I only did SEVEN facts on Mima? Shame on you, past self.
1. Mima contemplates about becoming a Shinto god in her Mystic Square good ending, but decides to take it easy and goes to bother Reimu instead.
2. Despite being present in four out of the five PC-98 games, a fan favorite, and having a significant connection to one of the characters who did make the transition to the Windows series, she has yet to even be mentioned in the the Windows series.
3. She's received a shout-out in the form of Soga no Tojiko.
4. In Curiousities of Lotus Asia, Reimu makes an offhand comment that her shrine was once taken over by an evil spirit, which is what Mima (an evil spirit) once did.
(Wait does anybody know when Mima took over the shrine?? I don't remember that happening in any of the games.)
5. Before Ten Desires, one of the PC-98 music re-release CDs has her on cover.
6. In Urban Legend in Limbo and Hisoutensoku, one of Reimu's alternate colors appears to be a Mima palette.
7. Her excuse for going to Makai in Mystic Square is that tourist devils are "trespassing on her turf".
8. She's racked up a few themes:
Her first theme was which she shared with YuugenMagan in the first game.Complete Darkness, which played during the final showdown of Story of Eastern Wonderland.Reincarnation, her theme from Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, which is arguably one of the fandom's favorite songs.
9. In her Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream ending, she wished that the Full Moon will always be in the sky so that she will be at full power at all times. Yumemi grants it a little too literally, by placing a moon in geosynchronous orbit.
10. In Highly Responsive to Prayers, she used a knife to shoot lasers.
11. Getting revenge on the entire human race is explicitly stated to be her ultimate goal in Story of Eastern Wonderland. Why tho??
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