Albus Potter was not the type of wizard to say, "I told you so." He was never the one to utter those four dreaded words. He was also never one to hear them. He was the kind that would say "Yeah you messed up, so how do we fix it?"
When talking about the well-liked Potter boy the words arrogance and egotistical were the furthest thoughts from anyone's mind—although they should have been the first.
What people often did not realize about the middle Potter was that he was a man with a pride and ego that could make anyone's neck stiff. Albus was too prideful to ever admit that he was at fault. If he weren't he would have been on his knees at Liz's doorstep the moment he accused her of infidelity.
When he accused Liz of being unfaithful he knew she would never be capable of something like that. She was busy working with Lily at the prophet. A job she dreamed of since she bought her first spell correcting quill.
Perhaps part of Al was jealous that Liz was able to follow her dream so easily. He regretted his accusation as soon as it was spoken, but the words were already out in the open. It was too late to take them back. So instead, he watched her walk out that door, slamming it shut tightly.
When Liz broke up with him, Rose was the only person he showed how he really felt. To the outsiders, it appeared as if he was fine and well recovered from the breakup. When in fact he was anything but. He could never let anyone know that he was wrong. He drank away his stupidity for a solid week, with Rose there as comfort, and began dating the next month. Girl after girl flooed in and out of his flat. With each new broad on his arm, he had everyone believing that he was happy living the bachelor lifestyle
Most assumed he loved this and lived life like it was a breeze; easy and carefree. For those that knew Albus Potter the best, they knew that he meant for his heart to be in the right place, but that it often got misguided by his worrisome nature, constant fears, and need to be right. This frequently guided him into unhappy situations.
Everyone, even Rose, assumed that he loved his job at the ministry. What they failed to know was that he detested it. When he applied to work in the ministry he didn't know what department he wanted, but no place in their right mind would turn away the son of the famous Harry Potter.
Al began working as the Junior Assistant to the Minister right after he left Hogwarts. A position his pompous Uncle Percy once held (a fact he never failed to remind Albus of whenever they had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting). He despised the work immediately. He knew that he was capable of much greater things, but he did not want people to think that he made a grave error in giving up his dream to be a healer. So he pasted on a smile, threw a few chuckles and jokes in here and there, and convinced everyone that he loved his job. It was all one big act. His entire life was just one big front.
A front he was preparing to keep up as he apparated to the Burrow for Scropius' welcome back dinner. The crackling of the fire burning underneath the cauldron surged into his ears as he stepped into the kitchen.
Grandma Molly was nowhere to be found. In her absence, the kitchen was fluent with movement. The handle of a ladle was swirling around, as it stirred the contents of the boiling cauldron. Gran's wacky clock hung proudly on the wall, now adorned with the hands of her grandchildren, as well as her children and their spouses. Dishes flew in and out of the cupboards, magically setting the large dining table. Plates clinked as they dunked themselves into the bubble-filled sink. Gran's rocking chair was tucked in the corner next to the stove, rocking away.
Albus ducked right as a mug flew over his head. The Burrow might have been crazy and hectic, but it was home. The place where he spent his summers and holidays growing up. Where he and Scorpius once broke his dad's old Firebolt by crashing it into the gardens. Where Al realized his dream of being a healer when Victorie was bitten by a gnome. It was a special place that gifted him with too many childhood memories to be referred to as anything besides home.
"Gran?" Al called peeking his head outside the backdoor, hoping to see his grandmother. She was nowhere to be found.
A gnome waddled by his feet muttering about rotting carrots. Deciding to leave that gnome as someone else's problem, Al ducked back into the empty kitchen.
"Oh!" Molly Weasley exclaimed, grabbing her heart as she excitedly ran down the stairs. "Albus you're here!"
Albus resisted the urge to chuckle and turned to face his grandma. "Sorry Gran. I'm a bit early."
She smiled warmly, revealing the wrinkles that divulged further into her skin over the many stressful years. "That's quite alright." She said pulling him into a hug. "I've missed you, dear. It has been far too long since you've visited me."
"I was here last week." He reminded her playfully.
Molly waved him off, stepping back from Albus and looking him over closely. His hair was combed neatly and styled like one of those wizards she saw recently in the prophet. His marron robes were wrinkle-free, a tad bit too baggy. She grabbed the sides of the robes examining them closely. "You look thin Albus. Have you been eating properly?"
"Three square meals a day."
"Well, it doesn't look it. You're a grown man now. You need to be eating." Latching onto his wrist, she pulled him toward the counter where a scrumptious cherry pie sat fresh out of the oven. Handing him a spoon she accioed a chair and pushed him down. "Eat," Molly commanded.
"Uh but Gran," Albus tried to object but was cut off, as a big bite of the pie was stuffed into his mouth.
"Everyone should be here soon, so hurry up and eat." Molly smiled. "Now if you excuse me I just saw a gnome in the garden that needs to be taken care of."
Albus raised his hand to argue, but Molly had already gone out back to the garden. Sighing to himself, Albus shrugged and continued to eat the pie. It was delicious and seemed a waste to not finish. He shoved his face full, mentally patting himself on the back for coming early.
Albus wasn't one that enjoyed cooking. Ever since Liz left he'd been living off of take-out and tricking Rose into inviting him over for supper. Having a homemade pie, especially one his Gran made, was heaven.
Albus sat and ate his pie in silence. Leaning back in his chair he stared at the clock on the wall. His hand was the only one pointed at the Burrow. A few were still on work, some at home, and others traveling. Molly's pointed towards the hospital, which was not any cause for alarm. Molly worked at Saint Mungo's for four years now and hardly ever left the hospital. It caused far more worry when her hand pointed anywhere besides the hospital.
James' hand was pointed toward mortal peril. It'd been that way ever since he was five and decided that jumping off of the top floor of the Burrow, with only a bedsheet as a parachute, was a good idea. His arm was in a cast for months. Aunt Hermione decided that James' reckless behavior was what caused his hand to be pointing at mortal peril all the time. It never moved. Even when he was right at the Burrow.
"Is that pie?" An obnoxious voice screeched excitedly. The door slammed shut, as James pushed his way into the house.
Albus sighed and shoved the pie back onto the counter. The pie may have been good, but it wasn't good enough to endure a fight with James. Within a second the pie was snatched into James' hand and being shoveled eagerly into his greedy mouth.
"I love pie," James said through a mouthful of filling.
"Hi to you too brother."
James waved in reply and sat on the table. Albus shook his head at his oldest brother's childish antics.
When James announced to the family that Alice was pregnant, Albus' first thought was that his brother was not ready for this. James was still a kid himself and to know that in just a few months he would be taking care of one, was a terrifying thought. Alice was going to have her hands full taking care of both of them.
It was usually amusing to watch her try and keep James in line and it was only going to get interesting. Since the announcement, Albus watched James mature. He was slightly more responsible and gave some thought to the consequences of his actions. He was still a child, but a child with manners.
"Where is Alice?" Albus asked, glancing toward the door.
As if on cue, Alice wobbled in, a hand placed on her protruding belly. Her long blonde hair hung down her shoulders, perfectly framing her heart-shaped face. Her big blue eyes were wide as she scanned the living room, before quickly moving toward the kitchen.
Her pink lips turned down into a tight-lipped frown as she stared disapprovingly at the pie filling that decorated her childish husband's face.
"James you've been here for two minutes. How did you already make such a big mess?"
James' chin was covered in crumbs and filling. With each bite, more crumbs either dripped onto the floor or stuck onto his chin.
He shrugged guiltlessly. "It's a gift."
"One Mum has been trying to return for years." Albus quipped, standing up to give his sister-in-law a hug.
"Let me guess it was nonrefundable?" Alice joked stepping back from the hug to lean on Al's shoulder.
"If I didn't know you two were kidding, I'd be extremely offended." James narrowed his hazel eyes. Setting the pie delicately back down on the table, he approached his wife and brother. "You two are looking entirely too comfortable." Smoothly, James grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her to him. She giggled and fell into his arms "Much better."
Alice laughed, leaning into James. "You know I only have eyes for you."
James smirked smugly. Bending down to kiss her temple, James whispered something in Alice's ear that had her grinning like she just won the World Cup.
"Where is everyone else?" Albus asked, hoping to change the topic before Alice and James got too cuddly.
That was something he never wished to have the unfortunate pleasure of witnessing. Hugo once walked in on them during Christmas and he was never quite the same after.
Alice glanced around the room, her eyes settling on the clock. "Well, it looks like Roxanne and Fred will be here any second. Rose is still at home. Hugo is at wo— oh wait no he's traveling now. Victoire and Teddy are home too. Oh and-"
"Love, we can see the clock too." James interrupted, grabbing a chair for her to sit in. "Here sit down and rest. You shouldn't be on your feet so much."
"I am perfectly capable of standing James. I'm pregnant. Not incapable." Alice snapped, glaring at him. James winced but stood his ground.
"I never said you were." James tried to say, as Alice turned away from him, giving him no mind.
Huffing angrily, she sat down, choosing to dismiss the apology her annoying husband threw her way. James sighed and bent down to her eye level, quietly attempting to reason with her.
Albus watched the two interacting and couldn't help feeling envious. They were happy, in love, and about to start a family. Not that Albus wanted children right not. Not now. Some day.
He had that and he missed it. He missed having someone to banter with. He missed having someone to come home to at the end of the day. He missed having someone love him and missed loving someone even more. Maybe it was time for him to stop fooling around and get serious again.
Suddenly the fireplace roared to life, producing the booming voice of Fred Weasley, with Roxanne following quickly behind him. Fred's light brown hair was spiked and along with his leather jacket, it made him look like a typically bad boy. His brown eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint that matched his smile.
"Oi!" He shouted, dusting the soot off his clothes, and sauntered in the kitchen to join the three other wizards. "What'd you do now Jamsie?"
James glared at his best mate. He hated nothing more than being called Jamsie, something Fred was all too aware of.
"I did nothi- oof" He grunted, holding his abdomen where Alice smacked him in the gut.
"He continues to doubt my abilities." Alice finished for him. "Just because I'm pregnant does not mean that I'm delicate."
"Fiesty. I like that." Fred chuckled and sent Alice a wink. "You know it isn't too late to leave him and be with me."
James growled, his eyes darkening. Fred simply smiled. It was far too fun and easy getting James riled up.
Alice tapped her chin in thought. "Tempting."
"Hey!" James shouted, looking wounded.
"Just teasing, Love."
Albus shook his head and smiled toward Roxanne, who hadn't moved away from the fireplace. She was too busy cleaning up the soot-filled floor, to pay attention to them. Albus studied her. He and Roxanne were never really close and hadn't seen one another for over two months.
Her curly dark hair was pinned back professionally. Her navy blue robes were pressed clean and cut off well before her ankles. Her dark brown eyes burned a hole in the floor as if willing the dirt to go away. She the worst kind of neat freak. Worse then Scorp.
Whenever Gran handed out cleaning assignments, Roxanne was first in line to collect her's. During the summer, she could often be found following Gran around, copying whatever she was doing. Rose once referred to her as Gran's prodigy. It was a very fitting description.
"Rox, I think the floors clean enough," Albus called amused.
Roxanne looked up slightly, acknowledging him. "Not yet. There is still some soot over here, but I can't quite seem to get it." With one simple wave of her wand, Roxanne stood up and skipped over to Al, looking extremely pleased with herself. "Never mind. I got it." She gave him a hug. "How have you been Albus? I haven't seen you in a while."
"Been alright. I can't complain." Albus leaned back against the counter. "What about you? Still, like working at Gringotts?"
"I do. I actually love it."
"What is it that you do there, again? Dad has tried to explain it to me, but I don't think he even knows for himself."
"Well," Roxanne said, pulling out a chair by Alice who was bantering playfully with James and Fred. "I help keep the security procedures in check. You know make sure the vaults are protected in a humane and safe way."
Albus nodded. "Sounds like something you'd be good at."
"I am."
"Ya ya ya," Fred said sarcastically, with an eye roll, moving away from James and Alice to wrap an arm around his sister's shoulder. "Roxanne is great."
"I like to think so," Hugo said brightly, suddenly popping out of the fireplace. "Much cooler than her bugger of a brother."
"Oi!" Fred objected diving toward Hugo to capture him into a headlock. "What was that?"
Hugo grunted in response and thrusted his foot back, kicking Fred in the shines. Fred yelped, as Hugo turned around tackling him to the ground. They rolled around the floor in an intense wrestling match, screaming and yelling as they fought. If one were to walk in now they may assume that the two boys hated one another. Their cousins knew that this was their way of showing love.
Alice leviosaed a lamp, that Hugo nearly knocked over, safely back onto the table in the living room. She'd only been around the Weasley family for a few years and was already used to their antics. If needed she could conjure up a good healing potion in no time at all.
They continued to wrestle, even as the burrow door swung open revealing the soft-natured face of the brilliant Hermione Granger-Weasley. Her warm brown eyes twinkled kindly as they roamed over her nieces and nephews sitting in the kitchen. They hardened when they spotted her adult son and nephew wrestling like children.
"Boys!" Aunt Hermione scolded as she stepped into the living room, with Ron following closely behind her.
"Oh hello, Mum." Hugo waved, as he stuck an elbow into Fred's side. Fred grunted and retaliated by slapping Hugo upside the head, earning a large "welp!" in return.
Albus tried (and failed) to contain his laughter, as Aunt Mione stepped in between the two boys pulling them up by their ears as if they weighed nothing. It was not an unusual sight to see Hermione maintaining a disagreement within the Weasley household. Being part of the Weasley clan, she'd done this sort of thing for many years and got quite good at it.
"Ow Mum!" Hugo whined, holding onto his ear, hoping to lessen the intense pinching.
"I swear Hugo Weasley that you are worse than your father. You are a grown man. I shouldn't have to come in here and pull you off your cousin. And you-" Hermione snapped, whipping her head to glare at Fred whose smirk disappeared. "are no better." Fred shrunk in fear and wiped his face of any emotion.
"How long has that been going on?" Ron asked, sneaking over to Albus' side, gesturing to the scene playing out in the living room. Hermione let go of the two boys' ears but continued to yell at them for their immature ways.
"A few minutes. Nothing out of the ordinary for those two."
Ron smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but whatever he was going to say got lost in translation, as he zeroed in on the small slice of pie still left on the table. Without another word, the pie was scooped off the table and into Ron's waiting mouth.
"I love pie." He muttered through mouthfuls of food.
Albus shook his head, silently wondering if James was somehow Uncle Ron's kid.
"Ronald Bilius Weasley, eat like an adult!" Grandma Weasley's shrill voice commanded as she came bursting back in from the gnome free gardens.
"I am!" Ron objected, unintentionally spitting food onto Alice's shoulder.
Alice frowned and glared at the messy red-head, who didn't seem to notice her.
"Honestly Ronald!" Hermione sighed, marching over to her husband to yank the pie away. "You are impossible." Walking to the garbage, she dumped the remains of the pie.
"NO!" Ron yelled, running to the trash and glaring at his wife. "You just wasted a perfectly good bite of pie."
"Well if you clean up your face, you'll get about another slice," Hermione remarked, wiping away some crumbs from his hair. She smiled slightly, doing her best to appear mad.
Albus wasn't buying it. He'd been watching the two married wizards for years. He knew that Aunt Mione really loved how immature Ron acted sometimes. She never admitted that out loud. Her eyes would soften ever so slightly whenever Ron made one of his dumb jokes or got overly excited when receiving his card in one of the chocolate frog boxes.
Albus observed them silently, noting the way Ron's eyes sparkled as they followed Hermione's every movement while she continued to clean his face. How is it that two people could still be so in love even after all these years?
"What time is Scorpius suppose to be here?" Hugo asked anxiously, drawing Al's attention away from his aunt and uncle.
"I told him six and it's only five-thirty," Al replied, crossing his arms. "He should be here shortly."
"Well, where is everyone else?" Alice yawned, patting her stomach. "It's getting late."
James looked at her incredulously. It was only 5:30.
Albus pointed to the clock. "Molly's not coming. She's got work at the hospital. Victoire and Teddy stayed home to take care of Tommy. I guess he's been acting up lately and hasn't been able to sleep through the nights. Lily and Lysander won't be here until after supper. Lily's got a story to cover. Dominique and Louis are in
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