the adventure begins

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Fireheart pov:

As we were walking, I was noticing Graystripe and Mistpelt getting much closer than usual, so I padded up to them, Graystripe came to me and said: "Hey Fireheart! Should we hunt for a bit?" I was taken aback, but I agreed to them hunting, not surprisingly, Mistpelt and Graystripe went together. I decided to follow them, I heard Mistpelt saying: "Oh Graystripe, I love you!" Graystripe purred in return. I came up and demanded to Graystripe: "In what Starclan's name are you doing!" Graystripe mumbled: "I can't help it and neither Mistpelt." I whirled around and went off, I was shocked at how those two fell in love so fast, I hunted and thought about Sandstorm, by now she'll probably give birth to our kits. I ignored Graystripe and we all went forward.

Sandstorm pov:

I watched my kits exploring the camp, aided by Bluestar herself, I knew she was getting old, she'll have to retire soon. I told the kits that they were the deputy's kits, they were excited about that, their names were Squirrelkit, Leafkit, Flamekit, and Rainkit. Flamekit is the tom, he looks a lot like Fireheart. As I watched them, they went into the warriors' den and got shooed out by a warrior, I went to them and scolded them for getting into the Warriors' ways. Then night fell and the clan slept.

I'm sorry........

So sorry for a short chapter, I promise promise to make a longer one next time :) 



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