Part 2
Third Person's POV
Dipper pulled Bill close to him as he placed one hand on his cheek. The brunet smiled lovingly and asked softly. "Is this true Bill?"
The brunet caressed the blond's cheek as Bill looked up at him blushing. The blond-demon looked down and nodded. Dipper grinned and slammed his lips to Bill who was shocked by what just his Pinetree did. Dipper wrapped his arms around the blond's neck pulling him closer. Bill fluttered his eyes closed and melted into the gently touch of his Pinetree, he then wrapped his arms around the brunet's waist and deepened the kiss.
On the background, Mabel was squealing happily while shaking her Grunkle Ford who was smiling the whole time.
Dipper moved his lips with Bill's in sync as he was pushed down by the dream demon while deepening the kiss more. The blond rubbed the boy's sides as the brunet gripped the blond's hair tight. The two pulled away in any case for the 'next level' as Bill hugged the brunet tight in his arms who happily hugged back.
"Dipperrrr~!!! Finish reading the paperrrr!!" Mabel yelled while running around in joy. The three chuckled by her enthusiasm. The blond helped Dipper to sit as the 17 year old brunet read what he just deciphered while Bill peered over him.
You are great,
Much better than me.
You made me happy!
Yet you made sad.
But, I can tell you now,
I love you...
"I love you too, Bill~" Dipper cooed while pecking Bill's cheek who wrapped an arm around the brunet's waist; chuckling.
"Soo~ Dipper Pines, will you go out with me?" Bill asked with loving eyes with his hands around the brunet's waist. Dipper beamed and nodded happily. The blond leaned down then kissed the brunet in his lips and pulled away.
"When is your date?!" Mabel exclaimed helping his Grunkle Ford to stand up since they are now standing up. Bill thought about it before answering. "It's a secret Shooting Star,"
Mabel pouted at the answer she got as she declared. "Let's go back to the Mystery Shack and TELL THIS TO GRUNKLE STAN!!!!"
And with that the cheerful twin sprinted towards the path of the said Shack which is not so far away. The three chuckled as Bill still had his arm around the brunet's waist. Ford walked up to them and patted Bill's shoulder making the blond smile.
"You really changed Bill. I'm proud of you, take care of my nephew, will ya?" Ford said as Bill grinned and kissed his Pinetree's cheek making him giggle.
"Sure Sixer," Bill said as Ford hugged the two and pulled away. "Good thing you two would be staying here, since uh, you know,"
Dipper tilted his head and asked. "What?"
Ford eye's widened as the three of them walked towards the path. The old man looked at Bill who had furrowed eyebrows. The man sighed and said it in Latin that he knew Bill would understand. The blond gasped and widened his eyes and gently looked down at Dipper who's getting impatient.
"What? What is it? You're scaring me," Dipper said as they reached the Shack. Ford sighed again and said. "I'll tell all of you in the Living Room. Stanley already know this, but didn't have the courage to tell you two,"
After closing the door, Ford found that his twin brother is playing with Waddles along with Mabel. The girl noticed the three's arrival and said gleefully. "Hey guys!! Took you so long!!"
Ford smiled as he gestured Bill and Dipper to sit at Stan's armchair since his brother walked up to him with sad eyes. Mabel sat on the dinosaur table as she let Waddles roamed around the house. Stan was the first one to spoke.
"Kids, um, you're not going back to California,"
"What? Why?" Mabel and Dipper asked in the same time as the two older Pines sighed.
"Well, while we're on our journey, we recieved a call from the Police of California and *sighs*-" Ford stopped and let his brother who was shaking a bit continue. "Y-Your p-p-parents... Died,"
"Wh-What?!" The younger twins yelled in anger as Dipper gripped the sofa tight. Bill comforted the two as tears streamed down the twin's face.
"B-But, w-why? H-How?" Dipper asked through his broken sobs as Bill hugged him tight and kissed his forehead. Mabel sobbed and sat next to Dipper while hugging him tight.
"They sa-said that they we-were m-murdered," Ford stuttered as Bill stood up and walked away to let them calm down. The Pines hugged each other tight as the twins cried uncontrolablly. When Ford and Stan walked out, Bill returned and hugged the twins at the couch while saying that everything is going to be all right and that they will surivive through this sorrowful news.
Dipper gripped Bill's sweater while crying hard. Mabel is already asleep with her head on her twin's shoulder. Bill ran his hand through his new boyfriend's hair and smiled sadly at him.
"B-Bill, w-what are we going to d-do now?" Dipper asked through his sniffles as Bill rubbed his arm comforting him.
For the first time, Bill Cipher answered this. "I-I don't kn-know,"
Dipper sighed while wrapping his right arm around his sleeping twin who's cheeks are stained with tears. He looked up at Bill and said. "I'm going to carry her upstairs to her room,"
Bill nodded as Dipper carried his sister upstairs and on the attic. Coming back, Dipper sat on Bill's lap and hugged him tight as the blond kissed the brunet's brown locks. Later on, he heard his steady breathing and noticed that his Pinetree is already asleep. He chuckled and carried him towards Dipper's room. When he arrived he closed the door with his magic and gently placed the brunet on the bed. He was about to leave until he was pulled back by sleeping Dipper.
He chuckled and lied down after pulling his and Dipper's shoes off. He wrapped his arms around the brunet's waist as he let Dipper's head rest in his chest. With that cuddling the two was now asleep..
??? POV
I grinned while looking down at the Pines Twin's parents who are lying with their own pool of blood. What did I do? I killed those shits just to get those Pines crush asses out. I laughed maniacally and teleported to the Nightmare Realm seeing my fellow demons.
"Listen up you fuckers!!" I yelled as my voice boomed around the realm as I got their attention. I then yelled for Pyronica and her gang to come to me. When I saw them, the pink girl then asked. "What do you want?"
I grinned and said simply. "Wanna take Gravity Falls over again? With THIS NEVER ENDING PARTY!!!"
I yelled the end as the group around me cheered as I chanted Latin opening the gate towards Gravity Falls. It's that simple and I don't need that stupid rift. We stepped inside the gate and waited for that weirdo spirit teen. I looked around and found him.
"Revenge to the Pines?" I asked him as he grinned darkly.
"REVENGE TO THE PINES!!" He yelled as the demons with me roared.
"Make our Weirdness spread boys," I said as me and Gideon flew up. He uses his magic since after the deal we made.
I looked around the town and saw that my Henchmaniacs spread the weirdness. Ahh, screams. I like it.
Me and Gideon laughed loudly.
"Now, this is my version of Weirdmageddon,"
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