[Miura Sachi]
"I'm telling you, Mei. Suzuki Aiko said that I was dense, and that she and Tetsurou are just friends. I don't know what to think anymore," I told Mei who was on the other end of the line. I rubbed the side of my head as I waited for her reply.
I'm already supposed to be sleeping, but I had to tell someone about my conversation with Aiko or else I'm going to go insane. These thoughts are driving me mad!
"Well, I guess Kuroo likes you then. If he and that Aiko girl are just friends and nothing romantic is happening between them, maybe you should just be straightforward with Kuroo and ask him out."
The way Mei nonchalantly said that as if it were a good idea made my jaw drop.
"What? Why should I do that? Won't I sound desperate? Even so, what if he's just really flirty with me but he likes someone else? Oh my god, imagine the embarrassment," I bit my thumb as I thought it through.
Asking Tetsurou out really doesn't seem like a bad idea, after all, I am in love with him. I'm just afraid if it turns out that he actually doesn't feel the same way about me and we'll be awkward with each other. I don't want us to be strangers because of a stupid reason like that.
"Okay then. So, what if you don't ask him out, but confess your feelings to him first? I mean, have a conversation with him about your feelings towards each other. Then, if he turns out to feel the same way you do with him, ask him out, marry him or whatever," Mei yawned.
I could feel myself smile with what she said. I definitely like the idea of Tetsurou and I officially going out as a couple, and that idea alone is enough to make me screech in happiness.
"Oooh, I like that idea, but uhm... when do you think I should tell him that?" I mumbled, feeling nervous of what I'm about to do.
Telling Tetsurou about me being in love with him will definitely change our relationship, whether for better or for worse. Even so, I'm ready to take that risk. I'm tired of denying my feelings for him, and I want to take action about it already.
I've been in love with him for three long years now, and I think it's enough reason and time for me to confess.
"I don't know. Just tell him that when you two are alone and the atmosphere feels right, so your confession will be romantic and magical and splendid," Mei giggled, and I did too. She's so cheesy, but she has a point.
"Oh my god. I'm really going to do it, Mei. I'm going to tell Tetsurou I love him."
I felt my heart beat faster and my tongue dry up just from imagining how my confession is going to be. I've never done a confession before, and I can't believe that that idiot jerk Kuroo Tetsurou is the guy I would confess to first. Not that I am complaining, though. He's a real... sweetheart.
"Good luck, love. For the mean time, just act normal around him until you confess. Or be flirty with him, maybe he'll understand right away. Anywho, just be honest with your feelings," Mei yawned once more and I just nodded, feeling kind of guilty that I called her while she was sleeping.
"Okay, okay. Anyway, thank you so much. You can go to sleep now, love you," I ended our call and let my body sprawl on my bed, trying to calm my racing heart.
I closed the night lamp on my bedside table, trying to sleep as I forcefully shut my eyes.
Okay. Calm your heart down now, and go to sleep. Do not think of your confession first. Focus on sleeping for now.
Focus on sleeping...
Oh my god, what if Tetsurou doesn't feel the same way about me?! What if I just misunderstood all the situation and he ends up rejecting me?
I'll literally die of shame! Maybe I shouldn't confess after all!
No. You are a strong, confident woman. You are going to tell Kuroo Tetsurou about your feelings, and if he doesn't like you back, then it's alright. It's not the end of the world.
Oh my god, I can't do this. I can't sleep.
"I have to do something. This is no use," I whispered to myself as I sat up straight on my bed.
I glanced at my wallclock, slightly shocked at the time.
I turned on the switch of my bedroom's light and looked around for something to do.
"Okaaay, what to do, what to do," I bit my thumb as I turned around, trying to look for something maybe I can read or fix or whatever.
Oh, there is something I needed to make!
My eyes stopped at the black cat stuffed toy that was sitting on my study desk. It was medium-sized, and had yellow eyes.
I smiled to myself as I walked closer to get it, admiring how this stuffed toy resembled Tetsurou.
"You remind me of my crush, dear stuffed toy. However, there are a few things missing on you..." I told the black cat stuffed toy as if I were a crazy person.
I opened my closet's door and grabbed the sewing kit on the top shelf. I rummaged through my stack of school supplies too, looking for things that I can use to personalize the stuffed toy I was holding.
"Okay, let's get you a makeover..." I sat down on my chair and put the things I grabbed on my desk.
I smiled to myself as I imagined how I can make this cat look more like Tetsurou.
It was missing something very important to Tetsurou, his volleyball jersey.
Around two hours later, I was finally done sewing the mini jersey uniform and wore it on the stuffed toy. It was red with black stripes on the sleeve, a big white number #1 on the middle of the front part. The back of the shirt had "KUROO" sewn on it too, as well as his jersey number #1. I added a little personalized touch to it by sewing a little heart beside his surname.
I extended my hand away from me as I examined how the mini jersey looked on it, but there was still something lacking...
I chuckled to myself once I realized what it was.
"You're not Kuroo Tetsurou if you don't have the messy, bedhead, rooster-looking hair," I said to it as I grabbed a piece of black felt sheet.
A little while later, I was done sewing his rooster-looking hair. I tried my best to copy the real Kuroo Tetsurou hairstyle, and it was worth it.
The black cat stuffed toy finally looks like him. I smiled to myself as I carefully put it inside a gift box I bought. I opened my drawer and grabbed a stationery paper.
I pursed my lips as I wrote a brief birthday message on it, saying: Dear Kuroo Tetsurou, happy birthday, idiot jerk! I got this black cat stuffed toy from the arcade because it reminded me of you so much , so I personalized it more to look like you. It looks like your cat version with your jersey and hair, haha! It took me 15 tokens to get it from the claw machine, so you better like it! Love, Miura Sachi.
I folded the stationery paper and put it beside the stuffed toy inside the gift box. I tied the gift box with a red ribbon, a smile on my face while doing it.
I hope he'll like my gift. It may not be expensive or something he can use everyday, but I put all my heart and effort in making it (and all my effort in trying to get it from the claw machine too).
I looked at my wallclock as I lied down on my bed, feeling the sleepiness and exhaustion already. It took me a few hours to make my gift for that idiot jerk I'm in love with, but it was all worth it.
I closed my eyes with a smile on my face, feeling myself drift off to dreamland.
The school bell finally rang and signalled dismissal. Thank god, because school felt like it was taking forever.
Today is the day I'm going to confess to Kuroo Tetsurou. Later will be the moment of truth.
"Hey, did you get the special requirements from Hayato-sensei already?" I whispered to Tetsurou as we prepared to go to his place to finish the last special questionnaire and tutoring session. It's currently Thursday already, and it saddens me a little to know that later is going to be our last tutoring session.
If Tetsurou doesn't feel the same way I do for him, then this last tutoring session I'm going to have with him is the last time I'm going to be spending time alone with him. It scares me, I don't want Tetsurou to drift away from me...
Tetsurou turned to look at me with a confused look on his face. He slung his bag over his shoulder and poked his cheek with his tongue.
He really needs to stop doing that, it makes him so much hotter than he already is!
"No. I thought you got it from him already," he said in a slightly accusing tone. I squinted my eyes at him before I turned to look around our room. We were the only ones left in the classroom again, because Tetsurou took so long to fix his things.
The atmosphere between me and Tetsurou was weird... it's like there's tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. I just don't know why or what it is.
"No, I thought you got it from him already," I repeated what he said as I leaned down on my desk.
"Okay. So nobody got it from Hayato-sensei then," Tetsurou looked down at me and walked closer, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, feeling my face blush.
"Fine, I— I'll get it from him then," I immediately turned my back on him as I started to walk, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I stopped on my tracks when I heard Tetsurou laugh.
"Why the hell are you laughing?" I asked him with gritted teeth, but Tetsurou just walked closer to me again with a smile on his face.
"Because... because you should've seen the look on your face. You were all red. It's so damn funny," he said in between laughs that sounded so... sexy and cute at the same time.
Ugh. I extremely hate this blushing mechanism! I wish I never had it!
"You're so stupid. I'll go get the requirement from Hayato-sensei," I rolled my eyes at him and started to walk again when he suddenly grabbed my arm. I felt static where he touched me and I immediately took a deep breath.
"There's no need, I was kidding. I actually have the requirements with me now, since I knew you'd forget to get it from him again," Tetsurou whispered to me with my back against him, and I could feel my body freeze for a second.
Tetsurou released my arm and walked away already. I still couldn't move, as if I were really frozen. All I could do is watch the idiot jerk's back as he walked.
"Come now, shortcake. We'll lose precious time," Tetsurou yelled with his back still turned, and I blinked to regain my senses.
He's so stupid... making me freeze like that. Why the hell am I so damn affected by words and actions!?
I cleared my throat before I followed him, walking beside him.
A few arguments and several minutes later, we finally arrived at his house.
"There's one thing that confuses me, Tetsurou. If Aiko left you when you guys were still young, how is Shiro her cat? I mean, you told me that you adopted Shiro two years ago, right?" I elbowed him on his side and he just looked at me, scratching the side of his forehead.
"Oh, that. Well, when Aiko and I were still kids, she had a pet cat exactly like Shiro, but then he suddenly disappeared. She got so sad over it, so I told her I'd look for her lost pet cat. I never found him, but two years ago, when I was passing by the street, a cat that looked like her cat was sitting there. I adopted that cat and told Aiko all about it. Now, that cat's name is Shiro, the one who's always in my bedroom," Tetsurou shyly spoke as he opened their gate.
I just nodded as everything made sense now, following him into their home. I removed my shoes and put it beside where Tetsurou put his.
"Be careful on the step there, you almost hit your head the first time," Tetsurou chuckled as he pointed to the step and I just rolled my eyes at him.
"I know, okay? I'm not blind—"
And as if right on cue, irony proved to be true. I tripped over my feet while I was talking, and out of desperation I held on to Tetsurou's back, gripping his clothes tightly.
"Oh my god, I almost tripped!" I exclaimed, clutching my heart that almost stopped beating from the almost accident.
My eyes widened when I realized that I was still gripping Tetsurou's clothes. I looked up at him who had his trademark Cheshire cat grin while looking down at me.
"Yeah, you almost fell for me," he said in a hushed tone as I removed my grip. I looked away from him as I cleared my throat.
I did fall for you already, you stupid, stupid, sexy man.
There were a few seconds of silence between us while we walked up their stairs.
"Tetsurou, is there nobody home?" I questioned in a hushed tone. I watched Tetsurou's back while we continued to climb up their stairs.
"Yeah. It's just the two of us here right now."
Oh my god, it's just me and him alone in his house right now! I... I feel weird about it!
"Oh. Is– is Tomiko or your parents not around?" I bit my lip, waiting for Tetsurou's answer. We finally reached the second floor, but he suddenly turned to look at me with a smirk on his face.
"Mom's abroad. Tomiko's at work, and so is my dad. I told you, it's just going to be me and you alone," he whispered close to my face, and I felt my knees starting to feel weak.
I nodded hesitantly to his statement as I just followed him into his bedroom.
"Why aren't we using the library?" I asked as I stood by his bedroom's doorway. I just watched as Tetsurou put his bag down on his desk and remove his school blazer in a very... sexy manner.
I gulped as I watched him gesture for me to come closer, feeling my mouth dry up.
"Because, shortcake, the airconditioner and heater in the library is broken. That's why we should study here in my bedroom," Tetsurou pushed his hair back as he spun his chair to look at me, a playful smirk on his lips.
I just continued to stay by his doorway, not moving. It's not because I was afraid or anything... it's just that my feet won't move because of his stare.
I swear to all the gods in heaven that Tetsurou's stare is going to kill me! He's staring at me like he wants to devour me!
Tetsurou looked me up and down before sighing.
"Come on, shortcake. I'm harmless. I'm not going to do anything with you. We're just going to study."
"I know that, idiot. It's not like you can actually harm me," I exhaled loudly as I finally entered his room and closed his door shut, locking it. I walked closer to him and put my bag down on the floor, taking the seat next to him.
"Fine. Let's just get this done and over with," I took a deep breath as I pulled out my pencil case and notes. I could feel Tetsurou's stare at me, so I turned my head to look at him but he just looked away on time.
Seriously, there's this unexplainable tension in the air whenever it's just the two of us. It's hard to breathe when I know we're alone together.
"Have you been getting good scores on our Biology tests?" Tetsurou casually asked as he opened the clear envelope with the special requirements inside.
I just nodded, biting my lip. There was silence again between us, and I find it harder to breathe again.
There are things entering my mind whenever I remember Tetsurou and I are alone, and it's not innocent! Oh god, I should think of something else!
"Great. Let's start, shortcake."
"Oh my god, I think this might be the fastest I've finished answering a questionnaire, Tetsurou!" I excitedly shook Tetsurou's arm while he kept the things inside the clear envelope. He had a small smile while he put it inside his bag.
"Well it should be, because it took us three long hours before you finally understood the lesson by heart," Tetsurou flicked my forehead lightly, making me raise a brow at him.
"If you do that again, I swear I'll bite your finger off," I warned him with my brows furrowed.
A teasing smile crept on his lips.
"I want to see you try," he flicked my forehead again, but this time it was a little bit more painful.
"Ow! You jerk! I swear to god—" I immediately grabbed Tetsurou's hands but he was trying to keep it away from me. He laughed at me while I pulled his hands towards me, and I tried my hardest to suppress my laughter, but I failed.
"Give it to me, you coward!" I yelled, trying to pull Tetsurou's hands towards me, but I was laughing too much that I could feel myself get weaker.
"No! Stop it, are you a monster?!" Tetsurou laughed so I poked his side where I know he's ticklish. He continued to laugh so I grabbed his hand forcefully again, and this time I bit his index finger, hard.
"Ow! Fuck, that hurts!" Tetsurou removed his finger from my teeth and I just continued to laugh at his pain. He blew on his finger that I bit as if it was going to help.
"Bleh, serves you right," I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to let out my laughter.
My laughter got weaker when I noticed Tetsurou staring at me intently, biting his lower lip a little. I felt the butteflies in my stomach flutter violently— but this time, it spreaded out into my whole upper body, making my heart beat quicker.
I slowly stood up from my seat as I stared back into Tetsurou's eyes. He was also starting to stand with a playful smirk on his lips.
"Don't think I'll let you get away with this. You're going to pay for this, shortcake," Tetsurou warned in a hushed tone, and I felt my insides tremble from his deep, commanding voice.
"Ah! No! Please, I'm sorry!" I immediately ran out of his bedroom while laughing from fear, not looking back to see if Tetsurou was following me.
"Yeah, that's right, you better run!" I heard Tetsurou yell from behind me, his laugh following after his yell.
I quickly went out to their back balcony and hid behind their big flower vase, trying to calm my breathing down from the sudden running and fear. I leaned on the wall and looked up at the night sky.
Oh my god, the constellation Cassiopeia is visible tonight! I should tell Tetsurou!
I smiled to myself when I didn't hear any footsteps coming my way.
Okay, great! I lost him. Huh, I guess that jerk sucks at hide-and-seek.
I gasped audibly in shock when Tetsurou suddenly appeared in front of me, his right hand on the side of my face. He was pinning me to the wall while he looked down at me, our height difference showing.
"Did you think you lost me, shortcake? Come on, I would always, always, find my way back to you," Tetsurou leaned down closer to whisper on my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck.
I could feel my heart skip a few beats while my body grew warm with his hot breath. I felt my stomach fall down to my feet upon hearing his raspy, deep voice close to my ear.
The power and effect Kuroo Tetsurou has over me is otherworldly.
Tetsurou and I held our gaze over each other. His hazel cat-like eyes were looking intently at me, my gray eyes meeting his. Our eye contact was making my mind go blank, and the insides of my body trembled with just his intense stare. Tetsurou looked down on my lips as he bit his lower lip. I licked lips as I looked at his, feeling aware of it suddenly.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do, shortcake. I just can't hold myself back anymore."
I felt my heart flutter when Tetsurou suddenly leaned down to put his soft lips on mine, planting a firm kiss on my lips.
Shivers ran down my spine as I felt my heart melt. There was like fireworks inside my body, the feeling of happiness and surprise was exploding inside of my body and head and mind,
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