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In case you're curious as to what I'm listening to as I write haha^^

"Are you sure you don't need anything? Maybe another Tylenol?" My dad offers with his head poked into my bedroom door, pulling it closed slower and slower.

I laugh with a thankful smile. "No, dad. I'm not in any sort of pain. I think the three glasses of water you've brought me in the past five minutes will do nicely." My eyes sparkle teasingly, earning a low chuckle from him.

"Alright alright. I'm going to run some errands so...rest up and rest easy. I'll bring you some of your favorite for dinner tonight." He winks.

"Chic?" I ask with a toothy smile, the thought of my favorite waffle fries and a strawberry milkshake making my mouth water.

"You know it." He responds with a laugh before pausing, "I love you, Lily."

"Love you too, Dad." I reply softly, watching him close the door softly before I sigh, picking up my phone and staring at the blank lock screen, no notifications in sight. Why didn't I just give Dakota my number when he asked for it? Then I'd be able to check up on him without worrying my freaking head off.

I don't have many friends. Maybe I did have a few from high school but only one really stuck. But, unfortunately for me, Symphony is off on some cruise with her parents for another two weeks. Therefore, I am stuck here in bed for no other reason than my dad's paranoia.

Normally, on my Sunday off, I would read or workout or maybe even be the one running the errands for the day. Today, however, I have no other choice than to be house ridden and plagued by inevitable boredom.

Not that being home is all bad. I cannot express my gratitude that I get to be here and out of that stupid elevator. A ghostly kind of pain nags at my side as I remember the stabbing sensation that left only when I passed out cold and woke up in that hospital bed.

As soon as my thoughts wonder to something else, the memory of the pain dissipates. I think about Amelia and how I hope I didn't ruin her weekend by causing stress for her. I know well enough that she's going to have to be responsible for informing the building owner and practically forcing him to fix it. Not that it'll take much convincing considering his cheapskate tendencies have been plastered all over the News.

That's another thing. I still feel slightly baffled that my unconscious face was seen by all those people. Not that many people even watch the News these days so I think I'm good. I still don't think it was a big enough deal to be on television but I guess that's not for me to decide.

I grab my MacBook from my bedside table and carefully open it, opening Netflix and clicking on The British Baking Show. I'm on season four and I'm completely addicted to the accents and extremely extra showstoppers in each episode.

After a couple of episodes, two hours have passed and I've chugged all three glasses of water that have been provided by my father and my bladder is very unsurprisingly full.

I pause my third episode, laying my laptop aside and carefully standing up, my head spinning slightly from my lack of movement today.

Opening my door, I step out into the silence of our small home, feeling overwhelmed by the emptiness for a moment before shaking my head and making a dash for the bathroom.

After I've finished, I check my reflection in the mirror, wincing at the bags under my eyes and the grease in my hair. As disgusting as it sounds, between getting stuck in the elevator, being in the hospital all day yesterday for precautionary tests and then sleeping here until this morning, I haven't had the time to shower.

"Today is the day." I mutter to myself, starting the water and letting the water remain in a nice neutral temperature. I've had enough of feeling boiling hot.

I pull my sleeping shirt and loose shorts off, kicking them to the side as I pull my hair out of it's messy bun and quickly brush the huge knots out, stepping into the stream of water.

I sing to myself a little as I scrub my scalp, smiling a little when I realize Dakota probably never brought that book for his sister home. I'll have to make sure it gets to him.

Stepping out, my body dripping with lukewarm water, I shiver. I make a grab for my large baby pink fuzzy robe and a towel to wrap my hair in and shuffle out of the bathroom, flopping onto my unmade bed with a large sigh, pressing play on my show in the same movement.

I don't know how it happens but I manage to fall asleep once again as I lay there practically naked in my bathrobe and tilting towel atop my head.

My dreams consist of sweating and small spaces. My head being surrounded by a thick mugginess before the walls around me begin to cave in and I feel my limbs being crushed. So let's just say that, when I wake with a start and my eyes blink at the huge four layer cake on the screen, I don't fall asleep again.

When my bedroom door opens, my heart quickens its pace slightly until I see my dad's face and a familiar white and red bag in his hand and a white foam cup in his other.

"I've got the goods." He raises his thick brows at me, earning a chuckle from me as I pause my show. I pull my robe tighter around me, my towel already laying wet limp on the floor.

"You are my hero." I moan happily as I shove a fry in my mouth and take the milkshake happily from his grip, an amused laugh emitting from his lips.

"Woah there, girl." He chuckles, grabbing his own burger and fries from the bag. "You mind if I eat in here with you?" He asks me, already walking around to the other side of my bed and setting down his cell phone on the bedside table.

"Of course. I was hoping I'd have a dinner date tonight and here we are." I smile at him as he chuckles at me again, unwrapping his sandwich as I situate the laptop between us and push play.

"Well I'm honored to be your date tonight. You look ravishing as always." He gives me a crooked grin, his calloused finger picking up a piece of my limp dry hair which I'm guessing is frizzy and sticking up everywhere.

I look down at my bath robe. "I know right? I put in extra effort just for you."

"That's my girl." He winks, taking a large bite from his burger as I take a large sip from my milkshake, the taste of sweet strawberry and the smoothness of the ice cream hitting my tongue. "Now let's see who's eliminated in this episode." He rubs his hands together as we watch the showstoppers be bluntly judged by the spray tanned judge.

"My pleasure."


Hey I'm so sorry that my chapters have been so freaking short. This is what I'm trying for these stories (Snowed In + Trapped In) because I've never written such short chapters. At least not recently.

So here we are.

Also, I apologize that this chapter was pretty uneventful. Read on!

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