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Fireheart POV:

Now that I knew that Graystripe was in love with a Riverclan cat! It's forbidden by the warrior code to mate with someone from a another clan, it makes things complicated at times. At sunset, we prepared for another night outside the clans, when suddenly a dark fur rushed into me, I sputtered and realized it was Raventail, who thought it'll be funny if he ran into me, when I finally got up, he was already purring with amusement. 

Then I sensed something, I spun around and saw Tallstar, who was leading his warriors and surrounded us, I realized how far we strayed away from the others. Tallstar asked suspiciously: "Why are you two doing here?" I hastily replied: "Tallstar, we have came to take you back to the clans."  Tallstar seemed relieved, and ordered his clanmates to follow us back to the lands of the clans.

Raventail POV: 

As we were heading back, the rest came dashing up and asked me that had we brought Windclan back without them helping, Graystripe as usual was talking to Mistpelt, something about those two makes me a bit uneasy. The Fireheart came and Windclan followed in. Fireheart came up to me and said: "Hey Raventail, let's start going back to the clans." I argued that it was already Midnight, "So we should sleep here, then go back." I said. Fireheart seemed convinced, and settled down for the night. I volunteered to stand guard for the night.

Throughout the night, I kept thinking about my own future, "Would I be alive long enough before I die cause of some wound or disease? Would I have someone who I love and she loves me back? I mean, I had a small crush on Sandstorm for a little bit, but that's over. Later the rest of the clan woke up, as we were heading back, we stopped at Barley's barn to catch a mouse or two, due to the fact that it was LOADED with scrumptious mice. 

 ****I had a little nap, he he**** 

Fireheart POV:

We were at Barley's place, that was when Tallstar came up and talked to me, "Thank you for bringing us back home, you guys will be remembered forever as long as Windclan lives. Embarrassed by this I muttered a thank you and Tallstar gathered up his clan to go back to the clans were, by now we can faintly scent the Thunderclan markings. Then we have arrived at the moor. We have returned back, with Windclan.

****If you never knew, Tallstar had a kitty pet friend named Jake, and Fireheart, was Jake's son, and Tallstar knew that, so that's why he's much more friendly to Fireheart than usual****

I am so sorry for the delays, but I will be writing daily now, hope this makes you guys happy, Let's get 550 views by the end of 2020!!!



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