1. Her first name, "Patchouli," could be taken from name of a herb used in perfumes and incense. Her last name, "Knowledge," appears to be a reference to her amount of knowledge, though few other characters seem to have such literal surnames.
2. In IAMP, SWR, and Hisoutensoku, Patchouli's portrait's eyes are purple, however her sprite's eyes are red. They never become purple in any alternate palette.
3. Patchouli was born with asthma.
4. She is the only character so far to have a medical condition.
5. It's said that she wrote all the books in the library of Scarlet Devil Mansion. Wow what does she do with her life
6. Patchouli's weakness and ill health is caused by the build up of arsenic and mercury, which she has to use a lot in magic spells.
7. She has waterproof books that Marisa finds interest in reading in the bath.
8. As of Double Spoiler, Patchouli has had appearances in 9 of the 14 windows games (counting UNL as a standalone). This makes her the third most featured character, behind Reimu and Marisa.
9. Patchouli's Non-Directional Laser was ripped off and later used by Marisa as her normal B-type bomb in Perfect Cherry Blossom, and as a Spell Card in IN and UNL. Further showing that Marisa is a copycat/ZUN is too lazy to give her an original spell card.
10. She's also known as the "One-week Wizard" or the "Wizard of the Week" due to her elemental magics coinciding with the days of the week on a Japanese calendar.
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