🌹Crimson Tyrant Epiloque🌹

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while looking at Che'nya.

"Whoops~ This cat has been found. I should go now~ Bye-byeee" With that Che'nya disappear again with a wink to me. Such a flirty cat. I giggle at his action.

"Where is that bastard go!?"

"That way!"

"Quick! Don't let him escape!"

I and my brother can only watch with a sweatdrop as the rest of the heartslabyul students leave their chairs and chase after Che'nya.

"Their hostility is so terrifying..."

Trey sighed, "Well after losing for 100 years to RSA, you can't really blame them."

"Okay. No more gloomy talk! We are celebrating! Let's enjoy our Unbirthday party today!" Cater cut through the atmosphere with a cheer. Grim followed suit.

"Nyaha! I gonna eat until I burst! Happy Unbirthday Party!" Said Grim happily.



As the party continues, I suddenly remember something and look at Riddle. "Riddle, you from Queendom of Roses, right?" Raina looks at Riddle. He simply raises his brow and nods slowly.

"Yes, what about it?"

"Then, you suppose to know about the Queendom rules, right?" Once again he nods.

"Can we ask you a favor for teaching us about the rules?" ask Iruma.

"Sure. I don't mind. But what is this for? I mean you don't really have a reason to learn about the Queendom rules, right?"

"Uh... That because we been invited by the Queen to her private tea party and maybe a potential relationship between our kingdoms." Riddle starts to cough up his tea hearing Raina answer and the rest just look at Iruma and Raina like some ghosts.

"Are you oka-"

"THEN WE SHOULD NOT WASTE TIME!" Riddle shouts while banging the table. Raina looked at him startled.


"You both will come with me. I make sure to teach you everything I know. You two would not leave my rooms until we finished!" Riddle starts to drag Raina and Iruma while grumbling that they should tell him sooner.

Meanwhile at the table:

"Sometimes, I forget that they are royalty..."

"Right? Their action sometimes didn't really show it."

"Ahaha! Asmodeus-san, Clara-chan. If the Crown Princess and Crown Prince can behave like that, is that mean their father or The King is never strict with them?" Cater ask curiously. The image of the laughing King coddling Iruma and Raina in the background appears in Asmodeus and Clara's minds.

"... You will know if you meet him."







Not far from them, another 2 spectators have been watching their party from the start.

"Man, I'm so jealous of that Heartslabyul. To eat that delicious cake every day." Whine the boy with hyena traits. A sharp glare from the lion shut him up.

"Then, you free to join them if you want."

"Oh, come on. I'm just kidding, Leona-san~" The hyena let out a low chuckle. The lion or Leona just rolls his eyes.

"How is the preparation going, Ruggie?"

"It has been done smoothly."

"Good... soon, we show that lizard who is the real king." The two continue to converse while looking at the Unbirthday Party with a dangerous glint.

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