Chapter 66:"Great Detective of East is back!"

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After KID bloody heist, the newspaper and television is showing bunch of video or photo about KID heist, about a sudden bomb and of course his face also showing in media, do not forget about the inciden twhen his brother exposed his face in media and he covered it so everyone know that he is Kudo Seiichi, Kudo shinichi twin brother.

Seiichi sigh numerous day that day after KID heist, he stare at hologram newspaper and news about yesterday and it was disturbing really. he didn't managed to sleep after that and more worse he had more meeting with government and they somehow become worried since the Organization was travel around the world so they worried if there a demon who was go free in theri country

'Sir, It's better to set off now, the meeting will begin soon...' Hugo voice remind him

"Ah.." Seiichi take his cloack,"Where Akai and onii-sama?"

"Akai-sama in FBI base and Shinichi-sama still in Mouri-sama residence...'Hugo respond

"The progress about the medicine?" 

"Haibara-sama and other scientist already has the blueprint and it will finish in few days.." 

Seiichi hummed go to his bedroom to change to his formal uniform clothes,"Tell Onii-sama to parted away with Ran, it's time for him to come back..."

'Of course,sir..'

Seiichi sigh and go to Government place, he stay in meeting, listening, observe and sometime take lead of meeting. After a few meeting, he has another meeting again and this time with UN make him frowned in suspicious, it seem the UN also know the existance of the demon and the sorcerer and it make him remember the meeting with Japan prime minister and government about the Demon that roam around their country and it seem they noticed about the incident.

"Hugo... tell the other i'm not in Japan for 3 days.." Seiichi command

Seiichi go to meeting with UN at vienna along with Japan representive, he arrived at the UN meeting place, the room was insanely big, the table was in shape of U with bunch of row seat and a country nameplate at the table and of course UN symbol at the middle in the ground like a carpe also  there bunch of people around the world wear their own formal clothes, Seiichi sit next to Japan representive who named as Kirishima-san. The meeting was normal about the world until one of them speak about Demon, war and of course Black Organization

'It seem they already caugh the UN eyes..' Seiichi though

"Corporal, is is a world danger situation?" America Presentative ask

"That is not known yet, we doing our best to not show our battle in civillian eye since it will become chaos if they know..." Seiichi answer narrowing his eyes,"we can't let Japan turn into warzone"

"Then what about other country, there a sigh that there a demon especially at America,UK.." England respresentive say

"That is correct, i as the leader of the Sorcerer and as their King before our master, our emperor know about this, we are joined in one Association from around the world... we noticed" Seiichi answer,"but, Black Organization is existed from ancient era/period, didn't know when they sxisted but for sure they existed before all of you born into this world... just they are passed it continuoesly into their next generation so the Organization didn't fall.."

"it's like they are immortal..." French representive state but more like ask

"Demon is immortal!" Seiichi claimed in firm voice,"That's why only Sorcerer can kill them since they are a human who turned into a demon... The organization leader Karasuma Renya is make alliance with the Demon lord, Carthapillus...Carthapillus is a child who got cursed by God itself to become immortal but with constant paint and because of this he become the first demon in century that managed to roam around the living world freely..." he explained in firm and cold voice,"and for the next you know it very well, the birth of Black Organization..."

The member of UN was murmuring and whispering at each other 

"Black Organization already spread out among other country, their base is in America but then they spread out into UK England since it's home of Mages and birth of spisitual being, France for the dark market, Syria for illegal weapon trading for the ISIS terrorist and other things but for now they stay at Japan until now and the war also begin in Japan.." Seiichi say to them touch his earring,"And of course i have prove of it, i will not dare to speak without prove...Hugo"

A hologram appear in the middle of the room showing the document what the Black Organization illegal work make the representive whisper with each other 

"The damage already done and i told you, they already killed bunhc of MI agent, FBI agent,CIA agent... They are lunatic" Seiichi reasoned got a cough from Japan represantive next to him,"But the way we look at the document, they are working in the darkness like shadow and the one who they are boldly show themself is in Japan"

Another image hologram showing, this time was a helicopter using a riffle gun shooting at Ferris wheel with bunch of civillian near it.

"That is the most worst one that i could fine since they are slippery like a snake...for a human eye but for us, Sorcerer.. there much worse" Seiichi say

"Show us..." Syria represantive curious

Another hologram picture about the war of Okinawa, a blood everywhere, War in Osaka, Killing Mindless soldier, he show them all the damaged what the Black Organization doing in their country except the Dragon incident. Black Organization is the mother of all the Organization in the world it was their root.

"I will not belive the Demon when i see by myself..." Arab representive comment

Seiichi smirk like a shark with predator eye,"That what i though... we,Sorcerer managed to caught one  Demon to show you how dangerous Demon is..." One of the Sorcerer agent bring a big box and he put it in the middle of the room,"We might kill it afte you all see.. so warning for blood..."

Seiichi nodd at the agent and the agent open the door make the box burst open showing a Demon, a lower demon snarling at them like an animal with a restrict spell on it

"They are immortal... they can keep regeneration" Seiichi nodd at Agent and the Agent slice it arm make the blood splutter but not long the arm back to normal again,"and the way we kill them is slice their neck or the sun..."

The agent slice the demon neck in one slash make it head roll into the ground with a fountain blood but not long it turn into the dust only leaving a blood remain in the ground

"They can't counter the sun so they make those mindless killing soldier to eliminate us.." Seiichi explained,"Those soldier already had death exectuion in their head, they are the Sorcerer agnet who already died and got ressuction by Carthapillus to make as Killing soldier and of course they are dead so they have no mind in their head..."

"Those soldier is Sorcerer.. that mean they can use Modern magic?"  German represantive ask

Seiichi nodd,"Of course, the Sorcerer body has a magi core inside of it, he managed to ressuction them so the magi core still working..."

The room was become noisy by people speak to each other, Seiichi who was standing now sit down since he already finish explaining the circumstance

"Japan represantive, what do your Government thing about it since they are operate in your country?" China represantive ask

"We,Japan government know about Organization when FBI come into our land... but the moment the Govenrment know how mess up they are and how dangerous they are, we working together with FBI, MI-5, MI-6, CIA, PSB... indeed they are operate in Japan and how much they left a damaged in our country is something that we can't goes blind to... The sorcerer already begin the war in Japan and we can't avoid it so we have no choice but to let them have war in Japan except they gonna fled away into other country and it has risk  in it..." He explained

"So that mean you are willingly to let your country turn into warzone?"Syria representive ask

"No.. i will not let my country turn into warzone" He say in firm voice,"They managed to operat until now stay in the shadow so why we can't?" Seiichi managed to stiffle his smirk by his word,"The civillian no need to know that there a war is going on..."

"Sorcerer Agent is protecting civillian from the danger, we are doing our best to avoid the media of course" Seiichi say in non-chalant

The meeting continue and finally the meeting is end, Seiichi and Kirishima-san talk among the other represantive for a while

"You light up your tittle,aren't you..." UK Represantive say

"I thank you for your compliment,sir..." Seiichi bow slightly in respect

They talk to each other until they excuse themself into the hotel since there a second meeting at tomorrow then they will returned to their own country. Seiichi and Kirishima-san has a differnet room but still next to each other.

He enter the room and as expected it was a luxurious room, there a double bed, a balcony, a bathroom, a living room with TV. Seiichi take a shower and change his clothes into a comofrtable clothes and yet a formal clothes (A white button up shirt and a black pants), he sit in the balcony let the breeze swept him up to let him relax a bit.

Seiichi only staring at the scenery in front of him in silence with his hand holding his face but his mouth has a smirk, the Black Organization is doomed. They did not know they caught the UN attention, he wondered what happened to them 

"are they have a death execution in their head?" Seiichi murmured in wonder

At Afternoon after yesterday meeting, Seiichi managed to wear a formal clothes, a simple red and black suit. He need to show that he is a Corporal, a King and he shall show it to them even though he already show a big impression to them.

The next meeting just a normal meeting, Seiichi only sit back and let Kirishima-san take care of it. It continued until late evening and finally the meeting is finished the representive go back to their own country with their own plane the same with Seiichi.

He only stay quiet working in his tablet the same with Kirishima-san, for an few hour plane ride they finally arrived at Japan soil. Seiichi wear his coat and going home call the member of PSB and FBI about the UN meeting.

"I'm home.." Seiichi state

"Welcome back,sir..." Hugo respond

"Where the other?" Seiichi ask go to his room

'Akai-sama in library along with Yusaku-sama...'

Seiichi hummed change his clothes and go to library, he cleared his throat to presence himself make them look at him

"You already going home?" Yusaku ask in surprised,"Where did you go?"

"UN meeting..." Seiichi answer in obvious tome who got a silence and a stare,"What?"

"UN.. meeting? why?" Akai ask in surprised

Seiichi blink sit in the sofa,"I haven't told you?"

"You only say that youg one for 3 days..." Akai clarivied 

Seiichi 'o' in understand and tell him everything and when he finished tell what happened, he got a stare until Akai burst into a madman laugh

"I know... i'm gonna tell Haibara about this and call other member" Seiichi stand up 

Suddenly a throb in his head make him stumble gripping his head hissing slightly blinking furiously

"Are you okay?" Yusaku ask in worried noticed his face

"You haven't rest or has a proper sleep..." Akai step to his personal space

Seiichi take a deep breath,"No, i need something to do then i will go to bed.."

He go to Prof.Agase house and go to Haibara lab, she confirmed the medicine will finish in few days make him nodd 

"I was on meeting with UN.." Seiichi speak make her look at him,"i will tell you this Black Organization is going doomed..."


A few days, Seiichi already told it to other member and his brother already parted away from Ran and now hiding in Prof.Agase and Kudo mansion house while Haibara make the final touch. Kuroba Kaito also in there worried about Shinichi go back to his original form, Seiichi let Hugo to constant update his vital.Seiichi know it hurt his brother but he has no choice he need tog oback to his form to broke the wheel, it was sudden make the other police officer but their mother who disguised as Conan mother end those suspicious and now he was hiding at Kudo Mansion.

Haibara managed to make the antidote but for the side effect his body is weak, malnoutrished because of the food he eat as a child so obviosuly it not enough for teenager, he can't walk or even move an inch but with therapy he managed slowly to lift his arm, and sit but he can't stand or walk so he use wheelchair not bedridden but an IV and feeding tube still in his body, 

The medicine was differnet from protoype, this medicine is permanent so no wonder if his body back to teenager with nurition of a child, Kuroba frequently visit the Mansion and eventually lived in there. 

Haibara told Kaito to keep watch over him, she did not doubth Hugo but he can't help him to stand or walk and she know Seiichi and Akai is busy, really busy so the last resort is Kaito.

Shinichi phone keep beeping, he cut all of ties and ignored Ran phone and message, he manged to steal her key to Kudo mansion so she can't enter the mansion and that did not stop her to visit the mansion, she even beg Seiichi to let her enter the house but he firmly rejected it, Seiichi explained to Ran that Kudo mansion is dangerous for her to visit so please do not visit anymore.Seiichi also drop out from the school along with his brother.

Shinichi look at Ran back from the window in his wheelchair, it was a life, Seiichi know about this and it make him... he didn't know what kind of feeling but it more into a defeat that Seiichi is true. Soon, Ran and other gonna graduation and enter the university make a new friend and meet another person while he got locked into the stream of time with no sure, it was unfair for her to wait for him to come back. 

He snap back to reality when Shinichi phone is ringing, Kaito turn off the phone just like he can read his mind wanting to end this relationship with her.

"Is it selfish of me,Kuroba?" Shinichi ask

"No... it a safe option..." Kaito answer kneel infront of him,"Remember that she is alive, all of your preciosu people is alive and that is the most important thing, you can see her from far away but she still breathing and alive... that is important"

"Alive..." Shinichi murmured

Kaito smile nodd and go to help him theparic again to walk and move, Kaito know that Shinichi can see thorugh his mask so he slip his mask away when they were alone. He will help him whatever it mean to avenge his father, he though he was alone but now he has many people in his side and it thanks to him and Seiichi.

Meanwhile Seiichi in Akai bedroom he look through Hugo only stay silent but he can feel a burning sensation in his eyes by his brother state 

"It's okay.. he will overcome it.." Akai say in his own voice but he still has Okiya Subaru disguised

Seiichi nuzzle in his collarbone,"it hurt.. i can feel his negative feeling, we are twin, we are connected... it hurt" he close his eyes let a strong hand held his body

"I know but he is strong, if he is someone like you talk about then he is fine, he is strong man" Akai assured him

Seiichi sigh nodd,"i need to introduce him to other member..."

"we will think it when he can stand or walk using cane.." Akai answer


After a few week finally Shinichi can walk with help of cane but he still has feeding tube since he need it because his digestive still can't eat a normal 17 years old boy portion so he only can managed to eat a few bread or a porridge in a day. 

Seiichi busy in HQ and meeting about tactic for battling with demon and midless soldier and of course meeting with PSB, FBI, and MI with Mary-san also as she was an ex-MI-6. he will constantly remind his brother name so they know when they meet his brother they have respect in him.

Late night, Seiichi finally go home he saw Akai in Subaru disguised busy with his laptop make him smiled slightly go to him

"Hugo,Onii-sama already sleep?" Seiichi ask noticing his presence

'Not yet,sir... he's reading a book in his room,sir'

"Welcome back.." Okiya greeted him

Seiichi hummed kissed him (A chaste kiss),"I will check on Onii-sama.."

Seiichi go to his brother room knocked the door and enter the room saw his brother look at him in surprised

"You have not sleep yet, Onii-sama?" Seiichi ask sit in the bed

"And you?" Shinichi ask back

"I did not sleep, i sleep when the sun is rise but since i'm become corporal i did not get much sleep so i sleep when i rest" Seiichi explained with soft smile,"What are you thinking about until late night, dear brother?"

"How-" He surprised but only got a raised eyebrow from his twin,he sigh closed his book,"You  know that our relationship did not go well,aren't you..."

"I apologize but it is true... a relationship with secret can not last enough" Seiichi reasoned make his brother chuckled without humor,"Onii-sama, let me remember you, Japan already become Warzone among us... you shall move forward into future or stay in the past driven and engulfe in the guilt?" Seiichi stand up from the bed,"It is your choice... good night dear brother"

He left Shinichi left alone in the room. Shinichi chuckled, he know why his subbordinate has a strong respect in him, why the people in Govenrment agency has respect in him but he never experience himself but now he experience by himself, he speak stright into his senstive spot and yet it nor hurt but he speak a word that he need to know, he need to hear at the moment.


On morning, Shinichi wake up by someone brushing his hair in comfort make him comfy but then he slowly open his eyes saw a violet eye look at him

"Good morning,sleeping beauty" Kaito greet him with grin

Shinichi sigh,"good morning,Kuroba..."

"You want walk to toilet alone?" Kaito ask give his cane to Shinichi and of course coffee

"Yeah... i can't stay in here anymore" Shinichi say

Kaito only wait in front of the bathroom door in case something happen until he come out from the bathroom then they go to dining room saw Seiichi, Subaru-san in there

"Good morning,Onii-sama" Seiichi greet him politely observe him,"it seem you managed to move around with cane..."

"Yeah, i can't stay stuck in there anymore" Shinichi answer

"So, do you think you can travel to America?" Seiichi ask with amused

"yes? why?" Shinichi ask

"You two got dropped out from the school, why don't you two take an exam under FBI examination so your document not really fake.right?" Kaito point it at Subaru

"I can call Jodie about that... you can do it just like Seiichi do" He nodd

"But she did not know Kudo Shinichi!" He protest got a snorted from Kaito

"Your brother alway mentioned your name at the meeting, she did not know your face but she know you" Subaru say with amused

"But they will ask where Conan go"  Shinichi worried

"Why don't you tell them everything, the people who work with Conan. FBI can fake Conan document..." Kaito speak point his chopstick at him,"besides,Yusaku-san think you may need that for a while"

"And we can give you a civillization permitted.." Subaru nodd

"Then it was decided" Seiichi comfirmed with amused smile

Shinichi only sigh in defeat and now they stand at the iternation washington dulles that always

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