During going through the initiation, Team RWBY are watching Kevin fighting a lot of Creatures of Grimm before meeting three girls who are named; Leone, Koneko and Twilight Sparkle and they entered the cave as they fought the Deathstalker. They simply defeated it and got themselves a Panther Relic. Then they keep on going, fought a Nevermore Grimm and defeated it thanks to Kevin and Leone's teamwork. Then they returns back to Beacon as Ozpin was naming the teams until Kevin, Leone, Koneko and Twilight goes up.
Ozpin: "Ah, yes. Kevin, Leone, Koneko Tōjo and Twilight Sparkle. I see you got yourselves the Panther Relic. *Kevin gives it to him as he takes it* You four displayed good teamwork and trust and for that, I pronounce that you called yourselves, Team WAKANDA, and the leader is Kevin."
Kevin's eyes widen as he gonna be they team leader and they make it to their dorm they gonna be in. They unpack and Kevin decides to take a walk and when he does that, he meets Blake.
Kevin: "Hey Blake."
Blake: "Hey. Congratulations on being team leader."
Kevin: "Thanks. Now you ready to hangout?"
Blake: *nods* "Sure."
Then they started walking and then eventually made it to the Beacon Courtyard as they sit on the bench in front of a fountain and they looked at the sky and there was silent until.
Blake: "Hey Kevin."
Kevin: "Yes?"
Blake: "I just want to know, you're not mad at me are you?"
Kevin: "No. For what?"
Blake: "For leaving and not telling you about me joining the White Fang. When I joined the group, I didn't know I was gonna do the right thing. Then I found out you disappeared and I thought it was my fault. And if you are mad then..."
Kevin: *puts hand on her shoulder* "Blake. *she looks at him saddened* I'm not mad at you."
Blake: *looks at him surprised* "You're not?"
Kevin: "No. I would never be mad at you. If there was a reason you joined in then I'm not mad. I'm your best friend, Blake. And the reason why I was gone was because my father and mother wanted to make sure Wakanda is in peace and secured. I'm sorry that I left from those years ago and make you feel like that."
Blake: *shed a tear and hugs him happily* "I'm so happy that you're not mad and glad that you're back. I missed you for so many years and I thought I was never going to see you again. But I was wrong, you're here now and I'm happy that it wasn't my fault that make you disappeared. I'm really glad I left the White Fang and by your side again."
Kevin: *smiles and hugs back* "I'm glad to see you again too, Blake. I wanted to see you for so long now and I'm very happy that I got to."
Blake: "I'm glad that you never forgotten about me."
Kevin: "You know I never did."
Then they go back to their dorms and say their goodbyes before entering their dorms. Blake gets ready for bed as she lays on her bed and couldn't stop thinking Kevin saying that he's not mad at her and knowing his disappearance years ago was not her fault.
Blake: *in mind* (I'm so glad Kevin is here and glad that I'm not the reason he disappeared. He is always so nice and caring and doesn't mind me being a Faunus. That's a reason why I love him very much.)
After that, she slowly falls asleep and she smiles knowing that she has Kevin to hangout with.
To be continued...
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