Contact Lens' POV:
We were all telaported to a bridge. After that crazy stuff, we all wanted to relax for a bit. Just to rest instead of panik for once.
"We still don't have homes." I pointed out.
"Well, I know a place!" Charlotte replied. We all walked with her, while talking about anything we could think of. I was talking with Taylor and Atom. We were done with conferting people now.
Circle's POV:
I was free. Free from the lab. Free from the white void. Free from everything. Now, I could just spend time with my friends. Friends that don't look or act the same as me. I could be unique and different for once.
Tray's POV:
Although I wasn't at the school, I didn't miss it anymore. It was boring and gross. Now, she could just live normally, without hiding. No humans to worry about, no needles to fear, nothing. Just peace and safety.
Bryce's POV:
Everything happened so fast. I remember waking up in the lab for the first time, like it was yesterday. I'm just glad that nonsense is over. Before we knew it, we were back at the house. It was quite a big house, like a mansion. A light breeze was starting when we headed inside.
"Ok everybody, find a room." Moldy told everyone. As most of us went to find a room, I stayed. The rest of batch one, except Liam, also stayed.
We were all standing near the window, like how we were before this madness. Eventually, the rest joined us. We all felt at home. At peace.
Liam's POV:
This sight used to appear in my dreams.
This sight used to scare me.
This sight used to haunt me.
But now...
It welcomed me.
= End of Book 1 =
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