Gray Fullbuster

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"Sting! Rogue! There you are!" I say running over to them. It's 20 minutes before first period and I've been searching for them for the past ten minutes.

"Hey Y/N!" Sting and Rogue both say in unison.

I stopped in front of them panting. "Hey... Do... You guys.... Know.... A Gray.... A Gray Fullbuster.

"Gray? Yeah we know a Gray Fullbuster he's actually a good friend of ours." Sting said smiling but at the same time with a concerned face.

He's probably wondering why I want to know about him. "Oh that's good. Can I meet him?" I asked.


"Uhhh..." How do I answer this. Would they thinks it's weird that my mom was wondering about him.  Doesn't matter. " well my mom was wondering about him so I wanted to meet him. "

"Okay sure we'll take you to him right after school. "


The bell.

"Okay well I'll meet y'all here after school, okay?" I said turning away starting to head to my first class, after I talked to Shyla though.

I weaved my way through the crowded hallway as everyone tried to get to class. I had my hand on my bag strap that was slung over my back.

I reached the science hallway and turned down it. Once I got halfway down I made a right into Ms. Jarson's room. In it was about 10 kids with Shyla right in the middle of the room looking through her bag.

Did she loose one of her assignments again. I softly giggle to myself. Shyla is really smart she just isn't well organized I'm surprised she makes all A's with how her room and bag look like.

"So you loose another one of your assignments.?" I half ask half state to her.

She looks at me with one of her smiles. "Of course I did, this is me after all. "

We both giggle a little bit and then I stop. This is serious I need to talk to her about this, but here with everyone around us.

"Can you meet me after school in the cafeteria?" I ask my voice very serious. It clearly scared her, but it scared me too my voice is rarely like this.

"Sure..." She started to give me this why look and I could tell that she was about to speak, but I quickly gave her a look, a look that told her I'll tell you when we get there and then I walkout of her classroom without another word.
I walkout back into the hall, everyone was in class and it was silent. My footsteps echoed in the silent hall bouncing off the walls. I shake my head, the one thing I can't stand is silence. I continue to walk but faster and faster every single step. The silence is killing me, a looked down at my feet all of a sudden the air hitting my face. I was running.

I walk into my class gasping for breath. Buzz! The second bell."What's the matter Y/N? "Rouge asked me he face almost blank. I just smile I know he cares he just doesn't choose to show it in school.

"I just had to talk to Shyla," I reply as soon as I had my breath back.

"I figured but why are you out of breath?" He tilts his head slightly to the right but still remains expressionless.

"I don't like silence and it was too quiet in the hallway." I took my seat as Ms. Allmore glared at me. She doesn't like me... I'm definitely not her favorite out of anyone.

Rogue looked down at his desk and give him that little half smile that is so rare, except for when I'm around he seems to do that a lot. I wonder why? Does he like me? No that can't be, why would anyone like me, I'm just me.

Ms. Allmore walks straight over to me with a giant glare on her face. I instantly got nervous my teeth scraping against watch other. What do you want from me.

"Ms. L/N"she said to me a fake smile creeped up on her face. "Here is your work for the day be careful you were sleeping yesterday you may not know where to go to find the information.

She walked away to bury her face behind her desk starring at the computer screen. How can the computer be that important. "Hey Rogue where do you find the information."

"No talking Ms. L/N!! She glared at me again causing me too jump back to the very back of my seat as I stared down at the assignment in front of me sitting right next to my book taunting me. Sweat starting forming on my face. Why am I even nervous. It's just an assignment.

"Hey Y/N it's page 250." It was Rogue. I let out a sigh at least I know where to start now.

"Thanks" I slowly open my book. I hate history, of all the classes history was me worst subject by far. Nothing stuck in my head at all, I forgot everything instantly, but I don't know why. Maybe it's genetic or it just doesn't work for me but whatever it is I can't do history.


"Shyla!" I said as I ran out of the changing room to see her out on the gym floor stretching.

"Hey Y/N,"she says as I ran over,"so has the new guy kissed you yet."

"I just meet him two days ago what do you mean?!" I lean back pretending to be shocked. This was normal if I had a crush the next day she asked me if I had kissed him. I don't know what's wrong with my friends but none of us are normal. "And his name is Rogue."

"Okay whatever you better work on it, girls are swooning over him."

I roll my eyes I don't care if he gets a girlfriend or not, okay I do care but I want the best for him but she better watch her back. I look over to see Sting and Rogue walk out of the boy's dressing room.

"We should go over and talk to them." I looked back over at Shyla to see her eyeing Sting with a giant smirk on her face. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but why not?

I walk over to Sting and Rogue with Shyla right behind me. I look back to her face really bright red like a cherry. I stopped and she looked at me trying to control her blush. It was slowly working. I turned back around Shyla's face finally under control.

"Hey Sting. Hey Rogue." I said smiling.

"Hey Y/N. Whose your friend." Rogue asked me, his face expressionless.

"This is Shyla." I said turning to face Shyla, only to push her to face Sting and Rogue.

"Hi..." She said rather shyly. This is not the Shyla I know.

"Hey Shyla." Sting said smiling.

"Hi Shyla." Rogue stayed expressionless, if you didn't understand him it would almost seem as if he didn't care.

"Okay class gather round!!!" Coach Lister said. We all gathered around him, he was holding a watch in his hand.

Not again.

"Today we are going to run the mile. It may only be your third day but I don't care you will run!"

Of course we are. We did this yesterday and half the class died.


Gasp. Gasp. Gasp. 8 minutes that's all mine took but it wasn't the best I was third to finish but Sting and Rogue finished in 7 minutes and they weren't even tired. How can I compete with that.

"Hey Y/N you did good." Sting said, I looked at his face, nothing not a bead of sweat anywhere.

"Yeah... Right..." I said between gasps.

"You were third to finish." Rogue said his arms crossed. I looked up to see him looking at the people still running around the track. I felt a slowly blush creep up on my face. He looked so good like that.

"Y/N is something wrong?" Sting asked me looking at the blush on my face.

I shake my head trying to clear the blush and my mind. "I'm fine don't worry about it."

"Okay whatever you say. "


I stood against a stone pillar in the cafeteria waiting for Shyla. I can't keep my magic a secret from her it may break our friendship.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I turned to face Shyla. Her face was bright and happy with a smile, but her eyes gave away how she really felt. Scared.

"It's. I thing that big of a deal, but if I was to keep this from you it could break our friendship." Her smiled disappeared her face turning pale white. "I know how to use magic."

She looked at me shocked.

"And not just the illusion and cheating type of stuff. Like I can use magic that people could only imagine. And I'm not the only one, Sting and Rogue can too.

Color returned to her face and so did her smile. "That's so cool!" She said jumping up and down. I small smile creeped up on my face. Shyla was so funny when she was happy.

"You can't tell anyone okay." I said. As much as magic doesn't seem to be that big of a deal people just don't seem to know about it here. Maybe they just see the guild  as a gathering place and decide not to question it.

"I won't."

"Okay that was all I needed to tell you."

"Okay I need to go home bye!" She ran off in the direction of the buses.

Okay off to the front I go.

"Hey guys!" I said looking at Sting and Rogue.

"Hey you ready to meet Gray.?" Rogue asked me an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah..." What is that supposed to mean that could literally mean anything. Forget it.

"Yeah. Gray has some problems." Sting said smiling a little bit.


"Well let's go then." Sting said.


It felt like we walked for an hour at least, but we made it. We made it to the guild of Fairy Tail.

I put my hand on the door scared of what I was going to see. I pushed the door open slowly and when I saw the inside I couldn't believe my eyes. People were everywhere fighting talking laughing it was an amazing sight.

"So which one is Gray?" I asked while looking around at all the people.

Sting and Rogue both smiled. Rogue pointed at a guy who seemed to be pretty well built and appeased go only be wearing boxers. "That is Gray."


Happy New Years!!!! So I finally got to update this book, sorry that it took so long. Hope you guys had a great Christmas and Happy New Years. I guess you could consider this you New Years present from me. ^_^

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