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The father of Kim, Panther, the Project Manager at Benevolence Plaza is a person living with disability or specially abled person. Panther was a victim of fateful Gold Corporation Resistance Movement (GCRM) that partly claimed the life of his wife Marlene and several Artisanal miners. Most of their valuables and prime property were plundered and partitioned by the rich and their middle class sympathizers.

The GCRM Reds, as it was named, annexed their lands, animals, crops and forcefully evicted them from the productive zones, including lands and property they acquired elsewhere.

Those who managed to escape had nothing to carry along nor assets to auction for a new start.They were trailed, captured ,tortured and brutally murdered alongside those who offered them support.

The labeling upon them worsened their condition for they couldn't settle anywhere between South Lake country, Okuro and Mu Empire.

Those who landed in West Lake country islands faced hostility from the locals who feared losing fishing rights from tiny fishing villages they had created after escaping massacre from dreaded ruler in the mainland.

The migingo island area that would have accommodated them was still inhabitable since it was still occupied by dreaded water vampires and maniacs that put the island on fire every evening to keep off humans.

The few who marshaled courage to wrestle and finally chased vampires and maniacs laid the foundation for human habitation in the once dreaded island that finally transformed into the current fishing tourism hub offering employment and business opportunities to Mu empire citizens and nationals from South & West Lake countries.

The well orchestrated upheaval was led by AB Major and Maxima on behalf of bourgeoisie of Okuro home and diaspora who claimed control of mining and other land rights.

The Plaza had accessibility rams all around and within the building to aid the Specially Abled individuals. The toilets, washrooms and chairs were all disability friendly. They had their assistants to efficiently provide them needed aids particularly in handling electronic and other gadgets during routine assignments in the office.

Panther , unlike other days came with his son Kim to the work station flanked by his sister-in-law and Benevolence Plaza Community Mobilizer, Cynthia whose husband was also killed by GCRM Reds' gangs. Cynthia gentle pushed his wheelchair into the hallway through the rammed entrance.

Before crossing to the first floor through the stairs, there were two lifts, one for those abled differently and the ordinary. Cynthia and Kim entered into the ordinary lift where they dialled second floor as Panther entered into the special lift where he dialed the third floor. Cynthia assumed that Panther was heading to his office which was directly opposite to her office.

When Cynthia and Kim touched the ground,they both expected the special lift to open for Panther to come out. The exit door was tightly closed only oped when the lift was turning downwards. Kim was very anxious as they both walked into Panther's which was still locked. Cynthia inserted her office card and her office flanged open. Kim's restlessness couldn't allow him to enter but he entered nevertheless and sat in the one of the three chairs next to the entrance. Cynthia turned on the light before lowering window curtains.

Kim: Mama Flo, where is my dad?

Cynthia: Which number did he dial in the lift. Did you check?

Kim: How do you mean?

Cynthia: Didn't you see what I dialed?

Kim: You dialed two(2). What did that mean?

Cynthia: It meant I was alighting in the second floor.

Kim: What if you dialled Three ?

Cynthia: We would have gone to the next floor above

Kim: Is it where you were last time?

Cynthia: Exactly, so you can still remember?

Kim: I do but that day we climbed the stairs.

Cynthia: Which one is the fastest route?

Kim: The lift is cheeper.

Cynthia: But expensive.

Kim: How?

Cynthia: Lift must be maintained regularly to avoid jamming and even causing accident. Lift also depends on electricity. Incase of blackout and incase of power back up failure, everyone must use stairs.

Kim: (Turns on the fan) No wonder that day I was feeling hot.

Cynthia: Turn off that fan. Don't you feel it is still cold?

Kim: I see. Do we have hot fan?

Cynthia: (Showing the heater) When it is very cold we use the heater to keep the room warm. But both of them use electricity which is very costly.

The internal phone call rang as Cynthia was still explaining to the anxious Kim about office auxiliaries. It indicated Personal Assistant's office.

Cynthia: Hello. Community Mobilizer talking.

PA: Hello. PA calling. Talk to Project Manager.

Cynthia: Hello. How could you go to third floor without letting us know?

Panther: (Smiling )Can't I make independent choice without you knowing?

Cynthia:(Passing Receiver to Kim) We came as a Team . Can you talk to Kim?

Panther: Ok. Connect him!

Kim: Hello daddy. How're you?

Panther: I'm fine. And you?

Kim: You scared us. What happened?

Panther: There's something I'm fixing here.

Kim: Is anything broken?

Panther: Not really. You'll know when you come.

Kim: Are we coming there?

Panther: Yes. Connect me back to Mama Flo. Thank you

Kim: (Returning the Receiver to Cynthia) Thank you too dady.

Cynthia: Hello. What are you fixing there?

Panther: You can close and come immediately with Kim.

Cynthia: Seriously.

Panther: I mean every word. Don't delay.

Cynthia: Thank you goodbye.

Cynthia disconnected the call and began to clear her desk. Kim heard exactly what was expected of them as such stood by the door. Before she could check what was happening outside, he several offices opening and closing. Everyone wanted to have a spectacular sight of Great Saldana who walked into the office through the stairs . She was greeting her Staff from South heading to Northern wing stairs. Kim joined her and they both held hands together as they climbed up to the third floor.

Kim: Hello GS!

Saldana: Hello Kim Panther. How're you.

Kim: I'm fine. Your dress is cool. I like it!

Saldana: Thank you. Is your dad around?

Kim: Yes. He dodged us but he's in the third floor already.

Saldana: What do you mean he dodged. Didn't you come together?

Kim: We did but he took special lift to third floor while we went to second floor

Saldana greeted everyone as she had started before going to her office. Her arrival was a great relief to PA Galileo who had alot of calls directly diverted to his office. The rest cheerfully went to their respective offices except Project Manager Panther who gathered his boy together with Cynthia to join Great Saldana in her official for his great surprise meeting with Saldana. He prepared to surprise Saldana who had a similar idea before he thought of it. When he requested for a private meeting between him and his family and Saldana, she pictured on what would make it a win-win for both of them. She was therefore very expectant from the time she woke. To her it was like a work date and she planned it beyond what Panther had imagined.

Earlier in the previous day, Panther gave her a call just a few hours after leaving the office.

Panther: Hello CEO!

Saldana: Hello Panther. How're you?

Panther: I'm fine. Happy to hear from you!

Saldana: (Humorously) What have you heard from me?

Panther: It is an honour you have received my call. I don't take it lightly.

Saldana: Welcome if you mean that. I'm deeply touched and honoured by your appreciation.

Panther: I have a pressing request. Would you be in office tomorrow . I'll make it snappy short before you attend to anybody in your office.

Saldana: What if I say no Baba Kim?

Panther: I'll feel very bad the whole day. Do you hate me that much?

Saldana: I agree. But what is about. Can't you give me the clue?

Panther: No allow me to call it a surprise. Just bear with boss. Wouldn't you?

Saldana: Surprise. Bearing with it. Do you know you've robbed my sleep already?

Panther: I'm sorry in advance madam.

Saldana: Okay. Make it very early the schedule will be very tight tomorrow.

Panther walked in with his son alongside Cynthia flanked by PA Galileo and Managing Director Paths. Madam Taa and Madina followed her closely. They both settled in spacious sofa sets which had been decorated for day's work. The office was also having an additional feature in that children's office was domiciled within it. The sweet aroma could be felt allover the room as the sweet scent filled corridors and hallway.

PA: To our CEO. All protocol observed. Let me say that our Project Manager shocked and there was no way I could say no. Treat that as my sincere apology. Let me give him this honour to express himself as the owner of this auspicious occasion.

Panther: Before I say much let me donate my earliest time to Kim and Cynthia in that order. Kindly be brief.

Kim: Thanks CEO, PA Galileo Managing director Paths, Madina and Taa. Without forgetting a lady who has stood up as my mother since I was born. If it were no for Medicinas I wouldn't have doubted what my dad told me yesterday that you're my mother. I don't blame you because the death of my mother must have affected you so much. Let thank this new team around you for transformation in our life collectively. You not only grow professional but can afford to smile and share positive energy. Thank you Saldana for appointing my dad, not that but also believing in his capability. Dad remember I'm sorry for pressing you with constant request for my mum. I thank God for giving me more than one mother I have been requesting for. I don't know actually what this meeting was all about but I consider it an opportunity to appreciate you for being there when we most needed. Thank Saldana for giving me a pat at my back always. I really feel good when you do it. To Mama Flo, you remain my mother, Madina and Taa thank you for watching over us, I pledge to watch over tomorrow. Thank you Baba Paths you've never stopped to consult with my dad to give him hope. You're the truest friend. PA Galileo you've been our Mobil father if that term means anything. We mess with but you keep being there timely to take us to and back to school. Sometimes we feel we suck too much but we've never escaped your tenderness and nearness. Thank you everyone. Thank you Saldana For Benevolence LTD.

Saldana: (Shedding tears) Sorry everyone. Allow me go to the washroom before we resume the session.

PA: Me too!

Madina: Me too please!

Saldana: Like everyone needs a break. How many minutes will be appropriate?

Cynthia: Five.

Saldana: Is that okay?

Taa: Seconded.

Saldana: Agreed.

The emotional intelligence everyone was tested my Kim's emotional tributes to the team. Even his, who never knew about Kim's communication with Medicinas couldn't understand how to make a comeback. He bursted in tears that triggered the rest to follow suit. PA Galileo who had maintained stoic look all along, felt touched to the core my simple but weighty statements from Kim. They retreated back but the sniffing of the nose was hardly over.

Saldana: Thank you very much everyone. Sorry for breaching the protocol I had to do it on our behalf. Let's proceed.

PA: Thank you CEO for being that sensitive. You've exceeded expectations in emotional intelligence. We appreciate what IDG capacity building is doing for the organization. Cynthia proceed.

Cynthia:(Emotional) Thanks you CEO. Protocol observed. Death of Marlene is one of the hardest topics in our family.

Kim: (Shocked) So my mum was called Marlene?

Cynthia: Yes Kim.

Kim: (Hugs his dad) Thanks Dad I wouldn't blame you again.

Panther: It's okay.

Saldana: Come here my dear son!

Cynthia: Thank you. Many members of our community have pushed both of us to form a family but we both feel it's not necessary provided we can both work for the best for our children individually and collectively. It has never dawned on us that we can be husband and wife. Even kids have been enjoying us to process another child...


Cynthia: ...but it can't work since Marlene is part of us we won't betray her atleast till now. That a side, I would to say that pursuit of the dream is the essence of existence. Thank you Saldana for making this a reality again in our life. Panther and I draw a lot of inspiration for each other for professional growth & that's the main reason why people mistake us. We invested our time, resources, youth and vigor for GoCorp MD Paths will bear us a witness. We owe oceans, seas, lakes and rivers of gratitude for making it happen in our life. The night my husband was murdered I knew the chapters of my life had been closed because I had never imagined leaving Okuro to any other place for work. Second I knew I was the next in their list. I have never known care since my husband died except the little we've had with my in-law Panther and Paths. But when you surfaced through Benevolence kids, our house households are overflowing with your care. The reengineering your office has undergone together with IDG will go along way in transforming the landscape of Benevolence LTD through many ventures we undertake herein. We're forever greatful to everyone who has succeed in putting a smile in the faces of our children. Thank you Saldana. God bless you.

Saldana: Thank you very much. Allow to digress a bit: Madina & Taa come forth. Who'll talk fast?

Madina: Taa will.

Taa: Thank CEO. Protocol observed. Let me say personally I had been buried and hopeless. Most of you had died killed by criminal elements who thought they owned a section of the government without understand that government is a Complex thing. Personally I saw a Complex Government Launching attack my first husband who was serving the same State, not a pseudo State. To cut the long story Short, I became so detached & buried myself with rags of fear and surrender. I took and swallowed orders from chiefs like pills, something I used not to do in West Lake countries where Traditional Authority is much stronger than here. I don't take it for granted that a broken vessel like me can be of use at this critical hour. I'm indepted to you as a team and to you CEO Saldana as an individual I owe with remnants of my Life and you'll not dictate terms how I pay you. For going your way to Exhume me and my family and trusting me by placing us under this shelter of Benevolence where service, Grace and Excellence are the core pillars, I'll forever pour my gratitude to you. Sorry from veering off. The speeches I have heard have touched me where it matters most. PM Panther, kindly come forward and make a brief presentation before he takes the floor. Thank you everyone.

Madina: Assalam aleikum sister CEO Saldana. Protocol observed. I pledge I'll not be any different in as far as presentation herein is concerned. One thing I can guarantee is that I'll condense it to a short master piece. Personally I had been condemned but thanks to Kidz under Benevolence LTD shed. They made navigate our way out Judgemental Mafia outside there to condemn us in the court of public opinion. I shall support you to the hilt. You're a sister I never had. May Allah enoble our characters for his calling. To our brother Panther, you've shown us the way. You shall never walk alone. Welcome and make your presentation. Long live.

Panther: Thank CEO and all of us. When my brother was shot by GCRM Reds and bullet got lodged in my waist consequently paralyzing my limbs after incapacitating my expectant wife, I never imagined there would another lease of life. I don't want to highlight trauma and emotional rollercoaster. This event was to celebrate someone who saw me through the lenses of my child. It's hard for a parent to get credit based on the merit of the child. It's always the other way round. Thank you for being you which the secret of serving humanity and God - cultivating unfakeable, unfalsifiable and authentic self. Let me present this gift to you and personal gift card. It is not much but it has come from deeper end of my heart. PA Galileo and Managing Director Paths kindly present the gift to CEO Saldana.

It was a neatly wrapped gift and a sealed A4 packaged gift. After presentation, CEO Saldana took podium to appreciate and offer a vote of thanks.

Saldana: Thank for your immense love. How I wished I spent my childhood and youth here. But we collectively have a duty to mould young ones like Kim, Flo, Gal, Matar and other to reflect our deferred childhood and youth. Today you chose to kill severally. I didn't know even my surprise team would kill me with surprises too.


Saldana: Sincerely speaking I never expected the much I have gotten here today considering how brief it was. Thank you Panther, Kim and Cynthia. I still have a lot to learn from your love, family and Professional story because justice you'll get definitely. But don't get impatient with me when I seek to know about your love story.


Saldana: It's true. Most of us have died and resurrected when we discovered people we thought we lost forever made their way back in real life.


Saldana: You better believe it. But the importance of family be emphasized. We need people who just sit there to listen to our disclosure and that is enough. We have to open at the level IDG to include such family life skills. I hope I'm speaking your mind?


Saldana: I won't take much of your time. I urge Madina & Taa Square to lead us outside for my surprise presentation to Panther. Kindly

Madina carried a special vessel that was covered in a red ribbon. They walked in uniform as their dresses matched the ribbon color. When they reached outside after everyone had climbed through the stairs except Panther and Kim who used the elevator, none could believe what they beheld in their sights. Apart from Chunye and Square who had graced this important events, Medicinas and the whole Kidz Team together with their teachers led by their headteacher had also attended in a double even - Gratitude Day Inauguration & Benevolence Kidz Office Launch.

Saldana: Let us inaugurate Gratitude Day & Launch Kidz Office. Madam Xarvier kindly lead us through cutting of ribbon.

Xarvier: Thank you everyone. Gal kindly come forward for ribbon cutting.

Gal was guided by Taa who was carrying one of the neat vessels covered in red ribbon. She walked gentlemen before cutting the ribbon.


Xarvier: Thank you everyone. We've 1st Gratitude Gift Presentation That is going to none other than PROJECT MANAGER PANTHER MARVEL. Madina, kindly proceed. Meanwhile Square and Chunye, kindly prepare to assist our brother to unwrap the gift.

Madina presented the new car key to Kim who handed it over to Panther who was overwhelmed with joy. Cynthia held him closely to control. Kidz joined Kim to share with his dad in tears of joy. They guided him as they pushed his wheelchair slowly. For every slow step he made, square and Chunye kept unveiling the sleek Mercedes Benz AMG coupe with number Plates Written MARVEL

Saldana: From Today onwards, all our official Vehicles will bear the name MARVEL there shall be a reward to that & there shall be paperwork to that effect. Meanwhile this is your personal car. You shall be the face of

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