I knew it", said Finn.
"You were right about the buttons", said ShoutOut.
"There's a spotlight at the end of the runway, once you get there, there will be a laser beam which will laser Nana Winter's face right off", said Venom.
"Are these melty face buttons?", asked Captain Man.
"Of course not, these talentless nobodies are trying to steal your spotlight", said the fake.
"No, we're not trying to steal is talent!", said ShoutOut.
"And we have a lot of talent", said Venom.
"Okay fine, I'll do my model walk", said Volt, as she began walking.
"Not now!", said ShoutOut, as she held Volt back.
"This is your moment, take it!", said the fake.
"No!", I said.
"Look, I get it. I would be jealous of me too. But I've waited for twenty years for my funway on the runway so no one's going to stop me", said Captain Man, as he walked out on stage.
I watched as three other men crowded in on us. Volt took a step forward, as she shot one of them. They held a plate in front of them and deflected it as it came in AWOL's direction. I watched as it came towards me and hit me before I blacked out.
I woke up to see everyone fighting. "Wake up, sunshine", said Venom, as he kept fighting one guy.
We all ended up fighting people till we got on the runway. "Your cue isn't until later!", shouted Captain Man. I watched as the fake guy threw me on the ground as Venom punched me. He helped me back up as I smiled at him.
"If you guys get to the end of the runway", began Volt but was interrupted by fighting bad guys.
I levitated a bad guy and Venom immobilized him. I watched as the real Chunk Manlee waddled over with the armoire still around him. I watched as Venom threw me a bad guy as I punched him in the face. "Wow, bunny", I said, as he went red. "We make a great team".
"I guess we do", said Venom, as he blew me a flying kiss and I caught it.
"I'm going to do my little turn on the catwalk", said Captain Man.
"No!", all of us screamed. I watched as the light hit the stone which made a laser but luckily AWOL teleported Nana Winter out of there.
"I'm going to miss that drone", said Finn as a drone hit the light causing it to go out.
"Give it up, Fake Manlee", said Volt.
"Never!", he said, as he ran around.
Venom united the real Chunk's hands and pushed him aside. I watched as I levitated the armoire and dropped it on the fake one. "Told you that armoire eats people", I said, as Venom grinned at me.
"This twin saved you!", said Finn.
"Twins are now in season and I can trust them", announced Nana as everyone cheered.
"The only thing we have left is to reveal this guy's true identity", Venom said, as he pointed at the fake one.
"So, who is this guy?", asked AWOL.
"That's Derek Face", said Nana. "An ex model".
"And who's Derek Face?", AWOL asked.
"A former model, gee, I just said that", sighed Nana Winter.
"And why did you do this?", asked ShoutOut.
"I did this because Captain Man made me get a scar on my face so Nana Winter fired me", said Derek.
"I fired you because you were bad at modeling", she said as everyone oohed.
"Really?", he asked.
"You were garbage", asked Nana.
"Let me get this right. You're a fake?", asked Captain Man. "As stunning I am, I am stunned".
"Finn helped bring him down", I said.
"Thank you, young man", said Captain Man.
"I also helped", added Gwen, as Captain Man brushed her off.
We all de transformed and went to the Man's Nest. "My plant!", said Schwoz.
"For the last time, it's a rock", Chapa sighed.
"Look", said Schwoz, as the rock became a beautiful flower with purple flowers.
"Woah", said Mika, as we saw Miles come in wearing fashionable clothes.
"You heard her, twins are in season", said Miles.
"Okay, that's how you walk better", said Chapa, as I frowned.
"Leave my boyfriend alone", I said, as I wrapped my arms around Jay's neck.
"I'm impressed and concerned", said Mika, as we saw Chapa and Miles posing. "Now I'm just concerned".
That night, I watched Jay work on the computers. "And done. I set up all the tracking devices so if a villain is in the perimeter of us, we'll be fine", he said, as he proudly looked at his work.
"That's cool", I muttered.
"What's wrong?", he asked, as he hugged me.
"Nothing", I said in his chest.
"Something's wrong and as your boyfriend I got to know", he said, as he smiled at me sweetly.
I pulled away from him as he looked surprised. "Everyday, you make me and everyone else fall for your charm. Everytime I'm with you, I like you all over again and I don't want to be away from you. You're all I think about and I thought I just liked you. But I realized that I don't. I....I lo-.....I lo....I loo....", I stuttered.
"I'm sure you'll be able to say it confidently one day", Jay said.
"I love you, Jay", I said.
"You should never force yourself to say something when you're not comfortable", Jay said.
"You're not listening, I love you, Jay", I said.
"Everyone's allowed to be in love even when things get complicated-", began Jay, but froze and turned to look at me. "I always thought of telling you the same thing. But I was too shy. I thought you didn't know what it meant and I didn't want you to unknowingly commit to something. I feel myself with you. You're so sweet and careful with others, especially with me. You always try to protect me and I can't help but like you even more. Whatever you do and say never hurts others and I love that. But what I'm trying to say is...I....I love you too".
He looked at me with red cheeks and I leaned in as we both kissed each other. "Awww, that's so cute", said Mika.
"Shh", said Chapa, as everyone else came into view.
"This is so sweet", said Miles.
"I knew it!", said Ray.
"You thought it was Jay and some other girl on the street", said Schwoz, as everyone began fighting. Jay and I intertwined our hands as we laughed at everyone else.
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