[Alternative Ending]

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"Tooru. Come out!" Oikawa's mom yells. "They're leaving!"

You look down with a sad smile on your face. "It's okay. We can't help it after all."

He must be still mad at me...

You look at the window from Oikawa's room. You could of sword seeing the curtains move. You smile, hoping it was Oikawa. Even if it wasn't you smiled. You started to mouth some words, knowing he was watching.

"Time to go, (Y/N)." your dad said.

"Kay!" you smile and as you turn around you headed towards the car you couldn't look back. So this was it. This was goodbye. In the end, he still hated you. All you wanted was for him to say goodbye or don't go. Is this how it was going to end?

The car starts moving. You were waving goodbye to Oikawa's mom. As you did, Oikawa finally opens the door. But it was a moment too late. Your hand touches the window...

"Wait! Tooru-"

"Ah. I can't. A car is behind us and we have to go before we're late.." Oikawa's dad said, who was driving.

"You have your phone right, call him." Your dad said, worryingly. You quickly try to find the phone. When you did, you hurry up to dial Oikawa's number. When you look up, Oikawa was so far away that you couldn't see him.

"Tooru- please pick up!" you cried. It was a possible chance that he left his phone in the room. You want to hear his voice though. Wait, why?

"(Y/N)!?" Oikawa yells. He picked up the phone... "What were the words you mouthed?!"

"I love you.." you sob.. When he heard those words, he stopped moving. He could hear you crying. The phone from his hand dropped. He looked at the car that was driving away. I love you. Those were the words he wanted to say. Why didn't you say those earlier? Why did it happen now? He wanted to tell you not to go anymore... He started to cry. Regretting how he let you go. Why didn't he listen to you? Why didn't he say those words..?

It was the last time you saw Oikawa.

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