Chapter 3: Investigating The White Fang! The Return of Klaw

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It was a beautiful day and Kevin and Blake are hanging out at the park, catching up like old times. Then they were walking through Vale as Blake looks up and see's the While Fang Soldiers going in an alleyway as Kevin notices this.

Kevin: "What's wrong, Blake?"

Blake: "The White Fang Soldiers are going through that alleyway."

Kevin: "Then we should follow them, do you agree?"

Blake: *nods* "Yeah."

Kevin and Blake follows the White Fang Soldiers quietly as they see them going inside the warehouse and see's a large production of dust crates.

Kevin: "That's a lot of dust crates. *looks up, seeing the Factory Office* Up there. Come on."

Kevin grabs Blake's arm making her blush and they snuck their to the office and got inside as Kevin gently shuts the door.

Kevin: "They must be planning something here. *looks at Blake* Check the files. *walks to the computer* I'll look through the computer here."

Blake: *nods* "Right."

Kevin goes to the computer and Blake goes to the file cabinet as she looks through it. Then she stumbles on something and starts reading that they successfully stole dust shipments for a bomb and she gets curious on why they building a bomb for.

Blake: *in mind* (Why is there a bomb on this file? Are they planning...?)

Kevin: *offscreen* "Blake, you might wanna take a look at this."

Blake goes to Kevin and looks as she see's blueprints to something and they can't figure out what. So just in case, Kevin takes out his scroll and downloads the files to figure what they're planning. Then the download is complete and Kevin takes the scroll and put it back.

Kevin: "Got it, let's go."

Then they were about to the exit the office when a soldier enters the office and Kevin and Blake freezes when they got spotted.

White Fang Soldier: "Hey. What are you...?"

Quickly, Kevin pull out his Sleeping Dartgun and shoots at the Soldier's arm as he becomes very sleepy and went night-night on the floor. Kevin and Blake then sneaks out without being seen and exits the warehouse successfully as the alarmed went off telling the other soldier found the soldier knocked out by a dartgun and Kevin and Blake made it back to the alleyway safety.

Kevin: "Holy, that was close, huh?"

Blake: "Yeah. *looks at Kevin* The soldier you shotted... Did you...?"

Kevin: "That was just a sleeping dart. He'll be alive, he's just taking a little nap thanks to this gun." *shows her a dartgun*

Blake: *nods* Okay. But please, warn me next time. *put her hands on his shoulder* I don't want to see you be a murderer like them."

Kevin: *smiles and hugs her* "You know that I'm not a killer. I will never kill my enemies. I promise."

Blake smiles and hugs him back as she shed a tear of happiness at Kevin's kindness and caring. When suddenly, they heard footsteps coming behind and they turn around, seeing a unknown machine creature walking here while loading his weapon as Kevin's eyes widened and pushes Blake outta the way.

Blake: "Kevin...? *looks at the creature* What is that?"

That's when the creature reveals himself and he is none other than Ulysses Klaw:

Kevin: "Klaw?! Is that you?!"

Klaw: "Ah, you must be the son of the Black Panther, eh? Perfect. I get to kill you and your father."

Kevin: *gets mad* "No one's dying on my watch."

Klaw aims his weapon, the Sonic Disruptor and fires it as Kevin makes an air flip and sticks to a wall by using his claws. Blake watches in worried and gets behind cover while calling for help. Kevin gets in front of Klaw as he delivers a punch at him and Kevin slides behind him and kicks him in the face, launching him towards the wall. Klaw then got angry and Kevin was going in for another attack but Klaw blocks it with his forearm, grabs his leg and slams him multiple times on the wall and throws him at the garbage trash.

Blake: "Kevin."

Klaw: *laughs* "You barely managed to scratch me. Not good enough. You're just like your father."

Kevin tries to get up but Klaw weren't allow that and fires his Sonic Disruptor again and the garbage trash was thrown and lands on one of Kevin's arm and he screams in pain as Blake was terrified at that.

Blake: "KEVIN. *looks at Klaw in anger* You bastard. GET AWAY FROM HIM."

Blake dashes towards Klaw and kicks him in the face, knocking him back and runs over to Kevin.

Blake: *scared* "Oh my god. Hold on, Kevin. I'll get you out."

Blake tries to lift the trash up and she nearly has it as Kevin helps her with his other hand and they push it off his arm and Kevin grips it tight.

Kevin: *grunts in pain* "My arm hurts. Damnit, it's broken."

Blake: *puts her hand on his cheek* "Hold on Kevin. Help is on the way."

Klaw: *offscreen* "Ah, this must be his girlfriend, huh? *Blake turns around and faces Klaw* Sorry dear. But you boyfriend is going to die here and you're not stopping me."

Before Blake gets her weapon out, a voice was heard.

???: "Not so fast, Klaw."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Blake and Klaw looks up at the rooftop and they saw the one and only, Black Panther.

Black Panther: *leaps and gets in front of Blake* "Stay away from my son and this girl here."

Klaw: "Ahh, the pussy cat lives! Unfortunately as much I'd like to catch up, I have pressing business to attend to." *laughs as he runs off*

Black Panther looks at his son as he was unconscious with a broken arm then he looks at Blake who is checking on him.

Black Panther: "Please, keep my son safe, young lady. He is all I got left."

Blake: *looks at him and nods* "I promise, Black Panther. I will keep him safe."

Black Panther nods before running off after Klaw to stop him and Blake kneels down and caresses his cheek.

Blake: "Hang in there, Kevin. You're gonna make it."

Then the rest of Team RWBY and Team WAKANDA appeared with Altas Military and they pursued the warehouse to arrest the White Fang Soldiers and Kevin was taken to the hospital for a broken arm.

Leone: "Blake. *she looks at her* What happened to Kevin?"

Blake: "We were investigating the White Fang and this "Klaw" creature just attacked us and broke Kevin's arm."

Koneko: *gets angry* "That bastard. Where is he now?"

Blake: "He got away. But the Black Panther is chasing after him."

Twilight: "You mean the "Black Panther" from Wakanda? You actually met him?"

Blake nods and the whole team was surprised that Blake met the one and only, Black Panther.

A mouth later, Kevin was discharged from the infirmary and he was walking around with his arm in a cast. He goes around a corner and see's Blake on a bench reading a book. He walks up to her and Blake looks up as she is happy to see him better.

Blake: "Kevin. *gets up and hugs him* You're okay."

Kevin: "Of course I am. What about you? Are you injured?"

Blake: *stops hugging him* "No, I'm okay. But, you're feeling okay."

Kevin: "Yeah. Just a broken arm but I'm fine really."

Blake: *sighs in relief* "That's good. I'm glad. *remembers something* Oh, by the way. I met your father, the Black Panther."

Kevin: "You did? *she nods* Where he is?"

Blake: "He was chasing Klaw and stopped him before he does anything bad like those soldiers did. *smiles* I'm just glad you're safe, Kevin."

Kevin smiles and the two hugs each other again before going back to Beacon and in their dorms. Blake was getting ready for bed as she couldn't stop getting her mind off Kevin and she lays in her bed as she drifted to sleep while looking extremely happy that Kevin protected her from Klaw.

Blake: *in mind* (He protect me from that creature and fought him. That is a reason why I love him so much. I'm so glad that he cared for me so much. Just wait, I'm going confess my feelings to you and we will be one big happy family together. You have my word.)

To be continued...

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