Chapter 6: Past Thoughts & Present Feelings

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Rose was in her last class of the day. The students were busy reading a chapter about the various wand techniques. Leaving her mind wide open for wandering thoughts. She tapped her thighs anxiously ready to be home and in Griffon's arms.

She needed to... to be perfectly honest Rose wasn't sure what she needed. All she knew was that she had to see Griffon. She needed to be in his arms and have him reassure her that life as she knew it hadn't just imploded. Damn him

Rose checked the clock, pleased to see that time was up. Turning back to her students she announced, "Class dismissed." They let out their own sighs of relief and packed up their stuff, rushing for the door. "Don't forget to read the chapter on how wand cores can affect your charm skills!" She called after their retreating backs.

A few students groaned, but no one offered any verbal complaints. Not that those would have deterred Rose in the slightest. She was used to the complaints about assignments. She pushed her students hard, only because she wanted and expected the best from them.

That is what made her a good professor. It wasn't egotistical of Rose to admit that she was a great professor, because it was obvious to anyone how much she cared and dedicated her life to her students. It was a lot of responsibility to have the minds of the young in her hands. It was up to her to shape and mold them and Rose did not plan to let anyone down.

Once the room emptied out, Rose collapsed on top of her own desk (which was parchment free, much to her amazement) and let out a strangled sigh to match the conflicted emotions raging on within her.

She still could not fathom the fact that he was back. Scorp continued to play in her mind during class. Rose was ashamed that she let it distract her from doing her job. That shame didn't stop her from thinking about him. She couldn't help but think of him. It had been so long since she let herself think about the thoughts locked away labeled, "OFF LIMITS." Now that the memories were out in the open, there was no hope of getting them back in the vault. Damn him

Rose's forehead still tingled from where his lips connected with her skin. Even though Scorpius had been gone for over two hours now, she could still feel his presence. His scent followed her around the classroom as she looked over her student's work. His voice rang in her ears when she found herself with a moment of silence. His eyes danced across her memory and more than once she found herself daydreaming about moments she locked away the instant he left. He consumed her every thought and every point of her being. Damn him.

"Damn you!" Rose whispered harshly. She clutched tightly to Scorp's shoulders, tucking her head into his back to shield herself from the scruffling feet approaching them. "I can not believe I let you talk me into this."

"You weren't complaining up on that broom." Scorp spit, keeping his gaze locked on the scuttling figure down the hall.

"That's because I wasn't about to get in trouble." Rose's voice shook at the last word, revealing just how truly frightened she was. Her heart was beating wildly out of her chest. She couldn't get caught. She'd never had detention before in her life. Now was not the time to start.

When Scorp approached her at dinner, insisting they go out to the pitch so he could practice for upcoming quidditch tryouts, Rose was hesitant. Scorp was a shooing for the team. There was no way he wasn't going to make it. Why would he need practice?

Plus it was only the first week of classes and she had a mountain of homework waiting to be scaled. She didn't have time to be out. Then he looked at her with his big grey eyes and said please. She caved. She always caved where he was concerned.

They went out to the pitch and practiced for hours. Rose didn't realize how late it had gotten until suddenly the sun was gone, the moon was high in the sky, and they were way past their curfew.

They rushed back in, unseen by anyone until they reached the third floor. Filch was doing his nightly patrols. Shuffling around the halls, muttering about detentions under his breath.

Rose froze right in the middle of the hallway. For someone who prided herself on her brains, Rose had no idea what to do. Scorp was the one to jump into action. He drug her down a separate hall, using the walls as an active shield from Filch. He led them to the third floor, but no matter how fast they moved, the old man was right behind them.

They ducked down a deserted hallway, panting heavily. Scorp took a chance and peered down the corridor. Filch was scuffling swiftly down the hall, using a cane to support his aging legs. His hair was balding and his skin grey, but his eyes were sharp and currently in pursuit of them.

"We are never going to outrun him" Rose breathed heavily, placing her hands on her knees to try and catch her breath. This is why running was saved for life threatening situations.

Slowly Scorp retreated, pushing Rose further down the hallway and out of Filch's view. "Yes, we will. I've got a plan," Scorp said, turning around to grip Rose's shoulders. "I'll distract Filch and you go back to your dorm."

Rose stared incredulously at him. "Are you insane! I'm not leaving you by yourself. You're going to get caught!"

Scorp smiled reassuringly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "See you tomorrow." With a final wink, Scorp darted out into the hallway before Rose could object.

Her forehead burned where Scorp touched her. Which was odd. He touched her all the time and it never caused goosebumps to break out on her skin. Why was this touch so different? She blamed it on the adrenaline rush.

She stood frozen in her spot, mouth dropped open in shock as Scorp raced down the opposite hall, purposely stomping loudly. Filch yelped upon seeing him and trailed after him, shouting profanities so loudly the entire castle shook.

Sucking in a deep breath, Rose glanced down the hall. It was eerily silent. The staircase up to the Ravenclaw tower seemed to gleam brightly, begging her to take the safe path. Rose turned her head towards the way Scorp went. Against her better judgment, she took off after them, following the sound of Filch's shouts.

One detention wouldn't be so bad.

She raced through the halls, stopping every so often to make sure no other prefects or professors were roaming around. She ignored the tsking disapproval of the paintings as she tip-toed down the corridor.

She finally found them back on the first floor. Squatting behind a railing, Rose peered down at Scorp. He ducked into a broom closet, just as Filch rounded the same corner. The old Squip scratched his bald head in apparent confusion, before glancing at the many doors lining the halls. One by one he started opening them.

Rose let out a deep breath, throwing her head back. "I am going to be in so much trouble." 

Just as Filch neared Scorp's door, she pulled out her wand and muttered a nonverbal spell. Instantly, Filch stepped back from the door. He blinked rapidly, scratching his head and glancing around the corridor. Shrugging Filch began walking back down the hallway. His cane pounded powerfully into the floors as he tottered out of view.

Rose let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding. Scurring down the steps she opened the door to the broom closet. Scorp's arms were crossed defiantly, awaiting the punishment he was certain was coming.

Upon seeing her his eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped in surprise. "Rose? What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't exactly leave you behind. Now come on. Who knows when he'll come back." Grabbing his arm, Rose pulled him out of the closet.

Scorp stumbled after her as she hurriedly marched up the steps, cautiously glancing over her shoulders every couple of seconds.

"I can't believe you came back for me," Scorp whispered angrily. "I gave you the perfect opportunity to get back to your dorm. What were you thinking?"

Rose halted and whirled around on him. "What was I thinking? What were you thinking?" She demanded stabbing a finger into his chest. "You don't get to run off and try to play the hero. We are a team. If you go down, then I go down with you." Rose swallowed deeply, her chest contracting in an unsteady rhythm. She hadn't meant to get so upset, but really what was he thinking? "Besides," she continued "getting one detention wouldn't be so bad."

Scorp peered down at her with his storming grey eyes, a look of awe in them. Sucking in his lips, he focused on their hands which had become intertwined at some point during their escape. "How'd you get Filch to go away?"

Rose smirked, turned away from him, and carried on walking up the steps. "A false memory charm. I simply made him believe that he didn't see you and was on his nightly patrols."

"Brilliant." Scorp admired. "Next time I'll set a timer so we don't run into the issue of missing curfew again."

"I think that'd be wise."

They walked in silence the rest of the way to the Ravenclaw dorm. Scorp insisted on escorting her back, despite her protests. As luck would have it they didn't run into Filch or any other professor along the way. They reached the top of the spiral staircase and stood awkwardly in front of the door.

"Thank you for what you did back there. Even if it was stupid." Rose said quietly, fiddling with the hem of her jumper.

Scorp smirked at her comment, deciding to only focus on the thank you portion. Taking her chin in his fingers, he forced her eyes up to his. "Couldn't have Rose Weasley getting into trouble, now could I?"

And at that very moment, with her heart beating wildly she had a sudden desire to kiss him. Never before had she felt any sort of physical attraction to him. Sure he was cute. Handsome even. Anyone could see that. But this was Scorp. Her Scorp.

She pushed his shoulder back, ignoring the weird impulses pounding in her thoughts. "You should get back to your dorm before you get caught."

"Caught? You really do doubt my abilities." With a playful smirk, he dashed off, leaving Rose standing in the corridor with a beating heart and conflicting feelings.

Rose loved Scorpius from the very second she saw him sitting in that compartment their first train ride to Hogwarts. Of course, she did not know it was love then. It was simply a minor crush that she downplayed for years.

It was not until their sixth year that she realized just how 'minor' those feelings truly were. After she finally pieced together her emotions, she refused to act on them. Their friendship was too important to risk. Then he kissed her on those damn bleachers and the little resolve she had crumbled.

They only had eleven months together, but she loved him. She loved him a lot. She acknowledged that some small part of her always would. She selfishly hoped that he too kept a special place in his heart for her because then that would mean everything that happened between them wasn't just some teenage love affair, but that it was truly and deeply real.

The other part hoped that he didn't, because then things would be easy. They could go back to being the best mates that they used to be without any difficulties or drama. No problems. No worries. Simple. Easy. That is all Rose wanted.

But Merlin be damned even her resolve was not strong enough to forget how it felt to be wrapped up in Scorp's arms again. She hated to admit it because she felt like she was betraying Griffon, but being back in Scorp's arms felt like coming home. They were familiar and comforting. Like they recognized her body and remembered how many times they were lovingly wrapped around her.

How dare he do this to her? How dare he waltz back into her life and make her feel like a lovesick schoolgirl again. She had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who loved her and one who she loved in return. They had just moved into a flat together. Everything was perfect between them. So why did her heart skip a beat, her palms sweat, and her eyes shine when she looked at him and his stupidly handsome face. Bloody hell, why did he still have to be so gorgeous?

"Damn him." Rose chuckled humorlessly to herself.

She stood up slowly, containing her overly active thoughts about Scorpius. She had a boyfriend, there was no need to think about things buried deep in the past.

Making sure everything was locked and secured, Rose jogged up the steps to her office and stepped into the fireplace. Pinching a bit of powder in-between her fingers, she threw it to the floor.

Rose arrived at their flat moments later anxiously glancing around the room for Griffon. Dropping her bag by the fireplace, she headed down the hall towards the kitchen hoping he was in there eating his after-practice meal.

During the weekdays' Griffon spent his days at the Cannon's quidditch pitch. Some days they lifted weights. Others they practice drills or had games. When they were not practicing they were meant to be out doing charity work. This ensured that the Cannon's maintained a good representation in the wizarding world. It was exhausting work that kept Griffon busy.

Rose could not gather how he managed to inhale a thousand calories in a single sitting. It was rather an impressive sight to watch him and James eat a meal together.

"Griffon?" She called hopefully. Disappointment raged within her as she glanced around the empty kitchen, silently willing him to appear in front of her.

Rose scrunched her brows in confusion. He was usually home before her on Fridays. The Cannons typically practiced early on Fridays. Griffon was up and gone before Rose even woken up.

She pouted leaning against the wall of the entrance. After the day she had all she wanted was to spend time with Griffon and hopefully clear her head a bit before dinner.

When she was with him, she forgot about everything bad in her life. He had such a genuine heart that it was hard to be negative around him.

Rose was too busy feeling bad for herself to hear the squeak of the wooden floors as someone crept up behind her.


Rose shrieked and instinctively reached into her robe pocket for her wand, whipping around to face her amused boyfriend.

"You should have seen your face." Griffon laughed loudly, bending over to catch his breath, not even bothered that Rose was seconds away from hexing him.

For him, it was worth it to see her horrified face. She scared way too easily. Griffon loved scaring Rose because even if she was expecting it she still jumped a mile.

Rose glared at him as he stood up to give her one of his charming smiles. Regrettably, she put her wand away, doing her best to keep an angry expression on her face. She failed miserably, a small smile poking through. Griffon was cute when he scared her, even if it annoyed her endlessly. Maybe it should concern her that her twenty-five-year-old boyfriend got so much joy out of giving her a fright.

"You wanker!" She smacked his shoulder, stepping into his open arms. "You scared the pants off of me."

Griffon's entire demeanor changed. His charming smile slide off his face replaced with a smoldering gaze. He raised his brows suggestively, "I definitely could do that."

Always 0 to 100 with this boy.

Rose blushed deeply and despite her anger, found herself letting Griffon wrap his arms around her waist. "Oh really?"

Griffon smirked smugly, leaning down to kiss her exposed neck. "Really."

Rose's breath hitched, her hands instinctively clinging to his broad shoulders. He chuckled against her suddenly feverish neck.

"We have to be to dinner soon," Rose said unevenly.

Griffon didn't bother to respond. Instead, he sneakily undid the buttons of her robes and slide it off her shoulders leaving her in her thin blouse and skirt. "We can be late."

All coherent thoughts flew out of Rose's mind the second his mouth moved to work over a particularly sensitive spot on her flesh.

Rose grabbed his face and connected their lips impatiently. He kissed her back desperately like he hadn't kissed her in years. Maybe he needed this as much as she did. Rose flung her arms around his neck, digging her fingers into his hair and letting herself forget about everything.

She needed this. She needed the reassurance that despite everything, she was still in love with him. She needed that reminder that Griffon was the one who was by her side for two years. She needed to remember why she fell in love with him.

Her only focus was on his lips that tasted like sugar, probably from some sweet he had just eaten. How he smelled like grass from the pitch and the way his strong hands clung onto her like she was the most important person in the world. Which to him, she was.

She let herself completely forget as he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom confirming that they would surely be late for dinner that night.


Scorpius stared at his reflection in the mirror debating whether or not he should get rid of the scruff that graced his chin. Rose seemed enthralled with it earlier and he was hesitant to get rid of it. His jaw still tingled from where her delicate fingers touched him. Her pretty blue eyes were wide, as she had studied him, noting all the differences. He was sure he looked exactly the same, but the way she looked at him made him feel like an entirely new person.

Seeing her again was nothing at all like he imagined. It was better. So much better. To be able to have her in front of him. To be able to hear that bossy tone in her voice. To be able to see that stubborn streak that flashed in her eyes when Al demanded she not be late. It was much better then he could have imagined. His memories simply did not do her justice.

Deciding that a bit of stubble wouldn't hurt, he turned his focus back to adjusting the red tie hanging from his neck. He'd only been back in the wizarding world for a few days, but he was not comfortable walking around wearing robes everywhere. It felt unnatural.

Funny how a few years could change what was his normal into the unusual. Not only that, but he hadn't had the opportunity to go shopping for alternative ones. All his old ones were too short and did not fit his frame. They either fit too snuggly against his chest or hung too far off the ground to be considered acceptable.

Besides, he felt it was better to dress like a muggle. He spent the past five years doing so. When he was in the muggle world he perfected the art of dressing like them. Most days he'd wear jeans and a plain t-shirt. Tonight, however; he felt was a special occasion. One that he should look presentable for.

Scorpius was looking forward to seeing everyone again. Al had done his best these past few days to fill him in on everything, but he wanted to hear those things from everyone else. He wanted Lily to giggle excitedly as she told him about her job with the Daily Prophet or watch Hugo and Mr. Weasley face-off in one of their many famous chess matches.

A knock sounded on his bedroom door. He finished doing his tie and moved to open the door. His father stood proudly in the doorway.

Draco raised one of his sleek blonde eyebrows. "Little dressed up aren't you?"


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