Youmu Konpaku

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Requested by SpeedyGonzalesOC

1. The Hakurouken, a family heirloom wakizashi that can cut confusion and is only usable by the Konpaku family.

2. While Youmu is hardly normal, in the sense of being half-ghost, she lacks any of the specific magical powers assigned to most of the cast, making up for it in pure swordsmanship.

3. Her profiles call her "half-baked" in many ways, and also mention that due to her straightforward, simple, and somewhat immature personality, Youmu often gets made fun of or bullied.

4. In Ten Desires Youmu doesn't have a focused shot; holding the fire button while focused instead charges up a Blade Spam that continuously inflicts heavy damage to nearby enemies for a few seconds.

5. When she's playable in the shooting games. She does bring a sword to a danmaku fight.

6. While Youmu is not stupid per se, she seems to have come to the conclusion that thinking too hard about anything is a waste of time. Which may be true, given that she has to deal with Yuyuko every day, and Yukari ever so often

7. Her phantom half, always present and independently visible around her. There's an Asian belief that human souls actually have two parts (Kon and Paku, hence her name).

8. There's the immortal "higher" soul (Kon) that either becomes a ghost, like Yuyuko, or enters the cycle of reincarnation, and the transient "lower" soul (Paku) that animates the body and houses the earthly passions and which could, after death, become an unintelligent evil spirit, such as those seen in Subterranean Animism.

9. Youmu's phantom-half is apparently her higher soul, while her lower soul remains in her human body, giving it life.

10. Her idea of stealth includes standing out in the open with no disguise.

11. Youmu's level of skill is actually quite impressive and she doesn't often brag about it, but she's young and has a poor idea of her own limits.

12. Despite the fact that she serves a ghost and is half one, Youmu is terrified of ghost stories. Made doubly ridiculous by the fact that with the Roukanken, she is one of the very few people actually capable of killing ghosts.

13. Youmu is just one huge scaredy-cat when it comes to imaginary horrors. In one chapter of Oriental Sacred Place she participates in a test of courage and spends most of it running hysterically from people in cheap Halloween costumes. Since she knew perfectly well there was nothing to be afraid of, most of them assumed she was just playing along, but her mistress knew better.

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