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"Okay so he's definitely into you, slightly at least." Susan said to me as we walked to Dustin's house.

"I don't know, maybe he was weird'd out?" I asked her, she rolled her eyes.

"Can you two shut up?" Dustin asked, stopping to turn to us. I bit my bottom lip, watching my mouth to say something snarky and just nodded.

"You know Dustin, just because she rejected you doesn't mean you gotta be so touchy." Susan said to him, my eyes went wide and I looked between Susan and Dustin.

"Fine." he mumbled walking away, I looked to Susan annoyed before calling out for him,

"C'mon she didn't mean it like that!" I yelled after him as he made his way down the side walk. I rolled my eyes at Susan,

"See what you did? Now we got nowhere to hang out." I whined to her, she shrugged,

"It was true." I stifled a giggle,

"Shut up." I smirked.


"Do I need to start dressing up?" I asked Susan as I laid in a starfish position on my bed, looking up at my ceiling.

"Why would ya?" she asked, pulling my books of the shelf and rearranging them to be in rainbow order instead of by size. I shrugged sitting up,

"I don't know, maybe I need to peak his interest more?" she rolled her eyes,

"Jackie you have his interest, besides even if he's white he ain't blind. I'm not one to hand out compliments, but you're really pretty." Susan said, flipping her head from the books to me, I smiled. She was right, she wasn't one to sugar coat. I heard the phone ring,

"Jackie! Will you get it?!" I heard my mom call from downstairs, everyone else in our family was out grocery shopping. Shawn and Vanessa like to go so they can hoard all the snack foods.

"Yeah!" I yelled back,

"One minute." I said quickly to Susan, getting up to go to the phone. I made it to the hallway and grabbed it,

"Hello?" I asked,

"Is this Jacqueline Clark?" sounded like a girl, a teen girl, but I didn't recognize the voice.

"This is she." I responded, I could hear a wave of giggles from the other line. Just great, I hung up the phone. It was nothing new, every once in a while our house would get calls telling us that we're dirty niggers and belong in the zoo. I sighed going back to Susan,

"Who was it?" she asked, shelving Pride and Prejudice.

"Probably someone from school, sounded like a white girl." I said, she nodded.

"Oh, yeah my Momma doesn't dare let our number be in the phone book." she told me, I shrugged.

"That'd be the smart thing to do." I mumbled.

"You think Dustin hates me?" I asked Susan, she scoffed.

"He's still in love with you." she said, I arched an eyebrow and signalled for her to go on.

"I always thought you two would end up with eachother." she went on, I gagged.

"That'd be like datin' my brother, I've known him since I wore diapers." she nodded with a sneaky smirk,

"Nah you'd never like Dustin, you're too caught up in white boys." she teased. I laughed throwing the pillow under my head at her, she dodged it just in time, cackling.


"Johnny said you went on a date man is that true?" Dallas asked turning to me at the drive in.

"Yeah I guess so." I shrugged, the movie wasn't that interesting. Just another movie with a bunch of girls in bikinis.

"With who man? I woulda heard about it if it was a greaser girl. Don't tell me it was a socs or somethin'." Dallas chuckled. I shook my head,

"She ain't neither." I said, he arched an eyebrow.

"She middle class or somethin'?" I shook my head, I'd been keeping Jacqueline's identity pretty quiet. I'd only really told Johnny about her and left her race out of the conversation, I was gonna lie and say she was middle class, but I remembered Dallas' old girl.

"Yeah, but she ain't white." I whispered, Dallas arched an eyebrow, before shrugging.

"Like Heidi man?" That's what his old girls name was.

"Yeah she's a negro." I said, he nodded.

"She hot?" he asked, I nodded. In Dallas terms hot meant anything from pretty cute to stunning and Jacqueline's both of those things and everything between honestly.

"Yeah, she's real hot." he smirked tilting his head.

"Yeah man, Steve's missin' out bein' all angry at negro's and shit." I chuckled and for once I agreed with Dallas Winston.

"Why'd you two break up in the first place?" I asked Dallas, he shrugged.

"I went to jail too much and she got tired of it. Went crazy sayin' she was only a wallet and pair of tits to me, you know what I should call her man. She never could resist me." he said, the last part to himself.

authors note:

Flynn Wilburn as Dallas' Ex/Heidi Loft
ofc dallas would like melanin is that even a question also the just a wallet and tits comment is from an imagine i read a while ago, but can't remember for the life of me. if i remember it i'll come back and edit this chapter to put the books name :)

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