Bonus Chapter: Going To The Chapel And They're Gonna Get Married

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"Sam," Steve hisses, keeping his voice low so Bucky can't hear him from the other side of the door. "Where are you?"

"I know, I know," Sam says, his phone pressed in the crook of his neck and ear. He briskly exits the SHIELD offices, ignoring the side-eyes and grumbles as he jogs to his car. "I just left. I'm on my way now."

"On your way?" Steve echos angrily, loud enough that he catches Nat's attention. "We are at DEFCON 1 right now."

"Why? What happened?"

"What didn't happen? We've got a bride that we can only distract so long before she finds out you're not here. A very stressed out groom. People are already here and there's about a million other things that are all going wrong all at once."

"That doesn't sound so bad. Get Wanda and Nat-"

"And I might've lost the rings," Steve winces, anxiously scanning the area to make sure no one else heard him. Nat tries to catch his eye to ask him what's wrong, but he pretends not to notice.

"What?!" Sam exclaims, now fully shouting into the phone. "How do you lose- You had one job!"

"I had a lot of jobs!" Steve defends.

"Oh my God, Buck's just going to kill you. Kill you dead."

"Well I've been running around for hours trying to make sure that everything is just right and I put them down for a second, but I went to grab them and they weren't there," Steve rants. "And now I can't find them anywhere! How long now?"

"In the last two minutes that we've been on the phone I've made two minutes of progress, Steve," Sam retorts, haphazardly starting his car.

"I'm just going to tell him what happened, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Oh no, you don't!" Sam interjects. "You don't bother the people getting married on their wedding day. Everyone knows that. And especially not when we're the ones that talked them into the wedding."

"So you want me to lie?" Steve anxiously asks.

"No!" Sam immediately replies, knowing that Steve couldn't lie to save his life. "Omit. I want you to omit until you find the rings."

"Omit," Steve mutters, trying to convince himself that he can keep this to himself. "Okay, I can omit. I can do that."

"I'll be there soon, just retrace your steps. I'm sure they're around there somewhere."

"Yeah," Steve doubtfully agrees.

It's only a few minutes into Steve's intense scouring that Nat drags him into an isolated corridor to demand to know the cause of his strange, erratic behavior.

"What is going on?" Nat questions, staring Steve down.

Steve squirms under Nat's intense glare. It only intensifies as he presses his lips together to keep his secret. He tries to keep it to himself, but he blurts, "I lost the rings!"

"You what?" Wanda gasps from behind Nat. "Oh my God, this is bad. This is so bad."

"Okay, we are not going to do is panic," Nat orders, raising her hands to calm both Steve and Wanda. "Steve, retrace your steps. Wanda, go distract the bride. I'll help Steve look. And no one tell either of them, you hear me? They don't find out about this."

"Right," Steve nods obediently.

All three of them fan out to find the rings and keep you in the dark about what was transpiring. It was like a mad dash for Steve, going to each of the places he'd been to in this mid-sized venue and he had yet to find anything.

"Steve," Bucky calls, gesturing to him from one of the small side room. Steve falters, plastering his best unaffected smile on his face.

"What's up, Buck?" he lilts awkwardly.

"Steve, what the hell is going on out there?"

"Nothing," he stammers. "Nothing. Nothing at all. A wedding in a few minutes actually. Your wedding, you goof."

"Steve," Bucky calmly interjects. "Why are you lying to me?"

"Lying?" Steve scoffs. "No. Me? Never! I can't lie. I'm terrible at lying."

"You know what? I don't want to know," Bucky decides. "And don't tell her either. I want this to be the perfect day for her. Okay?"

"Great," Steve rasps, ready to scurry away.

"And Steve?"

"Yeah," he mumbles, turning back around.

"Might want to grab a towel or something, buddy. You're sweating. Profusely."

Steve doesn't say anything just gives Bucky a shaky thumbs up. The second Bucky closes the door behind him, Steve scrambles to continue his search for the rings.

"Bride wants to know where Sam is," Wanda calls, peeking her head out of the room you're waiting in.

"Lie to her. Tell her the wedding starts earlier than it actually does. That won't backfire at all," Steve mocks under his breath, checking his watch to see that it's ten minutes from when you think the wedding is actually starting. "Sam should be here any minute," he tells Wanda.

"Tell him to hurry," Wanda urges before shutting the door again.

"Okay," Steve agrees, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. He pulls out his phone, pressing the redial button. The phone rings for a moment before Sam actually answers. "How long, Sam?"

"7 minutes out."

He sighs in relief, "Okay. That's one problem taken care of."

"You still haven't found the rings?" Sam exclaims. "Why are you calling me when you should be finding them?"

"Because there's a very preoccupied bride in the next room- the one that you insisted that we lie to so she'd be on time. Yeah, she's been asking for you."

"I'm going as fast as I can. Go find the rings, I'll help you look when I get there."

Before Steve can squeeze in another word, the line goes dead. He sighs, shaking his head at Sam. He knew you'd like the surprise Sam had pulled together for you, but Sam being MIA this morning was just another thorn in his side today. When he told you and Bucky that the team would take care of everything so that you two wouldn't have to worry, he severely underestimated how stressful wedding days really were.

"Okay, I'm here!" Sam calls, very literally down the corridor with his suit jacket over his shoulder.

"Sam!" Wanda calls, once again exiting your room to ease your worries about Sam's tardiness. "You're coming with me."

"But Steve-" Sam sputters as Wanda grabs his hand and starts pulling him away.

"Steve is not the priority here. You're the one that lied to her about what time the wedding starts and she's starting to freak out-"

"Alright, alright!" Sam interrupts, sparing Steve an apologetic look then letting Wanda drag him out to the side room you're currently waiting in.

Steve shakes his head, once again scrambling to go find the wedding bands. In the corner of his eye, he sees Nat subtly, but carefully, scanning every inch of the church. Even though Bucky's now taken his place at the altar, Steve gives up on subtlety, ducking behind each of the pews, carefully looking underneath and around the area.

"I found it!" Steve exclaims, tightly clutching the small velvet bag in his hand.

Bucky's eyes flicker to Steve who's grinning triumphantly in front of the first pew. He schools his expression from a confused, furrowed look to something akin to a groom getting married in a few short minutes.

As Steve takes his place behind Bucky, Bucky turns his head just a little bit, "Do I want to know?"

"Not even a little bit," Steve whispers, keeping a smile on his face as people start walking into the church.

Bucky nods. "Didn't think so. We good?"

"It's all perfect," Steve assures him as the music that you're walking to begins playing.

"Good," Bucky smiles as the doors open.


"Steve," Sam hisses, gesturing for him to duck into a small alcove at the reception venue.


"Just a question. Generally speaking, how much of a wedding toast should be making fun of the groom?"

Steve takes a deep breath. "After your toast at the rehearsal dinner? Zero!"

"Come on, I was a hit," Sam defends.

"Generally speaking, when the groom gives you the middle finger in the middle of your speech, you're not a hit."

"It was funny!" Sam insists.

"You called him a cradle robber," Steve reminds him.

"Because he's 100 years old. And she's 27- it was hilarious!"

"He's physically younger than us, you do know that?"

"So what I'm hearing is that I shouldn't make fun of Bucky?"

"No!" Steve exclaims. "No, you should not."

"Okay, then I don't have a speech," Sam admits, crumpling up his folded up speech. "Can I look at yours?"


"I helped you this morning, remember?"

"I thought we weren't ever going to talk about it again," Steve cringes, thinking about the absolute mess he found himself in before the ceremony and how that would be nothing if Bucky ever found out that he lost the wedding rings.

"Maybe I should bring it up in my speech? Since apparently I'm going to wing it?"

"You're going to blackmail me?"

"Hmm...maybe that's how I'll start. You want to hear a real funny story about your parent's wedding rings, Bucky? That priceless family heirloom. The only one that-"

"Alright! Fine," Steve concedes. "I'll help you, but you're not taking my speech."

"Guys!" Nat interrupts, appearing from the doorway to where the reception was going to be held. "What are you doing? They'll be here any minute."

"We just need to-" Sam begins, gesturing to Steve.

"Now!" she instructs, cutting Sam off.

Steve pats Sam on the shoulder. "You have fun with that speech, Sam."

"If I go down I'm taking you with me!" Sam calls after him.

The evening went as smoothly as anyone could've ever hoped for.

The cake and catering arrived without a problem. People were on time and looked like they were enjoying themselves. Several people even shed tears at your first dance with Bucky. There was not a single hitch in the event, but Sam's mind was racing trying to figure out how to pull together a speech in a few short hours. He kept thinking that it shouldn't be this hard- he was the one that introduced you two after all.

And then it was time for their speeches. With a smug smirk, Steve clapped Sam on the back and insisted that Sam went first.

"I hate you," Sam whispers as he passes by Steve on his way to the mic.

"Have fun," Steve chuckles.

"Right," Sam sighs as he takes the mic. "Well, first, you're welcome."

He relaxes his grip on the mic as he hears the light chuckles from the audience. "For those of you that somehow don't know, I made this happen," he says, gesturing to the two of you sitting at your table.

He watches as Bucky rolls his eyes and playfully nods his head. "No, but seriously, I have watched the two you grow so much both as people and together as couple. I knew almost right away that you two would understand each other in a way that most of us can't. From that very first meeting, in spite of my very best threats, I could see that there was something incredible there. And watching you guys, seeing two people fall in love- it's a beautiful thing to witness firsthand. And it truly has been a privilege and honor to watch the two of you grow into something that I know without a shadow of a doubt will last forever. No pressure. Except for you Bucky, there's pressure for you. I'm so proud of and happy for the two of you, so congratulations. It was about time."

He hands the mic back to emcee with a wide grin on his face as he sees people dabbing their eyes and applauding his fully improvised speech.

"Beat that," he whispers as he takes his seat next to Steve.

"Watch me," Steve retorts, standing up as Sam takes sits back down.

Steve walks up to the emcee with an air of confidence, his prepared speech sitting in his pocket. He smiles at the emcee, grabbing the mic. He turns to the room and falters under the feeling of expectant gazes waiting for him. He takes a deep breath and pulls out his speech.

"Um..." he starts. He clears his throat, and tries again, "Right."

In the corner of his eye, he sees Sam's smug look, and as much as he hates to admit it, it pushes him into the right mentality. Even if it only is to beat Sam's speech.

"I've known Bucky a long time, seen him fight through hell and high water. And the first time I saw the two of you together that he was a goner. From the very first, 'we're just friends'. And let me tell you, Buck, friends don't look at friends the way you looked at her. It's impossible not to see how happy he is with you. And I have to thank you for that, after all this time I'm glad he's found happiness with someone. After every thing that the two of you have gone through, I'm so happy that you get your happy ending. Sam's right- it was about time. Congratulations."

Steve walks back to his seat with the same reaction that Sam did, with an air of pride as he hears the applause. "Hah," he childishly taunts, the second he sits back down in his seat.

"We did it," Steve sighs, slumping down in his seat after they sent you off on your honeymoon.


It was the first trip that you two could go on alone without Sam, part of the reason he wanted to give you those freedom-establishing papers today.

It had been an elaborate plan between Sam, Tony, and Steve. Tony paid to send you on the honeymoon, Steve and Sam pulled so many strings and called in so many favors with SHIELD to expedite the entire process, and it had paid off seeing how happy the two of you were.

"We?" Nat questions, collecting the last of the decorations and centerpieces. "By we, I hope you mean Wanda, Pepper, and I. You two didn't help at all."

"What are you talking about? We've been helping all day!" Steve questions, crossing his arms in disbelief.

"No," Nat corrects, slowly shaking her head. "You two were running around all day fixing your own messes."

"Hey!" Sam interjects. "We helped."

"When?" Wanda asks. "When you were running around finding the rings you lost? Rewriting speeches you were supposed to have written weeks ago?"

"Or when-"

"Well," Sam interjects. "What about when we... Well, we- We gave amazing speeches!"

"Yeah, we did," Steve agrees, clapping a hand on Sam's back.

"So did we! And we did everything else too!"

"Our friends are happy, isn't that what really matters?"

Wanda and Nat shake their heads and begrudgingly sigh, "Yeah, whatever you say."

A.N. Hi, this may seem a little out of the blue, but I'm in the process of cross posting the Grumpy x Sunshine series one-shots and drabbles to Wattpad, and this little bonus chapter felt like it should go here. Thank you for reading the story, voting, commenting, it all means so, so, much to me. ๐Ÿ’›

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