A Call to Arms

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The sun started to peak above Hyrule field as I rode Epona towards the castle town. I was on my way to my next rotation at the castle, as a knight of Hyrule.

Sunrises have to be almost my favorite thing in the world. Food will always take that top spot, but watching the sunrise plaster the sky with amazing colors to usher each new day will never lose its brilliance.

One thing that I could live without is managing the massive hordes of monsters that keep attempting to attack the castle and many other strongholds throughout Hyrule. The King has been increasing our patrols to match their attempts, but as the hordes grow our defense does not. It's only a matter of time until they overtake us with their sheer numbers.

The increase in patrols may have to do with the impending prophecy. Ganon has been foretold to return and cause a great calamity. The kingdom isn't ready for that kind of threat. We are still unearthing things of the ancient past, such as four Divine Beasts that were recently discovered. According to our historians who study ancient prophecy and technology, these beasts were created to help defeat Ganon and can be operated by a certain individual that the divine beast itself deems worthy. Along with these massive beasts, these historians and scientists have been figuring out how to work machines called Guardians. Those no one has figured out quite yet.

I can only hope the kingdom will be ready by the time Ganon wakes. As for right now, it's time for work.

Finally reaching the castle town, I dropped off Epona at the castle stables and walked to the knight's ward. Many knights were talking with each other, some leaving and some coming into work. I greeted the few that I knew and grabbed my things. The knight's armor wasn't too bad, but it was a bit bulky. It often got in the way during tight movements. I grabbed a wooden shield from the rack, along with an eightfold blade. It was light and quick, which did the trick for most monsters.

The bell started to ring across the courtyard, signaling us that the next shift was up.

Some of the knights left for posts inside the castle, today I was on field duty. That was the most fun in my opinion because I could beat up monsters all day if I needed to, instead of rigidly standing at attention for many hours at a time scanning for those who don't belong.

In the morning briefing, the captain had informed us to pay special attention to castle town, as the monsters have been repeatedly trying to break down its walls. Unsheathing my sword and shield, I and many others headed down the castle hallways and through the massive doorway. Castle Town seemed just as I had left it on my way through.

Suddenly a Hylian Captain came running up to the group of knights. "Please, they are bombarding us from the east wall. Some come with me to the top of the wall and the others need to attack them on foot."

I looked around the group to find that most elected for the wall positions. That was fine with me, I worked better with a sword rather than archery or cannons.

We ran towards the east wall and as we neared the sounds of battle filled the air. Running through the barricade, it became clear we were in dire straits.

Massive hordes of monsters littered the field as far as I could see, the knights we were relieving looked so worn and tired.

I spotted a giant moblin at the far end of the field. It was swinging its club around erratically, taking out a row of knights at a time. Breaking into a sprint, I reached to creature and spliced him across the front. I continually dodged the creature's blows until I could get close enough that the beast couldn't hit me. Each time he tried to swing I jumped backwards and out of the way, allowing for a sliver of a weak spot. I let loose a flurry of attacks. After a couple times of continually rushing the creature, it fell to the ground with a loud thud, disappearing into a cloud of purple smoke.

A knight came running up to me from the masses. "Thanks, Link. You saved our skins." It was my friend Tobo.

"Always. Now let's go kick some monster hides!" Raising my sword, Tobo pretended to parry it with his shield.

"You got me this time, I'll admit." I joked.

We laughed as Tobo launched himself back into battle with the others. It felt so good to be out here with the other knights. Feeling adrenaline fill my veins, the knights and I unleashed fury upon the hordes. Finally, after many hours of fighting and battling we successfully drove the monsters farther from the castle town wall. However, it seemed the more creatures we were fighting, that many more were appearing. Many more moblins started to enter the scene. I focused on the giant creatures, picking them off one by one. After the moblins started falling in mass, the monsters started to retreat.

Looking around at the clearing, most of the knights looked as though they only had minor injuries. Relief washed over me, as that wasn't always the case anymore. I was also shocked to look at the sky and find that the sun was already starting to set.

Another day was already gone, another day closer to Ganon's return. I tried not to think about it too much, however it was hard not to when the constant monster hordes make it almost impossible to forget.

I spotted Tobo heading back for the knight's ward and caught up with him.

"Hey! That was a good day, wasn't it? Not as many casualties today." I started.

Tobo nodded solemnly. "It was, but I'm getting worn down by the constant attacks. Not to mention we've lost a lot of good men to this war, and it's only going to get worse."

"We are doing a good part in the war, though. We should be proud to do our part, the rest would be a lot to bear all by yourself."

Tobo smiled. "I suppose you're right, Link. Thanks. Now, let's do report for the night shift and go get some good food in castle town?"

"I never thought I'd hear better words escape your mouth! Let's go!"

I raced Tobo into the knight's ward, where I found the knight replacing me and filled him in with the latest news. Before I could leave, the Hylian Head Captain requested a word with me.

"Yes, Captain?" I bowed.

"Link, I noticed that you took care of a lot of those bigger fiends today on the field."

Unsure of where this was going, I simply nodded. "I was only doing my part, sir. But thank you." I replied.

The captain took out a piece of paper from his belt. "Your continued hard work has been noticed, Link. The king has requested that you meet with him tomorrow morning before your next shift. I and the other captains have recommended you for your bravery and master swordsmanship to be the sole knight and protector of the princess Zelda."

I couldn't help but only stare at him and felt my mouth fall open.

Personal knight to the princess? They were looking for someone for that? And why me? What if I fail?

"Are you sure that you mean for me to fill that honor?" I stuttered.

"Link, you are more than skilled enough for the challenge. We all believe that you are more than capable to take this position well. Remember, I've seen you rise through the ranks since day one. You are your father's son, Link. Extremely skilled. If you don't qualify for this position, none of us do." He said bluntly.

I was still staring at the captain in silence as he bowed and exited the ward.

Shaking my head to clear it, I looked around for Tobo, who was nowhere to be found. When I left the ward, Tobo was leaning against the doorway.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I can't stay out too late though."

"Why, party pooper?" Tobo teased.

"I need a tall glass of milk before I can tell you that." I responded.

Tobo tilted his head. "You're not that type, Link. What's on your mind?"


"THE personal knight to the princess? Oh my Hylia you're so lucky Link!"

"Hush!" I scolded him.

Lucky?! You want the weight of the princess's life solely on your shoulders?!

"Lucky? How is this lucky?"

"You get to hang out with that beautiful princess all the time! Hellooooo?!"

"Tobo, I would be responsible for her entire wellbeing, and with the hordes only increasing and Ganon supposedly coming back soon, that would be a big job and great weight to bear."

Tobo grew serious. "You're right, Link."

After a moment of silence, Tobo piped up again. "I don't know a better man for the job, though. I would have picked you too."

I matched his gaze. "Thanks, Tobo."

"When do you report for your final answer?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Well, you'll be great. Try to focus on the positives, you were recommended for the job because of your skill. You've more than got this."

"Thanks Tobo."

I dearly hoped he was right.

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