Ice Dragon

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"Hey Sting, Rogue!" The guy who Rogue said was named Gray. Why would my mom ask about him?

"Hey Gray!" They both said with smiles on their faces.

"Where's Frosh and Lector?" Gray asked looking at them with a smile on his face.

"We left them at the house because of school." Rogue replied.

"Okay. So who's this?" He looked at me his head tilting.

"This is Y/N" sting said patting me on the back.
"She was wondering about you."

Great. Why did you say that. Now he's going to think I'm weird.


"My.... My mom was asking about you." I replied to him. I looked at him and it seemed as if he got nervous. Why?

"What... What's your mom's name?" He almost seemed as if he was leaning away from me.

"My... My mom's name is Rose..." he started leaning away even more does he know my mom? "Fullbuster." I finished. He bit his lip from all of his nervousness.

"Rose huh... I haven't talked to her in forever. Not since she ran away from home."

My mom ran away from home??? No she didn't he must be thinking of the wrong person, and yet they have the same last name...

"Well then if you're Rose's daughter then, hi little niece." he had a small smile on his face as he put his hand lightly on my shoulder. I guess I am his niece I mean he would most likely be my mom's brother.

"Hey Ice Princess who are you talking to!!!" It was a guy with salmon pink hair and a huge grin on his face.


Flamebrain??? What kind of a name is that???

The salmon pink haired guy walked over to us only to yell at Gray again.

"Gray put some clothes on your going to scare the girl!"

"Oh yeah well if my stripping habits don't scare her away then you will!"

"Natsu, Gray calm down, calm down." Rogue said as they were getting ready to use magic.

"Besides, she's my niece." Gray finished.

Natsu looked astonished. Well I guess it isn't everyday that an uncle and a niece are about the same age.

"So Rose got a daughter..." he trailed off. By the looks of it their was at least a 20 years difference between the two of them.

"Hey Gray?" I asked trying to get his attention. Has it really been that long since they've talked to each other.

Yeah Y/N?" he looked at me now snapped out of his trance.

I took a deep breath," How old where you when my mom ran away?"

"I was 5."He said that immediately, without a doubt.

"You guys must have been really close." I smiled looking down at the ground.

"Yeah we were. We spent so much time together that it was almost unimaginable." He was speaking softly but his voice was also shaking. I looked up only to notice that Gray had a tear that dropped from his face and it looked like more were about to spill. "After Rose left I never felt the same knowing that it was partly my fault."

Partly his fault? What happened.

He kept speaking even though at times I thought he was going to stop, "And then Deliora came and killed my parents. I felt like I had lost everything." more tears were down his face and they kept coming like a waterfall, they didn't look like they were going to stop anytime soon.

I reached a hand up to my face and noticed that my face was also covered in tears.


We all turned around to see a short man infuriated with a piece of paper in his hand.

"What's wrong Master?" I girl with vibrant red hair and amour asked the short man.

"Ugh! I just received word from the council that a dragon named Freezing Death is on the loose." He took a step in the guild hall to make an astounding leap up to the rail on the second floor, "and they want me to send my strongest wizards to stop her. Erza," The girl with bright red hair looked at him with a confidant look, "Wendy," a girl who looked about the age of 12 with blue hair looked up at him with an almost nervous glance, "and Natsu and Gray. I want all of you to stop this Freezing Death dragon!" they all looked up and nodding as the rest of the guild cheered them on.

After a few minutes of what I guess you could call celebrating Sting, Rogue and I all walked up to the Master.

"Makarov?" Rogue asked not very loudly as if scared to anger him.

"Yes?" Makarov replied as he took a sip of his beer.

"We were wondering if we would be able to go on the quest, with all the others.

"Sure, why not I don't see the problem with it." He put his beer down and looked at us. Then looked at me for a long time. "And who is this?" he said eyeing me.

"This is Y/N. She just joined the guild two days ago." Rogue answered with the slightest smile ever. It was impossible to notice unless you really looked for it.

"Okay well you can go on the request if you wish the more people on the job the better."

"Thank you, Makarov." Sting and Rogue both said in unison, bowing their heads.

We walked away to see the others standing before the door. "Hey you should see if the master will let you guys come with us on this job." Natsu said cocking his head slightly to the right.

"We already did. He said we could come along." Sting said repeating Natsu's actions.

I let out a small chuckle at how the two act around each other.

"Well then, we should head out to fight this monster as fight as possible so everybody meet up at the guild in one hour. If you are late we will leave you behind." Erza said with authority.

"What if you're the one who is late?" Natsu mumbled under his breath, so quietly it was barely audible.

"What was that!?" Erza asked in rage flames in her eyes, clearly knowing what he had said.

"No-Nothing." he said jumping back behind Gray with sweat on his face and nervousness blazing in his eyes.

After that we all left without another word , as Natsu was still sweating. I had a rather boring walk home since neither Rogue nor Sting were with me. It did after all give me plenty of time to think about something I was thinking about earlier. Could Rogue possibly like me. He does after all seem to smile so much more whenever I'm around him, but at the same time maybe he's trying to just be friendly to me. He-He could. Though it didn't really seem possible. Even with all the evidence of him liking me, I still thought he was just being friendly to me, but the thought was still in my mind no matter how hard I tried to push it away.

I arrived at my house quicker than I expected, must have been all the thinking. I open the door to my house, with the thought of going on my first job in the front of my mind.

"Hey sweetie, how was school today?" my mom asked with a different question in her mind.

"It was good and mom I know that that is not what you are concerned with. " I said looking at her  with my eyebrows raised, waiting for her to ask her real question.

"Did you meet Gray?" She asked. Though she never flat out asked me to meet him yesterday, we both know that she wanted me to.

"Yes I did." I said,  not mentioning his habits. If I mentioned those to her she probably wouldn't let me spend any time with him. She did after all run away before he gained his magic power along with his stripping habits.

"Wh-What did y-you th-think about him?" she asked clearly stuttering. Was she nervous about it?"

"He seemed like a good person with some interesting habits." as soon as I said that I regretted it, covering my mouth. Great!

"Yeah he does doesn't he?" she just chuckled. She knew all along.

"I am actually going on a job with him and a few of his friends as well as Sting and Rogue in about an hour." I said, she did need to know why I was gone and I was not about to lie to my mother.

"What kind of job?" was my mom's only question.

"It was a job that Makarov just came in with. A job to kill a dragon who is loose." I didn't bother telling her the details about the dragon, she shouldn't need those yet she asked another question, this time about the dragon's name.

I thought about lying to her, but why would I need to. "Freezing Death." I stated without any worry but my mother was different.

"Y/N whatever you do you are not aloud to kill that dragon no matter what." her voice full of worry, something very rare from her.

"Okay..." I didn't think I had much time so a I left the conversation at that and went to my room to get ready. I quickly got ready then flew out of the house with a quick goodbye to my mom. I walked back to the guild this time with a different thought on my mind. Freezing Death. Why? Why can't I kill the dragon, that was the whole point of the job. Freezing Death. Freezing Death. That kept repeating in my head until I stopped dead in my tracks.

Freezing... Death... No it can't be!!!!

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