🌹Crimson Tyrant Epiloque🌹

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It's been a month? Sorry for the wait. The university work is not that kind to me 😃. And my final is in next month so yeah...

I try to put on the update schedule at least once a month if I was really busy. But if I do have time, I try to update once every 2 weeks.

This is the last Heartslabyul chapter. We will enter the peace period aka rest period, where Raina and Iruma will go to one of the kingdoms and try to establish a relationship. It's just one or maybe two chapters before we enter the Savanaclaw Chapter.

I plan to change the overblot scene in Savanaclaw later. I somehow give Raina a damsel in distress feeling although her personality and power are quite far from that. I try to do my best.

Some of you ask about Raina dorm leader outfit and this is what I been drawing.

Maybe I will change a few things but I want to know about your opinion first. Especially the fan color... What color should I put in there?

Enough about my rambling. Enjoy this chapter, dear reader, ~

Oh! And maybe leave me a coffee if you enjoyed my writing?



The day finally ended. I'm currently enjoying my leisure time on the balconies complete with tea and some refreshment. Kalego-sensei really didn't hold back even if we get injured. We are already used to that behavior but the rest of the NRC students...

"*Sigh* I pray for the rest of the NRC safety..."

"Oh? Did you feel threatened inside this school?" The same green firefly comes into my view followed by the familiar voice. I smiled after that same mysterious stranger show up in his usual attire.

"You finally showed up? Here I think you will ditch my invitation." I said.

"Pardon me for my late appearance. I need to make sure I'm not being followed." He said and I only gestured for him to take a seat in front of me. He bowed and sit. I use my magic to serve him some tea.

"Have you tried Hell Grey Tea before?" I ask him.

"I believe I have never heard of that name before." He answers.

"It a very popular tea among us in Netherworld. I believe you will enjoy its unique taste." I said with a smile. He raised his eyebrow in amusement and looked at the teacup that was filled with dark liquid. It also gives out an ominous feeling. I chuckle at his hesitant movement.

"Don't worry. It's safe to be consumed." I said while continue sipping at my tea. He seems to follow my suit slowly but after one sip, he blinks his eyes.

"This tastes unexpectedly good." He said and I chuckle.

"I'm glad you like it. People tend to get scared of something unknown to them and tend to judge them easily. I'm relieved you are not that kind of person." I said with a soft smile. He seems to catch off guard by what I said but then return my smile with a sad chuckle.

"I suppose what you said is true."

We continue to drink our tea in comfortable talk. He ask me about my life before going to Twisted Wonderland and how the situation in the Netherworld now.

I tell him only the basics of it and he seems content with it. We continue talking about our school daily life and this far I keep asking him questions about this world until my ears heard a very distinct voice.

"I believe the night is getting dark now. Such a pity, I wish to talk more." He said.

"Ah, yes. Such a pity indeed. I'm enjoyed talking with you, Tsunotaro. We should do this again next time." I said when he start to stand up. This word seems to make him freeze.

"...You want to do this again?"

"Yes!" He starts to laugh a little hearing my answer. After that, he smiled softly at me.

"You really are unique. Very well. I shall accept your invitation for our next tea time." He said before walking towards me and kissing the back of my hands. I blush at his actions. What?! Don't judge me, dear reader! I'm still not used to this etiquette.

"לילה טוב נסיכה"

I widen my eyes but before I answer, he vanishes along with the green firefly. I stay silent for a while before smiling softly.

'So he knows...' I think amusingly before taking one grape and eating it slowly and soon another person's voice that I been heard emerged from the forest.


"Sebek. Tone it down. You will wake the whole residents."

"Shut up, Silver! Did you not feel worried about Young Master's safety?! And how could you lose him in the first place?!" I saw the two boys from Diasomnia interact from the balconies while slowly drinking my tea.

"Sebek. What did I say about shouting in the middle of the night?"

Another figure emerged from the forest. Ah... is the same cute child from Diasomnia. The one with the smell of the lingering blood. I watch the interaction in silence.

"Master Lilia! I'm sorry but-"

"You even wake up one of the residents. Apologies for our rudeness, dear princess. We didn't mean to interrupt your lovely evening." He said while looking at me. The other two boys seem to realize my presence as they look up to see me.

"No need to worried. I've been awake this whole time and still not yet gone to bed. As for you, I see that you seem to look for someone?" I ask them.

"Yes. Our Young Master seems to be missing again. Such a troublesome young master we have~." He pouted before flying towards me.

"Haha. In that case, you should hurry to find him before he moves again." I said while offering him the plate of cookies. He takes it gratefully.

"She right, Fat-I mean master Lilia. We should resume our search." The silver-haired one said.

"*Sigh* I guess you're right. Thank you for the cookies, dear. Maybe next time, I could invite you to try my cookies?" I don't know why but I sense something dangerous when he starts to talk about his cookies. I politely smile.

"I guess I can stop for tea only," I said and this answer seems to satisfy him. He gets down from the balconies and bows down at me.

"Please excuse us and have a nice night," Lilia said before vanishing with the other two boys. I sigh after I realize their presence is gone.

"Tomorrow I need to talk about straightening the dorm security. It would be dangerous if assassins manage to get inside the dorm that easily." I decide to call it the night and return to my room and prepared myself to go to sleep.



Another knock can be heard the next morning when Raina and Iruma are doing some paperwork in the office. True to what his father said, the official letter from each kingdom has already arrived and Asmodeus has already given it to Raina and Iruma. Currently, they look at each letter and sort it by importance.

"The first letter that arrives is surprisingly from Valley of Thorn."

"Isn't that the fae-kingdom?"

"Yep. And oh! This one look interesting." Raina shows Iruma one of the letter.

"It from the Queendom of Roses." Iruma read the front of the letter. He carefully opens the letter with the royalties seal and read the content.

"Hm... Isn't Riddle come from that kingdom? What is the letter said?"

"The Queen has invited us to her private tea party this weekend. To talk about possible relationship she going to create with us in the future." Iruma said while reading the letter content to Raina.

"Or translation, she wants to see if we are worthy before making the next move. I can see she have her doubt about our sudden arrival to Twisted Wonderland. This could be a test." Raina said. Iruma thinks about all the possibilities.

"Then we should go to Queendom of Roses as our first official visit."

"...Very well. I will send the reply soon and try to find a book about these Queen of Hearts rules." Iruma looks at Raina in question.

"We will go to Queendom of Roses, the place where Queen of Hearts is a role model. I will not be surprised if the Queen there are also strict with Rules like Riddle." Raina points out.

Iruma can only nod meekly while thinking about the rules they will have to memorize. The knock on the door then can be heard before Asmodeus steps inside the office.

"Raina-sama. You have a visitor from another dorm. That child keeps saying that he here to fetch something."

"A child?"

Curious, Raina goes downstairs to meet this so-called child. A boy with blue blazing hair and golden eyes looks at her with such an innocent aura. His body is also full of metal that Raina concluded that he is part of the Robot.

"I heard you asking for me..."

"Ah! Greetings, Princess Raina. My name is Ortho Shroud. I'm sorry for barging in like this but I believe my brother game is still in your possession and I'm here to collect it." Ortho said with a smiling face.

"You from Ignihyde dormitory, right? And these items you talking about. Is it belong to another boy that accidentally crash with me 2 days ago, right? I believe his name is Idia Shroud."

"Yep. That is my big brother. He is usually very clumsy and shy but I'm promised that he means you no harm. He can act very gentlemen too. It's just that the first time, he met someone as pretty as you. Big sis! I can call you big sis, right?" Raina practically melted at the young boy's words patting his hair and smiling fondly.

"Of course, you can call me big sis! And I believe I do have your brother's possession with me. Do you want it now?" Raina asks softly.

"Em... How about big sis Raina are the ones that bring it back to my brother? You know, All that my big brother ever talks about is how he wanted to befriend Big Sis Raina but didn't dare to do it. So, Pleaseeeee accepts my request...."

"Aw~ Of course. You can lead the way, Ortho." Raina's answer while gushing at Ortho. Asmodeus that look at the interaction can't help but feel like they have been scammed by this little robot. It also didn't help when Ortho send him a little smirk when Raina aren't looking.

"Raina-sama. I belie-"


"Wah! Be careful, Ortho. Sorry, Asmodeus. I talk with you later!!!" Ortho drags Raina's hands and runs out from there leaving the dumbfounded Asmodeus behind.



I'm enjoying my free time and currently playing one of the new games while waiting for Ortho to bring back the new games that I accidentally left behind when I'm busy running for my life.

"Big brother!! We back!" I open the door excitedly and hug Ortho as a thank you until my head lands on something with a sweet smell.

Did Ortho bring back flowers or something? I open my eyes only to meet with another pair of blue shining eyes. The world seems to stop around me.

"Em... Nice to meet you again?" The shock is too much when I realize I had just hugged the popular Raina Suzuki. The said girl only smiled sheepishly at me and that is the last thing I remember before I step back with a burst of flames.


"Oh my..."

-A few minutes later-

I grovel at her feet with my head bowing low at her while giving her an apology.


"Okay. Calm down. I'm not angry, Idia-senpai." Of course, she going to say that.

I bet she already plan how to get rid of me with her powerful abilities of her. Or how she going to tell his father and then I'm going to be captured and get executed because I dare to touch the precious princess body and-.


Yes. I pass out on the floor thinking about that. By the time, I woke up, I didn't see Raina's silhouette anywhere. Ortho stands not far away from me.

"Oni-san! You are amazing! I didn't know you can be that bold and hug big sis Raina in your first meet." I smack his head.


"Ouch- Sorry~"





Yesterday's events are quite eventful. I never know someone's hair can get caught in fire like that. I giggle when remembering that event. Currently, I'm getting ready for the Revenge Unbirthday party. The invitation from Riddle stated that the event will start soon and he also invited Asmodeus and Clara.

These are Raina clothes:
(I forget to add this drawing.)

By the time we arrive, Ace and Deuce immediately join us.

"Raina! You really come!"

"I'm got the invitation, remember?" I chuckle.

"And look at you and Iruma. You both really glow up with that outfit." Deuce compliment.

"Of course, they are! Iruma-sama and Raina-sama will always be stunning no matter what they wear." Asmodeus stated that proudly.

I take time to look around the Heartslabyul students. I can see how they relaxed while talking with each other. Some can even start joking around and laugh. The trumpet sound can be heard as the signal for Riddle's arrival.

Riddle comes with quite an entrance. With his cape fluttering behind him, he really looks like a king or should I say, A Queen. I smiled at his relaxed face as he take a seat in the dorm leader seat.

"So, how is my favorite boy doing?" I tease him. His face turns red.

"W-wh?! Favorite boy?!"

"What the matter? I mean, you have already been so bold to kiss me that day. Although it's not my first kiss, you should take responsibility, right?" I tease him as his ear tip turns red.

"Rai-chan. Stop teasing him too much." Said, my brother. I just smiled at that. Riddle just cough a little, trying to earn back his composure while checking each of the rules until his eyes linger in one of the rose bushes.

"That rose..."

"Eh?!" The heartslabyul students start to panic.



"R-Riddle, that- we can explain!" Cater said hastily.

"...Kidding. I'm not going to punish you for one or two roses." This shocked the rest of the students. I look at Riddle impressed. He really wants to make amend. I watch him stand up to get close to the roses followed by Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce.

"It will be much faster if we work together."

"You still want them painted?!"

"Why not? It's been a long time since I'm doing this."

I and my brother can only watch the scene from the sidelines. Seeing Riddle laughing around while changing the roses red with his magic and how his eyes sparkle. Make me think that all of the trouble we face is worthed.


"That girl-I swear!" Asmodeus stomp over the group while trying to shake Clara off. I can only laugh at the display. Especially when Riddle tries so hard not to collaring Clara. After all the exciting finish, they all sit down until Riddle brings out the box and shows the most beautiful strawberry tart.

"For a first-timer that's amazing."

"Hmph. I'm maybe lenient but that doesn't mean I didn't do my work to perfection." Riddle said proudly while cutting the tart and placing it on the plate.

"I can't believe he actually did this."

"Well, you can think all you want while I eat this dessert." Ace starts to cut a piece and put it in his mouth. We doing the same thing until each one of them starts to shout.

"IT'S TOO SALTY!!!" Ace and Deuce immediately search for water. Followed by Asmodeus. While the rest start to cough up except for Clara. She just looks at the scene and continues eating.

"Damn...*Cough* You can still eat it?"

"It tastes okay to me."

"You and your weird demon taste." Said, Ace. I look at Riddle that tries to find out what he has done wrong.

"Riddle-senpai. Did you put something in here?"

"No? I just followed Trey's recipe. Except it does have one weird ingredient but I just ignore it and decide to add it."

"Let me guess, you put some oyster sauce in it," I said trying to hold back my laugh.

"I-I'm not suppose to?" We all laugh hearing Riddle answer. Ace even shed a few tears.

"AHAHAH! I-AHAHA- I can't believe someone really falls for that!!" Said, Ace.

"But to think you will really add the oyster sauce into the tart." Cater chuckled at that followed by Trey.

"Just how much you put inside to make it this salty?" Deuce asks. Riddle's face turns bright red before he looks somewhere else.

"T-That is a secret. I can't tell you that." He said embarrassingly before joining us for a laugh.

"I guess that's stupid of me. To think I will fall for Trey's trick so easily." Riddle laugh.

"Truth to be told. I thought it was 'him' that put the salt inside the tart." I said after the laughter subsided. The group looks at me confusingly.

"How could you, Purrincess~ I will never destroy such a beautiful dessert~" A familiar head starts to appear beside me.

"AHH!! IT'S THE FLYING GHOST AGAIN!!" Grim shouted loudly while hissing at the newcomers.

"Che'nya! what are you doing here!?" Riddle asks shockingly. Che'nya just bites the cake that I offer him with a satisfying grin and look at Riddle.

"I came to celebrate the Unbirthday Party. Congrats Riddle." Said Che'nya.

"The Unbirthday Party is an Heartslabyul tradition. You don't have anything to do with it?" Said Riddle while folding his arm. Che'nya just grins at Riddle's accusation.

"Neither do those guys, right? Though, I would not blame you, Riddle. Who didn't want to invite such a cute princess~" Che'nya just casually pecks at my cheek after that and another fork and fire can be seen trying to pierce him? Thankfully, he disappears from my side and reappear on the other side of the table. Brother and Asmodeus are looking at Che'nya with a glare.

"Raina! What did I say about some boys?!" Brother glared at me.

"Um... But that just a peck?"

"We are talking about this later." Ni-san is so scary when he looks that serious.

"Oh, yeah. What dorm are you from?" ask Grum curiously.

"Che'nya isn't even a student here, to begin with. He is  from NRC's long-standing rival, Royal Sword Academy." With that one word from Trey, the joyful atmosphere turn tense before the students start to throw some curses

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