Valentine POV
"Why'd you leave me, Valentine?" Corey cried to me. "I-I had to go" I said in the urge of tears. It was all white. Everything was white and so bright. Corey was wearing black all black and crying on his knees. "W-why did you leave me" he cried. "I time traveled to meet you" I told him. I didn't know what to do. "Im dead! You knew I was going to die but you didn't tell me! I'm dead Valentine" he told me. "I-I'm sorry Corey. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I wish you didn't die" I told him now starting to cry. He looked up at me. "Is this what you wanted?! Are you happy now?!" He asked me. I cried shaking my head no
"Corey....Corey. Corey!" I woke myself up from my own dream I was sweating and panting like if I had just ran a marathon. "It was just a dream" I told myself. Does Corey hate me? I sat up and remembered the dream. The only odd thing was that Corey looked 20. He didn't look like he did before he died. But It was just a dream. I sighed, I looked at the clock it's 6:18am. I smile remembering it's my birthday then remembering the party Corey threw for me.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when my parents came in loudly with pancakes with a candle on it "happy birthday to you cha cha cha. Happy birthday to you cha cha cha" they sang. I laughed, they sat next to me "make a wish, Valentine" my dad told me. I wish Corey will be okay i thought and I blew out my candles. My parents clapped and cheered I love them "let's go to the kitchen and eat" my mom said. They got up and head out the door. I whined at how early they're making me get out of bed, but I was born at 6:20am and its there tradition to wake me up in the time I was born.
I was exhausted but got up being excited it was my birthday. "Did you have fun at Cara's house?" My mom asked. I then remembered everything that had happened this weekend "it was the best weekend ever" I told her. "I'm glad you had fun" my mom told me. When I finished eating I took a shower and got dressed in acid washed high wasted jeans and a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt with my converse. I grabbed my back pack and kissed my mom goodbye. "After school we're going out for dinner. Your dad and I will be getting off early" my mom told me. "What? I- I was going to go to Cara's house after school" I said. "... Valentine. It's your birthday. Don't you want to spend the day with YOUR parents. We haven't seen you all weekend" my mom told me. She did had a point "alright mom" I sighed and left.
Cara wanted me to go to her house after school and now I don't know how I'm going to do it. I got to school at a good time but Cara wasn't there. I waited by my self sitting in the patio side on the floor. The bell rang and I didn't get to see Cara. I walked in to my first period class. My regular 2015 classroom I felt so sad and I don't know why, I just felt so down like I wanted to lay on the floor and not get up and just let my emotions take control.
But it's my birthday I shouldn't be like this. I should smile and say thank you to the people that say happy birthday to me. But no one knew it was my birthday. No one cared and I didn't care either. I don't like these kids I'm not saying I'm better than them but they make me mad. The way they act, how they're so fake, or judge mental, or when they're plane stupid. I've seen how they do on school work, they're smart probably smarter than me. But right when their friends are around they are different people.
I have Cara in second period and was glad to see her. She hugged me tight "I have your gift at home when you come after school" she told me. "About that... I can't go to your place after school..." I told her. "What?why?" She asked. "My parents are taking me out for dinner and want me home right after school" I tell her. She sighed "what are we going to do. We have to get those pictures out of the camera that you took and you need to give me more details" she told me with a smirk on that last part. "What if we sneak out third period?" I ask. "I don't kno-" Cara was cut off by our teacher starting class.
I think cutting class was the only option we had since she needed to take those pictures back and some other studies she has to do. I usually block her off when she talks about science. I don't understand science what's so ever. I don't know how I have a B+ in that class because I suck. It's like learning a whole new different language I don't understand how people understand but they are lucky they like science.
Cara had third period science and I had English. I had hid in the bathroom and didn't attend English. When is was half way in to third period I went in to Cara's classroom. The teacher noticed me and stopped talking to the class. Everyone was looking at me and I got nervous. Cara saw me and she looked a little worried. "May I help you Valentine?" Mrs Rodgers asked me. "Yes Mr Jeffry needs Cara in the counseling office and to bring her stuff" I lied to her. Mr Rodgers was our Counselor, he was cool but I'm pretty sure he wasn't here today and didn't realize that until after I told her. "Do you have a note?" Mrs Rodgers asked me. My face went red and I felt it. "No ma'am he sent me" I told her. "Alright go on Cara." Mrs Rodgers told Cara. Cara had an expression I couldn't figure out but she walked right passed me and out the door.
I followed her out and caught up to her. "What's wrong with you?" I ask her. She turns around and faces me, she looked mad I have no idea why. "I didn't want to skip school. I have a science test" she told me. I rolled my eyes. "Mrs Rodgers is the most chill teacher here. I'm sure she'll let you make it up" I told her. "Well how are we going to sneak out. They have a new system of no one can get in or out" she told me.
I had already thought of the plan when I was hiding in the restroom. "Let's go through the football field" I told her. She agreed and we left. It wasn't so hard getting out of the school since the janitor left the gate open so we got out and ran before anyone saw us. "See was that so hard" Cara asked me. I looked at her. She was a few inches taller than me. I was 5'4 and she was 5'6 I always felt like a baby around her. I don't know why.
"I've never skipped school before" she told me. "Well now you have something to tell your grandchildren" I laughed and ran she tried catching up seeing who would make it to her house first but she won me.
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