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Requested by YumekoTheMaid
Welp I was going to wait for Yumeko to come back...but I guess I'll finish her final request.

1. Sara refers to Reimu as "prey". Definitely not disturbing at all.

2. Both hers and Luize's names are shout outs to characters created by the same artist who created Ellen.

2. She seems another one of those useless gatekeepers. Sara guards the doorway to Makai.

3.She seems to consider humans food

4. Despite being Makai's official gatekeeper, she is a lower stage boss than Luize, an average resident of Makai.

5. Her sprite moves a lot like Letty Whiterock's.

6. Sara was the original spinner.

7. One of her attacks resembles Rumia's Moon Sign "Moonlight Ray".

8. Sara is named after Sara Brownie from Izumi Takemoto's story 水晶の卵 (The Crystal Egg) from the compilation 虹色♪爆発娘♥ (Niji-iro♪Bakuhatsu Musume♥).

9. During the events of Mystic Square the heroine entered a mountain cave that held the door to Makai. Sara was there and attempted to prevent the heroine from entering.

10. Sara is actually implied to be weaker than the residents of Makai.

11. Her theme's title is basically a slightly different worded version of the title of Mystic Square (Magic formation ~ Magic Square).

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