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The colors across the sanctum danced through the windows as the sun rose. I liked to watch the sunrise from in here when I awake early enough. Just shortly after the sun makes its appearance on the horizon, the light streams in and outlines the Triforce along the floor in the center. Just after that the chiseled windows bend the light, creating a multicolor display across the entire room.

I'd been coming here since I was young to watch the sunrise. My mother had shown me this treasure, so I continued to come here when after she passed all those years ago.

It had been predicted many years ago that Ganon was soon to rise again, causing great devastation throughout Hyrule. We began to make preparations for our defense. My part in these preparations was to gain access to my sealing power from the goddess Hylia herself. The problem was that my only teacher had been my mother. The many textbooks and ancient texts that I've read over all these years haven't helped up until this point. I can't help but start to wonder if I'm going to be the first incarnation to never access that power.

So, I've decided to of course keep trying, but to focus on the little joys before I despair too much focusing on the large problem. After all, what would be the help in that?

Focusing back on the light that filled the room, I breathed in deeply.

What if I never achieve it?

Footsteps sounded behind me, and I turned to meet them.

"The king would like to see you, princess." A royal guard held out a small note.

"Thank you," I replied. He bowed, then retreated.

The note only confirmed what the guard had stated, so I folded it and placed it in my pocket.

I wonder if it's another lesson on how I'm not doing enough to access my power again...

After walking across the castle from the sanctum to the dining hall, I was announced at the door. As I heard my father invite me in, I walked in to see many people there with him. One of them was Impa, a royal advisor and one of my dearest friends. The other was a man I'd never met before standing on the opposite side of the King.

"Princess Zelda, remember our little talk about assigning a personal knight to you on your quest to access your sealing power?"

Vaguely, and it wasn't much of a talk. More of a "this is going to happen," talk.

"I do," I replied simply.

"After discussing with the Hylian captains, they all suggested this young man. This is Link. He has just accepted the position of your personal knight and sole protector. This will officially be announced at the Champion Ceremony in one moon's time." The king gestured to the man standing next to him.

"Very well, Father. Does this mean I can continue to aid Purah and Robbie with the ancient technology research in the ancient lab then?"

Father's eyes lowered and his mouth grew a deep frown. "You know you should be focusing on your sealing power, Zelda."

"I understand my duty just fine, Father. I might as well do all I can in every aspect to help fight the calamity while I work on it." I pushed.

"Very well then. Link, Impa here will run over what duties are now expected of you. Zelda, you are free to resume whatever it was you were doing before."

I nodded. "Thank you, Father."

I turned and walked out the door, not waiting for either Link or Impa.

I knew that Father only meant for the best, but I couldn't help but get irritated that all he could think about was fighting the calamity and my sealing power. However, as king of Hyrule how could he be any different? He's only trying to save his people.

Shaking my head, I headed to my room. At least with this new personal knight I'd be able to leave the castle again. Perhaps Purah and Robbie have made more strides with the Shekiah Slate.

The Shekiah Slate was an ancient tool that was discovered around the same time as the divine beasts and the accompanying Guardians. Supposedly, it is supposed to work as a key to enter shrines around Hyrule.

Currently, they were trying to get it to work.

Once the monsters started to gain in number, Father thought it wise to stay closer to home. It was understandable, but also another opportunity to be disappointed in me the longer it takes for me to understand how to access my power.

As I entered my room, I ran my hands through my hair. It was quite long, but that was how it had always been. Changing into my more comfortable field clothes from my blue dress, I walked across the bridge from my room to my study tower. Here I felt the most at home, besides the fields of Hyrule. Here I had books beyond books of ancient technology, pieces of technology that still baffle us on how they work, and drawings of possible missing pieces that would make things function as they should.

Here I could get lost in research on how to tangibly defeat Ganon and defend Hyule against him and forget about the immense weight of accessing a sealing power that seemed to elude me at every turn.



The princess hadn't seemed too thrilled about the idea of a personal knight, though I could understand the thought of having someone follow you around constantly wouldn't be the most ideal.

I turned to the one supposedly called Impa.

The girl came up to me excitedly. "My name's Impa, as you know. I'm a royal advisor and friend to the princess. I live in Kakariko Village but spend a lot of time here as well. Follow me!"

She seems cheery. That's a nice change after the seriousness of the princess and the king.

I followed her around most of the castle, listening to her talk about how the castle was built and how the royal family was adored by many across the land.

"My sister and friend Robbie run the ancient technology lab just outside castle town, and I often help there when I'm not here. There's just so much to research about that stuff! Though I'm sure you'll hear more than you want about it once you're with Zelda all the time."

I tilted my head.

"She is very interested in this stuff, and usually connects most of the dots that we miss. She's insanely intelligent. A side effect of that though is that's usually the majority of what she talks about." Impa laughed.

I nodded as Impa continued on until we reached Zelda's room.

"This is Zelda's room, across the bridge is her study tower. As I mentioned before that's where she spends a lot of her time. Your room is just passed this one."

We preceded after Zelda's door and came up to another. "The king offered to have your things from your other home here sent here, if that's something you would like done."

I had forgotten all about my house in Hateno Village...or how I would now need to live here.

I didn't respond as Impa pushed the door open.

Walking in, the room was massive. It had two large windows, a massive bed against the far wall. It also had an armor stand, weapon mounts, bow mounts, along with the dresser and mirror. I felt my jaw drop open a bit and Impa chuckled.

"Isn't it great? I suggested there be knight themed things in here, considering."

I nodded my thanks.

"If you have any more questions, Zelda and I will most likely be in her study. Feel free to join us when you're ready for your first day."

I walked around the large room and opened the dresser drawers. There were simple shirts and pants inside along with an arrangement of belts.

I guess they didn't know my size, I chuckled.

In the bottom drawers there wasn't much, just a couple books and a sewing kit.

Good for when I tear clothes in battle.

Picking up one of the books, it looked brand new and untouched. I blew the dust off the cover, revealing a title of Flora and Fauna of the Hylian Wild.

Okay I understand why it was so dusty...

I placed the book back in the drawer and closed it.

I stood up and walked to the windows. They were facing the Hebra mountains, which looked extremely cold even from here. At the top of the windows the glass was artfully cut to create beautiful Hylian Crest designs.

I'd never lived anywhere fancy before, but this was a lot to take in. In fact, I almost missed my home in Hateno village.

That part of my life is over now, though. I now live here and my schedule is whatever the princess's is. 

Things could be worse.

The fact that my life had changed so dramatically and so quickly was something that would take some time getting used to. I was beginning to be okay with that.

Though there are probably a lot of expectations for me now. Everyone will want me to be something different for them.

It would be difficult to live up to every one of them.

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