The Sickness

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I thought I'd wake up again to beautiful sounds of nature but instead the sounds of my sister crying.

I follow the cries right into the downstairs bathroom.

My sister was throwing up, my moms hand rubbing her back.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think she ate some bad food yesterday." my moms raspy voice answering.

"Can you help me with Bailey today sweetie I think I'll need a little help."

"Uh.. sure." I answer.

Not wanting to disobey my mom.

"I guess I'll have to tell Matt that I have to stay home and help my mom with Bailey." I whisper to my self while pulling out my phone.

"Hey Matt." I text.


"There's been a slight change of plans, Bailey got really sick, and I need to stay home and help my mom with her."

"It's fine."

"Are you mad?"


"Alright, well bye."


I sit down next to my sick sister, I feel her forehead.

"Did you check her temperature?" I ask.

"Yeah, 101." my mom said sadly soothing Bailey's hair.

"101! No that can't be possible she was healthy yesterday!" I argued.

"I don't know honey, I guess she just got sick in her sleep."

I sat on the edge if the bathtub thinking of how perfectly healthy she was yesterday and how incredibly sick she was today.

I honestly didn't believe it, I didn't think it was possible.

Then I just laugh at my self.

"How could she have gotten sick so fast?" I ask not believing what my mom said.

"I already told you,bad food."

"Yeah but all she ate was pizza, cereal and the bedtime snack you gave her."

"Maybe there was something in the pizza that made her sick." mom said.

"Well does she have any medicine to help her?" I ask.

"Yeah" mom answered.

I get up to go get some medicine, just as I walk out of the door I hear,

"Where are you going!" mom shouts.

"Going to get Bailey medicine."

"No! I'll get it."

Mom walks out, partly pushing me back into the bathroom.

I knew mom didn't like me going in the medicine drawer but, I never knew it was that bad.

Mom comes back with the medicine and gave her a teaspoon.

I snuck a look at the medicine label.

I saw the letters "ALG" on it but before I could finish mom took it away.

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