Split (Part 2)

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(Niki and Jack don't hate Tommy and haven't tried to kill him, so Tommy likes them.)

Narrator POV

“Who's that?” asked Tubbo in utter shock. “I'm his brother Thompson, I would say it's a pleasure meeting you all but that would be a lie.” said Thompson smiling, he had the same British accent as Tommy's. “You... You two look identical.” said George. “No shit Sherlock, we're twins.” said Thompson. “Oh.” Techno said, he was shocked about this as well. “May I ask, who's the elder twin?” asked Ranboo. “Oh, you must be Ranboo, correct? Tommy is quite fond of you, but never admits. I'm the younger one and the less traumatized one. Tommy or Thomas is 2 minutes older than me. Although I must say, he didn't really have the best life. You all really did fuck him over.” said Thompson. “Brother, do you think we should leave?” said Thomas while taking out his huge wings which were white fading into an orange. “No, it wouldn't be not be suitable for this situation, although it would be much easier.” said Tommy while taking out his wings which were white fading into red. No one really knew that Tommy had a twin, I mean they didn't even know that he had wings. “Let me guess you didn't known that he had wings, is that correct?” asked Thompson, while glaring at the sbi. No one said a word, they were just standing there completely dumbfounded and speechless. “I'll take that a no, some family and friends you are. He never asked anything of you, but what do you do? You manipulate him, exile him and break his trust. He's fucking traumatized, you all really are the worst aren't you? Also that whole speech wasn't for you Ranboo, Puffy, Sam, Niki and Jack you all are great.” said Thompson. “Thank you?” said Puffy. “Brother, I think that's enough. Your other side is showing.” Tommy whispered to Thompson. “But Thomas they all don't deserve to live, they are horrible.” said Thompson. “Its fine Thompson, they don't understand, they keep on repeating the same mistakes.” said Tommy, Thompson was enraged on how his brother could remain so calm at the situation. “Thomas they are-” Thompson was cut of by Tommy giving him a death stare. “Right. Sorry brother.” said Thompson. “Do you think we should explain them about our situation?” asked Thompson? “Not everything, just what would be necessary right now.” said Tommy. “Ok brother. Listen up everyone.” said Thompson, everyone snapped out of their thought and looked at him. “Do you want to know about me and Tommy?” asked Thompson. They all nodded and so Thompson started. “Thomas and me, Thompson Simons were born to the king and queen of a huge empire, so technically we are princes, anyways like I said we were born on 9th April to the rulers of the dark jewel empire, the empire which was given its name because it mostly consisted of dark forests and has a lot of jewels. So when we were 4 some assassins of the neighbouring empire killed our parents, they tried to kill us but only managed to hurt Tommy, Tommy was brave enough to protect me and I didn't get hurt. Of course all good things must come to an end and a witch from the empire which accompanied the assassins cursed Thomas, his soul was merged with mine and I was to live in his body, luckily before she could've made it worse our magicians killed the witch, the only way for our curse to be lifted was for us to truly become one, and becoming one was referring to us truly feeling as one. Feel the same thing, see the same everything was supposed to be the same. And in this moment I guess we were truly one. So now we are supposed to go back to our empire preferably, of course if we can't then we would forcibly have to, since our empire needs us. I'm warning you in advance, you wouldn't want to make an enemy of the Dark Jewel Empire.” he smiled while saying the last sentence, somehow all of this explanation seemed more of a threat rather than a genuine explanation. “Right, not to offend you, and sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries but what did Tommy mean by other side?” asked Ranboo. “Since you are so nice about this, I'll tell you. Does everyone want to know?” asked Tommy, he seemed so serious and regal, much like how he was expected to be as the crowned prince of one of the most powerful empires. “Uh- sure.” said Techno. “Ok, so my family tree is a bit weird so try and keep up with me and understand it. So my great great grandfather married my great great grandmother, who was one of the descendants of the ancient flight community, more of the descendant of the leader of this community or the king. They had my great grandmother who inherited the wings from my great great grandmother, so she was the next ruler of the ancient flight group and our empire, by the way the fight group was known as the elytran empire, anyways the elytran empire and dark jewel became one, so now the elytran empire was now a part of the dark jewel empire. So my great grandmother married a count and had my grandfather. He also inherited the wings, he met a beautiful princess of a neighbouring kingdom and they married, they has my father who also had wings, but now he met a hybrid of a ghast, a blaze, a human and an elytran. Then they had me and Thompson, who inherited all of the abilities, which means we are half ghast, half human, half blaze and have wings. So our other side is basically the nether side of our body, when we are too angry we could turn or start showing our nether side which could turn into a disastrous situation. And yes, only the elytrans have wings so Phil technically is under our rule, and so is your son Micheal and Techno possibly, because my mother was the crowned princess of the nether as an entire dimension, so we will technically rule the sky, the land and the nether. So that's it I guess.” said Tommy, everyone took a moment to digest all of this information that has just been told to them, one bomb after another they couldn't rest. It was mostly a shock to the snowchester inhabitants as they would technically be under Tommy's rule. ,“Also, since I am the second in line to the throne and a part of the council I also have say in things and can make decisions on my own, so I can execute you two you know? Techno and Phil, some brother and father you are. Same goes for everyone else, of course except for Ranboo, Sam, Puffy, Niki and Jack. I particularly hold grudges against Tubbo, Dream, Phil and Techno. There are more people of course but I don't despise them, while these four are despicable in my eyes.” said Thompson.

1189 Words
Part 3 coming soon.

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