Chapter 31

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Emily's POV

It had been a month since our PlayStation game and hot love making day. We had spent almost our whole days in bed. We couldn't take our hands off each other. Cody and I were like flames, burning for each other. As much as we spent a lot of time together, it wasn't enough for us. A slight touch was enough for us to find ourselves in each other's arms.

One day, we almost were busted by his mother while having sex in the bathroom at Hazel's birthday party. Fortunately, Mila called her in time, saving us from big embarrassment.

I was putting on my bra when Cody walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. As he saw me in my lingerie, he bit his lower lip, roaming my body from head to toe.

"No, Cody!" I stated firmly as I understood what was in his mind. "We have a meeting with our fathers and Tristan in an hour." I reminded.

"An hour is enough for me." He said huskily, giving me a seductive look as he approached me slowly without taking his eyes off me, full of lust in his eyes.

"No, Cody. We will get late." I commented as I took a few steps back while he was devouring me with his eyes, setting me on fire.

He smirked devilishly as he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to push him, but he tightened his grip around my waist.

"Cody, please." I said, amused and tried to pull away. Suddenly, we lost our balance and fell back onto the bed.

"Now you can not run away from me. I will trap you under me." He stated huskily, looking at me with salacious eyes and smashed his lips against me as he trapped me under his strong body as he stated.


"Ugh! We are getting late." I commented, panicked as I tried to put on my dress quickly.

"Calm down, Em." Cody said, grinning while he was buttoning his shirt. "It was worth it, wasn't it?" He added, giving me a cocky smirk.

"Cody!" I exclaimed, blushing and shook my head, smiling. "You are hopeless." I added and sighed playfully.

"You weren't saying it when you were under me. Let me remind you." He winked at me, giving me a wolfish grin. "Oh, Cody. You are amazing. Cody, you are incredible." He mimicked, changing his voice while smirking arrogantly.

"Shut up, Cody Sullivan!" I exclaimed,  giving him a dirty look while my cheeks turned crimson red. He grinned, amused.

As soon as we arrived at the company, Cody and I went straight to the conference room as Cody's secretary informed us that the meeting had started.

"We are sorry. We are late." Cody apologized as we walked into the conference room.

"Where have you been?" His father asked angrily, looking at Cody as we sat down beside Tristan.

I bit my lower nervously, looking at Cody. His lips quivered into a smile.


"Umm... There was some 'trap' situation. But don't worry. I handled it." Cody replied arrogantly and gave me an amused smirk. I gave him a dirty look. He pursed his lips together, trying to hold his smile.

My father stared at us, puzzled while Greg gave us a sly grin.

"Well, let's start the meeting." Greg suggested as he cleared his throat.

When I was listening to Greg, I felt Cody's hand on my thigh. When I looked at him nervously, he was looking at his father attentively. Meanwhile, he slipped his hand under my dress, stroking my thigh.

I bit my lower lip anxiously, trying to keep a poker face and cleared my throat. Cody gave me a cocky look as he moved his hand up.

I grabbed his hand instantly, giving him a warning look and tried to pull his hand away, but he squeezed my thigh tightly without moving an inch.

I mouthed his name, giving him a warning look again. He smirked devilishly as he trailed his tongue over his lower lip without taking his eyes off me for a second.

"Cody, what do you think about it?" Greg asked firmly.

"Umm..." Cody cleared his throat as he carefully pulled his hand away and rubbed the back of the neck as he looked at his father.

Once we finished our work at the company, Cody invited me to have dinner. After the restaurant, we went to the nightclub.

I was waiting for Cody, watching the dancing people while he was getting our drinks.

"Baby, why are you alone?" A black haired man asked seductively as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me towards his chest and gave me a disgusting smirk. I held myself from vomiting hard as the smell of alcohol hit me.

"Let go of me!" I snapped as I pushed him away, but he tightened his grip around me.

"Hmm...You are playing hard to get. Huh?" He mocked me and gave me a teasing look.

"I told you let go of me!" I barked, pushing him hard and slapped him across his face.

His jaw hardened as his eyes darkened with anger. When he wanted to approach me, Cody rushed towards us and punched him. The man lost his balance and fell down.

"You fucking bastard! How you dare to touch my wife!" Cody barked, frustrated and kicked his stomach.

"Cody!" I screamed in fear as I tried to grab his arm, but he pushed my hand away as he hovered the man and started to hit his face again and again, ignoring my plea.

A few minutes later, the security guards rushed towards us and separated them. Cody tried to release their grips and hit the man again, but they held him tightly, pulling him away.

"Cody, calm down, please." I pleaded as I grabbed his arm. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply and stopped resisting.

Thirty minutes later, we were in the police station. That bastard made a complaint against Cody. I was waiting for the lawyer while pacing back and forth in the hallway.

It had been an hour since I called him. I called him again, but he didn't pick up his phone. As I couldn't reach him, I called my father's lawyer, but his phone was turned off. I sighed, ruffling my hair and leaned against the wall, desperate.

I blinked as the noises woke me up. I looked around sleepily, trying to understand where I was. As I saw the police officers, I understood that it wasn't a nightmare; Cody was arrested. I stood up and went to drink some water; I felt thirsty.

I grabbed my phone and checked it; there was no news from both lawyers. I sighed, depressed and called Cody's lawyer. After a few rings, it went to voicemail.


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