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(There are no wars in this universe and Schlatt is a normal citizen, Wilbur is the president and Tommy is the Vice President. The dream smp and l'manburg is on good terms)

Narrator POV

“So, our country doesn't have any problems, Thank you and have a nice day everyone.” Wilbur said while heading of the podium. “Any appointments for today?” asked Wilbur while walking ahead of Tommy towards his white house. “No, should I  schedule meetings for you sir?” asked Tommy while writing something on his notepad. “How many times have I told you Tommy to just call me Wilbur.” said Wilbur looking back at the younger, smiling. “Oh, uh yes.” said Tommy looking up at Wilbur who was still looking at him. He looked back at his notepad and said “So, should I?” asked Tommy. “No, and I think you should take a break Tommy. You deserve it.” he said while ruffling Tommy's hair. “Uh, Thank you but I don't think that I should really take a leave.” said Tommy. “Ok, it's your choice, but I think that you are overworking yourself.” said Wilbur looking at Tommy for a moment only to look away and start walking. “Right.” Tommy said, following Wilbur. “So, will you be eating with us?” asked Wilbur, you see everyone in the dream smp ate together, it was like a huge party every night. “No, I won't. Sorry.” said Tommy. “No need to apologize, I understand, it is quite tiring to have to meet everyone after a long day of work.” said Wilbur. Soon they parted ways, Wilbur headed to the White House's dining hall, where everyone would be, and Tommy went back to his house. Tommy's house was a decent looking house, it had two stories and had a basement, beneath the basement was his mine and storage area, along with his villager farm. He had a stable attached to the house along with a farm contains potatoes, wheat, carrots, melon and pumpkins, his house was in l'manburg, the eastern end of it. (Just to clarify, L'manburg in this AU is much bigger than the original one, so it's like ten or twenty times more the original one.) Tubbo's and Ranboo's house was in snowchester, but one of Tubbo's house was just beside Tommy's. Tommy entered his house and changed into normal clothing, he wore a while t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He jumped on his bed and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. He started texting on a group chat with people unknown to the others but quite well known to him, it was his parents... his biological ones. Tommy had a huge secret which no one knew of, except for his biological parents, since the secret was related to his parents. (Bold = Tommy, Italic = Motherinnit, Underlined = Fatherinnit.)

I can't hold the urges any longer.
Don't worry Thomas, we'll send you a shipment soon.
Yes, this one was supposed to some the week before but it is going to arrive late, I need to execute some people it seems.
There is no need for that Father, plus I'm sure the people would enjoy a bit of peace and quite for once.
I suppose, but I don't want my dearest son to wait, also I would be expecting you soon. I hope you would be coming, not forcing you, just making sure that you are willing to come.
Yes, I'm sure Wilbur would not mind if I take a leave, since he has been telling me to take a vacation. Since he thinks that I'm overworking myself.
Well then he must be right, since you do have a tendency to overwork yourself.
I suppose. Well then with that I think I'll take my leave, have a good hunting night mother and father.
Good night my dear Thomas, have a good night.
Good night my dearest son, have a good night.

Tommy placed his phone into his pocket and went to kitchen to grab a small bite. He opened up the the chest and found a variety of fruits, vegetables and meat. “A chicken perhaps? A cooked one wouldn't be as much of a meal as I would like, but I guess it would have to do.” said Tommy, he took out a raw chicken and cooked it up in the furnace. “Blood...I need it.” Tommy murmured to himself, but soon snapped out of his thoughts as the bell rang. He opened up the door and saw a taller figure at the door, “Will, did you need something?” Tommy said, “Can I come in?“ said Wilbur smiling. “Of course, of course.“ said Tommy while moving away from the doorway, as soon as Wilbur stepped in the door slammed behind him, Wilbur was taken back a bit but soon headed into the house, the house was spacious, enough for two people to easily live in, and considering Tommy lived alone this was a fairly big house for him. Wilbur sat on the couch in the living room and soon was joined by Tommy, who offered Will a cup of coffee. “So, why might the president of a great nation be visiting me, a normal citizen at midnight.” said Tommy, while taking a sip from his coffee. “Tommy, you are my brother and my right hand man, you are the vice president of this nation. I don't need a reason to see you, I just felt like coming and seeing my little brother.” said Wilbur. “Oh, thank you.” said Tommy, while looking down at his coffee, he had a small smile appearing on his face. “Thank me for what exactly?” said Will, while looking to the younger who was sitting on the couch next to him. “For visiting me, for caring about me Will, thank you for being there.” said Tommy looking Will in the eyes with a bright smile which Wilbur hadn't seen in ages, he didn't knew how much his small actions meant to Tommy. “Oh, there's no need to thank me Tommy, I will always be there for you. Also please do reconsider my offer of taking a vacation.” said Will while drinking his Coffee. “You know what? I will, can I have a 3 week leave, I want to go somewhere.” said Tommy. Wilbur's eyes lit up with joy, “Yes, absolutely yes, you can take a leave. When do you want it to start?” asked Wilbur. “Tomorrow, I know it's a bit quick, but I really wanted to go somewhere.” said Tommy. “Of course, I'll arrange for your leave.” said Will, he stood up drank all his coffee and placed the cup down. “Bye Tommy, I'll see you soon.” said Wilbur, while heading out of Tommy's house. “Well that went rather smoothly.” said Tommy to himself while closing the door. He went to sleep and woke up the next day, he carried a huge bag full of luggage that was needed for him. He said his goodbyes to everyone else and took his leave, just within a few minutes they all suddenly understood how much they were actually dependent on Tommy, the two hours since Tommy's leaving were just pure chaos, they could really see how everything was not planned, as Tommy was the one who did everything basically, from signing the paper work to scheduling meetings and taking them, he did all of the things it seemed. So Wilbur said that he needed Tommy back, so he gathered the whole of Dream smp and convinced them to go with him to retrieve Tommy. So, they all headed out to retrieve Tommy, Wilbur had a fair idea on how much Tommy would have covered till now so they just followed Wilbur, they soon did see Tommy but he looked serious and was talking to someone over the phone, so they all decided to hide and just listen to the conversation. (Bold = Tommy, Italic = Motherinnit, Underlined = Fatherinnit.) (Tommy has his phone on speaker, so the others can listen to everything that he has been saying and the others are saying.

I'll be there in a day father and Mother.
Nice, I'll be expecting you.
Yes we will hold a ball for celebrating your arrival.
That isn't needed you know? But I do appreciate everything.
Well I want to have a ball, so we will.
Ok, ok. We can have one mother. I'd also like a ball.
Yes, and maybe we can find you a nice person to marry and share the empire with.
Mother! I told you that I'm not looking for a queen right now, besides marrying someone just after my coronation wouldn't be appropriate.
I suppose, well then we'll be waiting for you.
Yes, come home soon Thomas, the empire is excited about your arrival and coronation.
Goodbye Mother and Father
Goodbye Thomas.

Everyone was shocked and confused as to what the younger was talking about. So they all decided to follow Tommy and see what was going on. Soon they reached a huge place, they followed Tommy to a castle and he was let in, they were still hidden. They couldn't just go into the castle without a disguise or something, so they decided to drink the invisibility potion they brought from one of the shops in the empire. The castle was in the middle of the empire, so they had to take a carriage which would bring them to the empire's capital, and so that is how they ended up in front of the castle with Tommy. “Let's drink the invisibility potion and then go in. Make sure not to make a sound or touch anything.” said Techno. “Ok, everyone follow me.” said Wilbur, they all drank their invisibility potion which lasted for a solid 24 hours, and they followed Wilbur into the castle, there was a huge throne room there just in the entrance of the castle, they saw two people sitting side by side on two thrones, and Tommy stood in front of them. The man on the throne was pale and had pale skin, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, the lady on the throne had long blonde hair, pale skin and emerald green eyes. Somehow Tommy looked a lot paler here. (Just a heads-up there is a thing called Telepathy in this universe which can be obtained by a potion by a witch, so right now they all have a Telepathy channel so that they don't have to talk, the Telepathy would be written as italic.) “Thomas, my dearest son. How are you?” said the lady, she stood up along with the man and went and hugged Tommy. Son? What do they mean son? He's my son, not theirs. Said Phil, he was both angry and shocked. “Mother, Father, it's great to see you both again. I still don't understand why I have to go away all the time.” said Tommy, at this point they all had separated from their hug. “My dear Thomas, you can stay here if you want, but you have another life there on dream smp as well, besides I'm sure you love your adoptive family and friends.” said his mother. “Mother, I'll never replace you or father. I do love my adoptive family, but you are my biological family, you'll never be replaced.” said Tommy. “Right, right. We were just teasing you Tommy, so go on and change your outfit now, you are wearing way too much of a  casual wear.” said his Father, “Butler, please carry my luggage will you? And also arrange a pair of clothes for me.” Said Tommy, he walked out of the throne room, he headed through many hallways to his room, still being followed by the other people of the dream smp. He opened a door and went in, of course the others didn't see him change, but he came out looking like a royalty, he wore all black, and a black crown, with black and red jewels on the crown.

Tommy headed out still being followed by the others. They soon reached the throne room again where his mother and father were still sitting. “Ah, now you look like the crowned prince Thomas. Come on, we must go and have our dinner. Maybe we could have a surprise waiting for you as well. Who knows?” said his mother teasingly. “A surprise? Wait. Really?? Is she really here?!” asked Tommy, he overtook his parents and started walking backwards while still inquiring them about the surprise, their only response was to wait till they reached the dining room. They soon reached the dining room, everyone else who was following them was shocked as to how lavish the whole room was, it was a lot better than the dinner and the hall in the White House of L'manburg. They also saw a girl sitting on one of the chairs in the dining hall, her beauty was one to be envious of, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes, she had worn a blackish red dress and had a black tiara with a red jewel in the centre.

“Thomas!” said she, she got up and ran towards Tommy, they hugged for a while and then separated. “Oh, how I have missed you Thomas. It is so good to see you.” said she. “Me too my dearest Fiora, I have missed you more than you could have imagined.” said Tommy. “My dearest fiance, I couldn't wait to see your face again.” she said while sitting on one of the chairs, she motioned Tommy to take a seat beside her, so he did, he went over to the chair beside her and sat down. Soon their meal was served, along with what seemed like a red liquid. He has a fucking fiance?! Not to mention that he is the crowned prince of this huge empire. Said Wilbur to the others. Yes, that is quite shocking, I mean that's his biological parents? Said Techno. Yes, this whole ordeal is quite weird... Said Dream. “So how's your brother Thompson, Fiora?” asked Tommy. “Oh, he's fine, actually his coronation is also coming up, and we would like all of you to be there. It's like a month after Thomas's coronation. His fiancé is also going to marry him in like a month of his coronation, his fiancé Rose, is also doing good.” said Fiora. “Oh, well that's great. My coronation as you know is also coming up in the next week, so I'd like him to be here, my soon to be brother-in-law and his fiancé are also invited, along with the rest of your family of course.” said Tommy. They heard the door open and a man came in, he was panting for breath. “Your highnesses sorry for the sudden intrusion, but we have an important message from the tralifion empire for you empire, the vamparian empire.” said the man. “My dear Thesa, would you like to review it right now?” asked the king. “I think we should Trevor.” said the queen. Now we know his parents' name. Said Quackity. Yes, also the Vamparian empire?? It's like one of the most powerful empires and it's full of... George couldn't continue, Full of what? Asked Tubbo. It's full of vampires Tubbo, it's full of vampires and many more creatures like werewolves, hybrids and many more. Said Foolish, Wait, does that mean Tommy is one of those? Asked Ranboo in utter shock. I don't know, maybe we could find out more over time. Said Bad. Yes, lets just hear now. Said Sapnap. “Wait, wasn't your empire on the brink of war with The Tralifion Empire?” asked Fiora. “Yes, it was like that, but it was like 5 years ago, we did make up later. I mean they are invited to my coronation, why would they be declaring war?” said Tommy. “We can't be sure Thomas, we haven't read the letter yet.” said Thesa. “Then let me open it.” said Tommy. “Ok then, open it.” said Trevor while handing over the letter to Tommy. “Here it goes.” said Tommy, he ripped open the envelope and read out loud.

My dearest friends of the Vamparian Empire,
We are overjoyed to learn that young prince Thomas is soon getting coronated and is becoming the king, just to inform you, we will be arriving six days prior to his coronation. We hope this letter will arrive to you in due time, and we wish you a good night.

The Royal Family of Tralifion.

“Well that's good.” said Thesa. “They're arriving tomorrow.” said Tommy. “It would be great to see them again.” said Trevor. “Wait, were they like given the option to come early?” asked Tommy. “Yes, I'm sure we did gave them an option of coming early, although I didn't think they would really accept it.” said Trevor. “So, they are coming tomorrow.” said Fiora. “I guess they really are.”

2811 words
Part 2 coming soon.

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