🔼⏫Tad's Version of Weirdmageddon⏫🔼

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Part 3

"Bill!! Dipper!!" Mabel yelled while rushing inside her brother's room. The duo jolted awake as they rubbed their sleepy eyes. Dipper groaned a bit as Mabel suddenly tossed 2 space guns to the teens. The two got confused as Bill gasped and looked down.

"Oh no," Bill mutered as he went to the window and looked out.

"Yes you are right, Bill. This is just like Weirdmageddon!!" Mabel yelled and continued. "Get your ass off now Dipper and help us!"

With that the girl teen left the room as Dipper just took the gun and peek outside the window next to Bill.

Indeed, his twin is right. Great destruction interfere the town's peaceful state. As familiar demons lurked everywhere. Dipper looked at Bill who growled angrily.

"B-Bill?" Dipper asked as Bill seemed to calm down hearing his name by the soft voice he know and love. The blond looked at him and said. "It's my cousin who caused this,"

"Who?" The brunet asked as the blond-demon hissed angrily. "Tad Strange, that purple-haired weirdo,"

Bill muttered the end as he pulled his boyfriend out of the room to help the others.

"Who might've caused this?!" Ford yelled as the two reached the Living Room. The three snapped their heads towards the two who overheard their conversation as Bill answered. "It's my cousin, Tad Strange,"

"He had a brother, right?" Ford assumed as Bill and Dipper reached them. The blond gave the gun back to Ford and asked. "You know that son of a bitch?"

"Know him? I met him some years ago!! He's way worse than you!" Ford yelled and continued. "Bill, you need this gun back,"

The blond-demon shook his head and said simply. "I know how to kill him, Sixer,"

"How?!" The Pines asked as Bill swayed his arm behind him and bacm then flicked his wrist as a Black Synthe appeared in his hand as it made a sound of metal clinking sound. The Pines stared in awe at the beauty of the Synthe. The long blade had gold linings on the hilt and at the blade as the color faded out into grey.

"With this. My synthe is not just an ordinary sword. It can kill any kind, in any matter. So it was handed to me, to take care of it," Bill explained swishing the sword around as Ford and Dipper yelled at the sane time. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go!!"

"Yeah!! Before anything bad might happened!!" Mabel exclaimed charging her gun into the door. The other looked at the girl's damaged as they coughed a bit. Mabel glanced at them and said. "We'll fix that later,"

And with that, they went out the Shack and went to Town avoiding the other demons.

"Pinetree!! Behind you!!" Bill yelled as he slashed an eyebat. Dipper turned around and shot the bat in the eye with his gun. The brunet looked at Bill slightly while shooting another eyebat down. "Thanks Bill,"

"Your Welcome, P.T," Bill retorted as he sliced an eyebat behind Ford who smiled and nodded at him. The blond nodded back and yelled. "Fez, Sixer, Shooting Star, Pinetree!! Get behind me now!!"

The Pines complied and went behind Bill as suddenly his eyes glowed yellow brightly and made his hands slash beside him making a yellow wave to appear, making the remaining eyebats and few other demon to burn with his azure flames. Screams and screeches can be heard as the wave passed a floating purple Square Pyramid on top of Gravity Falls.

"Now, let's go," Dipper said while pulling Bill's hand with his left hand while the other held the loaded gun; the other following suit.

"Oh, hey Boss!!" Pyronica said with fake joy as the 4 reached the big Square. They below it as the Henchmaniacs looked down at the puny humans.

"Hey guys," Bill growled and snapped his fingers turning him into a big red glowing traingle with tounges and hands on his sides. He's way bigger than the other's. With the Synthe with him, he made it bigger and slashed his 'friends' out as they burned into ashes.

Bill turned back to the way he was and saw his Pinetree trembled by what he just saw. The blond-demon hugged him and kissed Dipper on the cheek and said. "It's going to be okay, Pinetree. Now let's go,"

Bill the snapped his fingers and he and the Pines appeared infront of Tad who's in his human form. The purple-haired a wide smirk on his face as he played with his purple fire.

"Hello cousin," The purple-demon hissed as the blond-demon went closer to him with a growl while holding the synthe behind his back.

"Tad," Bill hissed back as demons appeared next to Tad when the purple-haired snapped his fingers. The demons then charged at the Pines as they shoot them and burned them to ashes. This continued to go on as Bill readied the sword but changed its features turning it to gold so that he's cousin wouldn't know that it's his sword. Tad made his purple sword appeared as cousins clashed to each other. The blond aimed for the stomach but Tad easily dodged it as he struck Bill's chest but luckily the blond dodged it and shot Tad with his flames.

This went on, striking for in any parts of the body, blue or purple fire shot everywhere.

Meanwhile, the Pines already executed all of the demons who charged at them. Dipper panted and looked at the two battling powerful demons. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turn to Mabel who panted and loaded her gun. Dipper looked back at the two and saw that Tad had given Bill a deep cut making the blond-demon wince in pain, even for him Pain is hilarious, but not now.

The brunet growled in anger and aimed his gun towards the purple-haired. When the time is perfect, he pulled he trigger and a glowing blue bullet shot towards Tad's shoulder. The purple-demon groaned and flinch as he held his bleeding arm. He shot a glare towards the brunet who gulped. Then Tad raised both hands and made Bill flew towards a wall. The blond coughed and held the Synthe tight.

Tad went straight to Dipper and raised his hand as it glowed purple making the brunet choke and he flew 4 feet up in the air. Dipper held his throat and continued choking that made Tad's sadistic yet gentleman smile even wider.

"P-Pinetree," Bill mumbled as he stood up slowly and had his strength back. The blond's features turned red as he charged towards his cousin.

Everything seems to go in slow motion. Tad raising his hand high, Dipper being choked, the other Pines was held back by a cage that Tad summoned around them, and Bill running towards the other demon to strike. It's like an action movie.

"Tad!!" Bill yelled angrily as the purple-demon turned his head to the blond and widened his eyes feeling a struck sensation on his chest. He looked down and saw his purple blood droozing and poured continuously. Bill's Synthe is inside his chest as the blond pulled it out and struck his stomach. Tad fell down and Dipper fell as well as he caught he's breathe while coughing. The cage around the other Pines disappeared as they helped Dipper.

Bill growled angirly and demonically while saying loudly.
"nEvEr ToUcH mY pInEtReE eVeR AGAIN!!!!"

And with that Bill deepened the synthe inside Tad and continued talking and this time without his demonic voice. "You may be clever in mental things and works, but you're not clever enough to fight me,"

Tad choked and looked at Bill with anger glued to his purple-eyes and yelled. ""LTOLOXA!! TEL EM EVIL DNA LL'I YAP ETH ECIRP!! I LLIW NRUTER DNA EZITONPYH EHT REDLO SENIP!!"

Tad looked at Ford before his body faded out. As his pgysical body disappeared things went back to normal.

"Bill!!" Dipper yelled and ran towards the blond and hugged him tight. Bill smiled and hugged back as they landed softly on the ground when the Square castle disappeared. The duo smiled at each other and kissed.

The citizens of Gravity Falls cheered and had a small party. They celebrated that the Pines and Bill saved them once again. And was surprised that Bill took all the credits. Bill and Dipper laughed along and enjoyed the party like they cared for each other more than the world.

-With Tad-

Tad's POV

"YOU SAID THAT I WOULD TAKE THE WORLD ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! I yelled angrily and shot towards that stupid albino and burned his soul into ashes. I chuckled darkly and looked at a portal seeing that my cousin is celebrating with his Pinetree.

I'm not done yet. I invoke his name...

Axolotl opened up a portal to Gravity Falls and I went inside.

Oh, you're going to get it Pinetree~



Btw, all of the chapters are kinda suck but fine. Thanks for reading tho!! And I used my go in the flow once again.

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