Chapter 67:"Raven chaser"

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After they come back from America, Shinichi was bedriden again but this time there a fever. Seiichi was in constant worry about his condition but he can't in his side since he need go into battlefield, he can only depend into Hugo only for his brother vital, it frustate him so he lashed it on the demon until the battle is end.

Todday is the day where he gonna introduce his brother to other member, A dimmed room that got warmed by the firewood make the room more eerie and tense with a big table in the middle of the room. Seiichi stand behind his brother who sit in the head of the table wait for other member to come, Shinichi wear a simple and comfortable clothes but he did not forget to show his presence.

Not long, the member come one by one sit in the chair and it no surprise if they surprised see his brother sit in the head of table where normally Seiichi sit in there.

"Thank you for coming... As you know my brother is still in theraphy so he can't run yet" Seiichi break the silence gestured to his brother,"I will leave the explanation to my brother..."

Shinichi bow to them in respect,"It's pleasure finally to meet you all... i'm Kudo Shinichi as you know. As you know i'm involved with the Organization that lead me to get poisoned.."

Seiichi only stay quiet listen to his brother explained eveyrhting to them how he encountered the Black Organization until he got poisoned until he revealed a big bomb to them

"Then i undercover under Mouri agency as Edogawa Conan.." Shinichi finish his story

The reaction was priceless indeed, there a disbelive noise and shock expression except the people from FBI who already know but the other still did not know about his identity so they shocked

"i still can not to get out into the public because of my circumstance so i let Seiichi to become my message among you all" Shinichi say

"i understand..." Kazama first break the silence

"then hope that we can work together to take down the Organization.." Shinichi say with smile


After a few days, Shinichi is got a respect from other agent because of his brilliant mind. Seiichi noticed he begin more comfortable with other agent make him assured a bit and now he was in library thinking about the next plan along with Seiichi until the doorbell got ring

'Young master, Ran-sama is coming... what should i do?' Hugo ask

Shinichi stiffen while Seiichi look at his brother,"What should you do,Onii-sama?"

Shinichi take a deep breath,"I will speak to her..."

Seiichi saw his brother with his cane to the front door, he open the door saw Ran look at him in stunned, Shinichi has a cane to hold him to stand, his face is pale and tired in his eyes, it's not like Shinichi that she know who is arrogant and big head but now it like her mother who just finish  ending a big case.

"Shinichi! what happened to you?" Ran ask

"you want to speak so i will hear it now..." Shinichi say

"Why are you like this? why you suddenly cut ties in one side? what happened to you?" Ran ask glance at his cane

"Just like you see. i come back but with scared" Shinichi explained,"the case that i hold make me liek this"

"i'm waiting for you,Shinichi! sicne you speak at london and at Kyoto. i'm waiting. why you suddenly-" 

Shinichi rub his face,"it's not sudden,Ran. we have changed. I'm chaged, you too. we have choose our path by our own. i already think nicely about this decision. I'm sorry i can not fuillfill the promis. i'm sorry i did not become a great friend. i'm sorry i did not become a nice boyfriend. i really sorry for make you waiting, to always prioritize the case when we together..." He smile sadly,"look, aren't you understand? since when our relationship like that gonna continue? you speak by yourself i was Detective maniac... that is true, i can't let criminal to let away while i can stop it even i tainted my hand. Did you know noticed how different we are?"

Ran only stay quiet but her tear already flowing like a waterfall, her breath hitched when he heard Shinichi tainted his hand it mean he did not hestitant to kill and she understand that he is not Shinichi that she know

"What is said in London is mistake. i supprose to not make you wait. 2 year i encountered many things that changed me. i ove you,Ran but not the way you look at me" Shinichi turn his back,"Please leave and forget me, i'm sorry.."

"Good bye Shinichi..." 

That girl run away with crying. Behind the door, Shinichi fall into the floor only got caught Kaito who hold me in strong,warm embrace. Kaito listen everything so he let him to poured eveyrhting to him, crying, screaming but after that he know that he will become much stronger.

Seiichi who saw it from the far away only avoid his gaze go out from the house to meeting  leaving those two along leaving the mansion fill with sobbing and screaming


Seiichi arrived at the HQ Sorcerer meeting room, the meeting was a normal meeting how to defeat the next wave of battle until the leader ask is there something happened?

"Yes, the Organization begin to make another crime.." One of the agent speak showing a hologram of a dying message,"The victim is come from 7 different prefecture,Kanagawa and SHizukoka, Nagano and Gunma, Kanagawa prefecture, Yokohama,sir"

"What their motivation?"

"Did not known yet,sir.." He answer with shake head

The master sigh in deep though,"There no sign of Demon involved?"

"Have not know yet,sir..." He respond

"If i may speak,sir..." Seiichi stand let their attention to him,"Let the PSB handle this serial murder case since the police from each prefecture alreayd got involved...We, Sorcerer did not meddle with human life that's why we work together with PSB, am i right? we just back up... the guardian"

a murmure erupted through the room,"That is true... then Seiichi, tell the PSB about this..."

Seiichi nodd,"Of course,sir.."

After meeting, Seiichi told Kazama to meet up at Kudo mansion through Hugo to EDIH that he has something to told him important.

"i hope that you call me to have something connected with them..." Kazama say 

"Indeed, i am.." Seiichi say with smirk,"Hugo send EDIH what happened in the meeting and show it to Kazama-san..."

Kazama watch the meeting through the hologram from his phone, he look up at Seiichi when he finish watching the meeting

"You are..." Kazama trailed who got a predator smirk

"Hugo, tell this to Onii-sama please and let his brain to work..." Seiichi command without breaking eye contact from Kazama

'Of course,sir...'

Kazama close his eyes exhale,"We need to have meeting to preapred everything is what your presitction is true.."

Seiichi lanced his finger under his chin,"Of course.. let's shall have meeting as soon as possible and take this case..."

The meeting with PSB was intresting, the meeting consisted to break through the code, how to ambush the organization, to find out the reason why they kill them. Shinichi who got the case from Seiichi about this he stay holed in the library trying to breaking the code with help of Hugo of course. He can look through the people profile.


Police HQ

The confrence room was fillied with people who is discussing the serial murder trying to breaking the code and of course Kogorou Ojii-san in there, they have no lead and stuck

"At a time like this, i hope Kudo-kun in here.." Megure-keibu sigh

"By Kudo... do you mean th ekid that help you solve the case, high school detective is it?" Kiyonaga Matumoto ask (Megure-keibu) superindent

"Well, yeah..." Megure nodd in sheepishly

"Now that you think about... there no news about him until recently" Ayami Ogino comment (Inspector from Saitama Police District)

"I bet he gave up playing detective game..." Jugo Yokomizu comment

"Ah,no. it's not like that. A while ago at Teitan High school festival he solved another case" Takagi-keiji slipped got scolded by Sato-keiiji,"Sorry, i slipped"

"What this about?" Kiyonaga-san ask

"Ah well, per his request he ask to not make a ruckus about it and holding the information about him being involved..." Megure-Keibu say

"Such humble person..." Misao Yamamura-keibu comment

"He cahnged for some reason. in the past, he was actually a quite show-off..." Megure-keibu say

Suddenly a door open showing Seiichi wear his uniform along with Kazama-san in his side make them stand up startled but they ignored it walk into the middle stand in front of Megure-Keibu. No one speak it's like the room temperature has changed in one turn, a tense and cold full of pressure presence, their way of walking and stand is like a soldier. They all detective for nothing of course they noticed how Kazama-san has a gun inside his suit jacket and Seiichi a gun in his itght cover by his cloack

"Nice to meet you, I come from PSB Kazama Yuuya..." Kazama-san show his bagde make them surprised

"I come from Sorcerer agent or you might know as Okami... Kudo Seiichi and also i come behalf of my brother Kudo Shinichi about this case..." Seiichi say showign his badge

"Why PSB involved?" Kiyonaga-san ask in narrowed eyes

"You have no clearance to know about the reason, i apologize... if you must to know then you comitted a treason against Japan Govenrment" Kazama-san say in cold and firm voice,"we just come to confirm something..."

"Confirm something?" Megure-keibu ask

"Indeed, we want to confirm the victim, is it true that the victim is 7 victim?" Kazama ask

"Yeah..." Takagi-keiji nodd

"Do you mind?" Seiichi ask

He lend him the victim profile to Seiichi and Kazama peek at inside until they narrowed their eyes at one of member who died in there

"Is it..." Seiichi glance at Kazama

"EDIH, analize.." Kazama command

Kazama show his phone showing a blue line scanning the face of the victim, he hummed look at the result,"Indeed, it is.."

Seiichi sigh give it back to Takagi-Keiji,"Such a pity he got killed before i kill him..." he look outside the window narrowed his eyes at the side park using his 'sight' saw a familliar porche car make him wide eye,"Porchse car in front of the HQ.."

Kazama wide eye,"Is it?"

"No doubth.." Seiichi sat with tense and stiffen shoulder, he look around ignoring the other detective in the room,"If he in here then she come in here..."

Kazama clicked his tongue and EDIH show that she was on the way to the basement make them nodd

"I apologize but we have an urgent matter to attend.." Seiichi say turn his hell without look back in hurry pace

"I apologize... we,PSB shall help with the case" Kazama say bowing slightly follow Seiichi

The detective in the room only stay stunned but they certaintly hear something Killing.. gun.. make them look at each other in stunned.

Seiichi told Kazama to wait while he confront vermouth in the basement 

"So, is there something you need from me?" Disguised vermouth ask

"No need to hide yourself, vermouth... you can not lie to a sorcerer..." Seiichi say

Vermouth rip his mask,"Well, well... what do you need to know?"

"why Black Organization intrested in this case? i know that one of the victim is your member..." Seiichi ask with rise eyebrow,"Aren't you kill them?"

"You have one wrong..." Vermouth answer make Seiichi narrowed his eyes,"One of them is indeed got killed by an outsider but then the member who the culprit killed is the member of Organization and the culprit has a memory chip that need by the Organization... The Organization kill the other 6 victim and give a mahjong dying message to lure the criminal out..."

"So that mean, the culprit has a chip that Organization need without knowing... then the Organization kill the other victim to lure the culprit out since Organization connected all of the other 6 victim to his murder..." Seiichi state, he scrunched his nose,"Dude... you all lunatic.."

Vermouth raise her eyebrow in amused,"We are Black Organization.."

"That is true.. black as darkness..." Seiichi comment

"i already told you what we need, do you think that you acocmpany did not point his gun to me and let me go?" Vermouth hold her hand

"Not yet.. who is the code of the victim?" Seiichi ask

"Irish.." Vermouth answer glance at Kazama hiding place

Seiichi gestured his hand and the gun in Kazama hand lowered down leaving vermouth alone, he saw vermouth leave basement leaving them alone

"Why you let her go?" Kazama ask

"Because we need her.." Seiichi answer got a confused expression,"even though she is Black Organization but she like my brother and me..." he explained with predator smirk,"Besides she know that she can't win against us..."

"right,.." Kazama drawled

"Come, we need to go home and hold meeting with other member..." Seiichi say get out from the police HQ.

They got call in meeting before Seiichi can speak his brother already solve the code thanks to Hugo make him smirk

"call the other..." Shinichi order

"Of course,Onii-sama..." Seiichi complied

The meeting is going one since they already know where the Organization gonna continue on and about the victim, it like a compeition among them, a competition to find the culprit first before the culprit got killed by the flock of crow.

A few days has been going on try to find the culprit and finally they found the culprit but they did not have prove while the Crow already on move.They even try to search for the chip but they can't show it to anyone since it was a Govenrment secret, they also have not know the last place as climax

'there a lot of hole...' Seiichi though sigh

'Sir, there a meeting soon at 15.00' Hugo informed them

"I see... tell Kazama about this..." Seiichi say


The meeting held just  like before but this time Kazama and Seiichi in there got a quite look from other

"What? on july 2 years ago? all victim was on Kyoto in that day?" Kogorou ask 

"Yeah.. we confirmed it through our investigation" SHiratori Keibu confirmed

the meeting begin and it seem two years ago, there was a fire accident in a hotel in Kyoto, and a young woman named Nanako Honjou died. The elevator could only hold seven, but eight people needed to escape. Nanako wasn't on the last elevator and couldn't escape

Seiichi scroll his phone showing a hologram of the newspaper showing it to Kazama-san, they finds out that Nanako and her boyfriend, Kosuke Mizutani, often went star gazing together. they realizes that the crime scenes are ordered like the star constellation Ursa Major, making the last crime scene the Tohto Tower. 

"Tohto tower... the Organization must be coming to it.." Seiichi whisper

"when?" Kazama ask stiffen

"I assume tonight make sure to tell the other Team" Seiichi command got a nodd


The night has come, Seiichi and Kazama arrived in the Tower before the other police come. They have their gun each until Seiichi produced a shield from the sudden bullet

"Well, well.. what we found here, it's honour to meet the Legendary Amaterasu" a male voice say

Seiichi and Kazama narrowed their eyes until they saw that they are indeed got circle by the member of Black Organization by the way of their clothes, they all a lower rank has a same clothes, a black suit and sunglasses

"You know that you all have a death warrant,right?" Seiichi ask point his gun at them,"Meaning that i can kill you guys without mercy"

"Is that so? but did you forget that teh police will come soon and if they know there a bloodshed in here, aren't they gonna suspicious?" One of them ask

Seiichi smirk,"If one remove any trace of an incident happening, then it isn't even recognized as beign the incident.there no trick behind it to murder because there no prove, no one know, no one can deduce it, turning the murder into accident, accident into suicide..." He  let his killing intent engulfe the Tower,"Perfect Crime... a beautifull Crime..."

He didn't speak loudly but yet his voice is like booming in the Tower, the moonlight is coming through the dark Tower showing his blue eye is shining brightly because of his dark clothes make those people got sudden shiver

"Let me show you... why you didn't want to anger the Corporal and the King of the Sorcerer" Seiichi say with his cold voice

Seiichi lift his hand and suddenly 7 person wear a same uniform appear surrounding them and begin to has a gunfight. Kazama was only stay quiet shooting those criminal agent but then he noticed Seiichi use his gun to them make them dissapear into Ash make the other Criminal Agent terrified of him

'This is the Legendary Amaterasu, the one who fight the Leader of Black Organizatiion and alive' Kazama though in stunned by his brutally

They managed to caught 4 of them to interrogated thankfully there a backup since they have bunch of them. Suddenly Seiichi lunged at Kazama drown into the ground while the 7 other Sorcerer created a barrier around them

A black hellicopter come around them with shooting a riffling gun from it make the Glass in Tower shattered thankfully they have bunch of layer barrier around them. Seiichi grunted look up from Kazama side point his gun at the Hellicoper engine near the The blade to make it disable


They can see a smoke come from the motor and those iron Crow is shaking, he saw they are retreated. Seiichi signaled the other to let the barrier down. Seiichi help Kazama stand and they saw the destruction sigh

"This can make police questioned..." Seiichi comment

"What about the chip?" Kazama ask

Seiichi smirk,"It's already in Onii-sama hand.. do you think i gonna let the culrpit got hunt by those crow..." He smirk in smug,"I'm sure now, the culprit already in police station..."

"You're terrifying..." Kazama comment in deapan

"I take that as compliment..." Seiichi smile politely

They bring the criminal into the prisoner van while the PSB member take care of the result, Seiichi and Kazama decided go back to HQ except Seiichi who suddenly collapse in the car make Kazama panicked




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