Your P.O.V
I've been waiting four grueling days. Four days where I've done nothing but sit on this hill, staring at what used to be my home. Only leaving to get food from the next town over and a shower from the temporary hotel room I got.
I feel myself going crazy. Every time I hear even the slightest noise, I'm up on my feet. I miss my friends and Mystogan. I have the sickening feeling that I'm never going to see him again and it's killing me.
I start tracing patterns in the dirt with a stick to mend my boredom. I hear a twig snap and immediately jump to my feet and look around. I see bushes moving and get into a fighting stance. I squint, and as the figures come out from behind a few trees, my features soften and I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
"Dad?" I ask.
"(Y/N)!" I hear several voices yell, then the rest of them emerge and one engulfs me in a hug.
"(Y/N)! It's been so long since I've seen you! We heard what happened and came to check things out," the person hugging me says, and after inspecting their long pink hair, it clicks.
She takes a step back and looks into my eyes. "Glad you remember me. I know we only knew each other a couple days before you left, but I really liked you," she says.
"Thanks. I'm happy I haven't been forgotten," I chuckle. I look to see who else came, and I see my dad and who I remember to be Lyon and Yuka.
"Dad!" I exclaim and run into his arms. "I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you, too," he pauses, "So what exactly happened here?" he asks.
"It's really hard to explain, but basically, Magnolia got sucked into another universe," I answer, stepping back to see their shocked faces.
"What about you? Why didn't you go with it?" he asks.
"Well.... My partner is a stubborn ass who wouldn't let me help."
"(Y/N)! Language," my dad scolds.
"Sorry, but he said it was too dangerous and I tried to explain to him that we were a team, but he wouldn't listen," I say quickly.
"He? Who is this boy?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "If it's that stripping ice wizard Gray, then you are coming back to Lamia Scale right now."
"Hey! Don't insult my enemy, that's my job!" Lyon butts in.
"It's not, and plus, Gray and Lyon are like twins, so it wouldn't make a difference where I am."
"WE ARE NOT!" Lyon shouts.
"Shut up, Lyon," Yuka says while putting a hand over his mouth.
"Anyway, who's the boy?" my dad asks again, getting back on a topic I'd rather avoid.
"He says you guys have worked together. His name is Mystogan," I reply, feeling my heart clench.
"Oh, I guess that's okay," he says, surprising me.
"It doesn't matter. You won't have to worry about him anyway."
"Why, what happened?" Sherry asks while walking over and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"He went to save everyone and he said he won't be able to come back, and he wouldn't let me go with him," I say, feeling tears prickle in my eyes that I quickly blink away.
"Wow, you must have really loved him," Sherry says.
"I did... I do," I sigh.
"You said it was dangerous right?" she asks and I nod. "Well, that shows how much he loves you, too. It's a very noble thing to leave the person you love to save others. It must have been very hard on both of you."
"Thanks, Sherry. I never thought about it like that."
"Anytime, girly," she says while pulling me into a tight hug.
"Well, I'm just glad you're alright, and I'm sure they'll come back. Fairy Tail always finds a way," my dad says with a deep laugh.
"I know we do," I respond, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we must really be going. Master Ooba had also sent us on a mission, we just thought we would stop by Magnolia before going there," Yuka says.
I frown at the thought of them leaving so soon. Everyone seems to notice my grim expression and gather in a group hug.
After pulling away, my dad speaks up. "Are you sure you'll be alright? You can come with us if you want."
"I'll be fine. I have to be here when they return. I love you guys. See you soon." We bid each other goodbye and I watch their retreating backs going over the hill.
I sigh at seeing them go and sit cross-legged on the ground. My mind wanders and I begin to think about all my friends I've grown close to in Fairy Tail.
Mira being the sister I never had with striking beauty, but being a she-devil at heart.
Natsu being the complete idiot that you can't help but love in a brotherly way.
Lucy pushing herself harder with each passing day and never forgetting what the truth behind being a Fairy Tail wizard is.
Gray standing his ground with his cocky yet joyous attitude and always pulling through for his friends.
Erza with her selflessness and inner strength to vanquish enemies with a single wave of a sword.
Gajeel with his cold and iron exterior, but we all know he's just a big softie on the inside.
Levy with her extensive knowledge on Earthland and proving that the quiet ones always know something that no one else does.
Wendy with her innocence and youth, but a heart filled with nothing but love and determination.
Juvia with her crazy love for Gray but love nonetheless and showing that she will always protect what she holds dearest.
Mystogan... Everything I've ever wanted.
I sniffle at the thought. All these amazing people and now I'm alone.
I guess it's true what Master Makarov said. 'There are people in this world that enjoy being alone, but there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.'
I chuckle at the quote. I used to thoroughly enjoy being on my own. Never needing to depend on anyone, unless you count my father, then again, I always thought of him as more of a trainer since my mother's passing.
Then Mystogan came into my life. I'd rather be with him than be alone any day. Without my friends, I feel true solitude. I just need to see that they are alright, then I can deal with being without Mystogan. My friends lives are more important than feeling sorry for myself.
I stand up on my feet and look at the blank canvas of nothingness in front of me.
They'll be back soon. I know it.
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