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"Tell it one more time." Susan whined and I shook my head smiling as if she could see me.

"Aren't you tired of the story?" I asked her, I could practically see her rolling her eyes.

"Nope, I have no romance in my life so I'm going to parasite off of yours." she teased and I giggled, recounting last Friday again to her for the third time. Susan's a good best friend, she doesn't get tired of listening even if she's always talking.

"Jesus Christ you're lucky." she mumbled, I chuckled.

"It was just a kiss, wasn't like it was a huge gesture." I said,

"Yeah, but it was your first kiss!" I rolled my eyes,

"Don't remind me, bet it was his like 6th or somethin'." I sighed, she chuckled.

"Jackie that kid's cute but he ain't Alain Delon." I giggled,

"I'll talk to you later Susan, alright? Dustin's comin' over soon." she gasped,

"And I wasn't invited?" she asked dramatically, I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Shut up you're in Houston." she snickered,

"Alright byyyyyyye" she yelled into the phone, stretching out the y.

"Byyyyyyyye." I mimicked laughing. I hung up the phone and made my way to my room, taking off my bonnet and beginning to get ready.


"She's making our school look like the damn zoo." I heard a girl whisper from behind me as I wiped my hands with some paper towels in the girls restroom. I minded my business, if I don't respond they usually leave me alone. Don't want to be the first swing.

"It's them race mixers fault, letting them niggers come to our school." I heard a girl respond as if I'm deaf. I bit my bottom lip as I walked past the three girls and tossed my paper towel in the trash. I thought about saying something, but I need to pick my battles. I didn't feel like getting detention for "traumatizing these poor girls." Like I did when a white girl called me a monkey and I slapped her across the face my first week.

I quickly walked out of the girls restroom and made my way to my locker. I had study hall and needed to make my way to the library before the bell rang. This school is kind of funny, at my old school study hall was basically free roam, but here we have to either be in the library or in the gym. The gym teacher has a bias against colored kids, her husband supposedly has relations with the klan. So I keep my distance. I grabbed a random notebook from my locker and scurried along to the library, making it in just in time before the bell rang. I walked to an empty table in the very back that's hidden behind two bookshelves, the same one Ponyboy chose during our first study session, the one where you'd have to be looking for somebody or the table to see it. I cracked open my notebook and attempted to write my name in calligraphy. Which ended up being just a bunch of cursive blobs.

"Hey," I glanced up and saw none other than Ponyboy. I looked at him like he was crazy as he sat down across from me.

"What're you doing?" I whispered, giggling a bit. We hadn't talked at school in months and everybody had forgotten about it. These two socs girls fought after school the same day which covered our study session, it was rare socs girls ever fought. Sometimes a greaser girl will rock a socs, but socs girl on socs girl? Now that's one rare sight. They usually get their boyfriends to do it for them.

"I'm in History and I'm supposed to come and get some book, " he whispered nonchalantly. I sucked my teeth as he smiled at me,

"I'm serious Ponyboy what're you doing?" I asked, he laughed a bit.

"I dunno I saw ya sittin' over here and I know you like talkin' to me." he said and I grinned in spite of myself, chuckling quietly.

"For future reference of course, are you ever gonna forget that?" I asked, he shrugged, faking to be in deep thought.

"Wasn't plannin' on it, no." he joked. I sighed smiling, placing my head in my hands.

"You need to get out of here Ponyboy, somebodies gonna see you." I warned, he rolled his eyes playfully, but stood nonetheless.

"See ya." he smiled, I waved him off playfully as I went back to my notebook. I tried to sketch some flowers, but they turned out crummy too.


"You ever kiss that girl?" Soda whispered to me as he sat on the couch next to me.

"No," I lied. I don't like lying to Soda, but if I say yes then he'll start asking more questions and then he might slip something to one of the guys.

"Really? You need to kiss your girlfriend." I glanced up behind me to see Two Bit walking into the living room snickering.

"I don't have a girlfriend." I muttered and he laughed sitting on the floor.

"That's not what Steve said." Sodapop gasped dramatically getting up,

"Steve I told you not to tell nobody!" he shouted going to the kitchen, probably where Steve was. I slumped down in the couch, if Two Bit knew then it was only a matter of time before everybody knew. Everybody. And it wasn't even true.

"She blonde?" Two Bit asked teasingly. I shook my head,

"Not even close." I muttered. He arched an eyebrow at me, but went back to the tv.

authors note:
sorry about how short this one is, i'm brain storming ideas for the next chapter i want something exciting :)))

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